The 5 cat breeds that like water the most - Discover them

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The 5 cat breeds that like water the most - Discover them
The 5 cat breeds that like water the most - Discover them
The 5 cat breeds that like water the most
The 5 cat breeds that like water the most

Did you know that there are also cats that like water? That's how it is! And not only do they like it, many of them love to bathe and swim! In many cases this passion is innate, while in others it is necessary to carry out an adequate education and socialization process in which to associate water and baths with positive stimuli.

Keep reading and discover in this article on our site the list of cat breeds that like water, and some more curiosities.

What happens to cats with water?

Why are cats afraid of water? This is one of the most frequently asked questions among cat guardians, and it is that when bath time arrives, this experience can become a complete torture. Likewise, many felines refuse to drink the water from their bowls, leading their humans to wonder how much water a cat should drink. Well, starting with this last point, it should be noted that most cats are attracted to moving water, ideally replacing the classic bowl with a cat water fountain, for example. Surely more than once you have caught your kitty drinking from the tap, right? Well now you know why! That said, a cat weighing around 5 kg should be drinking an average of 250 ml of water per day Depending on its diet, this number can go up or down.

Now yes, what happens to cats with water? Why can't they stand getting wet? There are several theories that consider the reason for this fear, although today there is still no clear and definitive answer. One of the most widespread is the one that alludes to the origin of almost all cat breeds, since the majority comes from desert areas of the Middle East, where water was limited and, therefore, his contact with her. Another argues that the fact of getting completely soaked, making its coat heavier, causes the cat to feel a lack of mobility and agility, making feel trapped, and felines in general hate it when their freedom is compromised.

Despite the above, the evolution of the cat throughout history has meant that this animal comes into contact with water and even needs it to survive, hunting and fishing, so that some have managed to adapt and tolerate it without problems. Therefore, below we show the breeds of cats that like water the most Of course, let us remember that the education received plays a fundamental role in the acceptance of water, especially in bathrooms, so if the animal is not properly socialized or this resource is not properly introduced, its breed does not matter.

Do cats like to be bathed?

In general, no For cats, bath time is not a pleasant experience, precisely because of the sensation we mentioned before. It produces fear and dread in them because they feel held back and immobile. Now, is it possible that cats like baths? Of course! With positive reinforcement and good socialization, a cat can learn to tolerate this moment and even enjoy it. Many tutors make the mistake of forcing their animals, a fact that increases their rejection and significantly impairs the learning of this acceptance. Thus, it is always best to respect the cat's rhythm, let him introduce himself little by little and show him that the bathroom is something positive for him. For a better result, it is important to start when he is a puppy, although if we adopt an adult cat we can also guide him.

1. Norwegian Forest Cat, a cat that loves water

One of the things that most characterizes the Norwegian Forest Cat is its love of water, being one of the cat breeds that are not afraid of water. So much so, that they are even excellent swimmers despite their abundant coat. In addition, as a curious fact we can say that it is one of the oldest feline breeds in the world, since its figure was already recorded in myths and legends of Scandinavian mythology.

The Norwegian Forest Cat is a large cat, which can weigh up to 9-10 kg. Its beautiful coat requires certain care to keep it in perfect condition, such as regular brushing, bathing with the right products and a quality diet, rich in omega 3 and 6. It stands out for its affectionate and protective nature.

The 5 cat breeds that like water the most - 1. Norwegian Forest Cat, a cat that loves water
The 5 cat breeds that like water the most - 1. Norwegian Forest Cat, a cat that loves water

two. Does the maine coon like water? YES

The Maine coon loves water and snow, making it one of the cats that enjoys bath time the most. In addition, we are facing an extremely sweet, affectionate, attentive, friendly and playful feline. Therefore, a perfect entertainment for him is to play with water, either through a cat fountain or through the bathroom or kitchen faucet.

Along with the above, the Maine coon is one of the largest cats in the world, weighing between 6 and 10 kg. Likewise, it has a long and lush coat, which must be brushed regularly to avoid the formation of knots.

The 5 cat breeds that like water the most - 2. Does the maine coon like water? YES!
The 5 cat breeds that like water the most - 2. Does the maine coon like water? YES!

3. Turkish van, a cat passionate about water

If the Turkish van cat is famous for something, apart from its enormous beauty and having different colored eyes, it is its passion for water. This cat likes to bathe, play with water, swim in pools, rivers or lakes. Thus, if you are planning a vacation with your cat in a warm place, with water areas such as swimming pools or beaches, do not hesitate to take it with you! Together you will enjoy unforgettable moments.

Also, this breed of cat tends to get along very well with children because it loves to play, as well as climb high places. Therefore, it is very important to offer adequate environmental enrichment.

The 5 cat breeds that like water the most - 3. Turkish Van, a cat passionate about water
The 5 cat breeds that like water the most - 3. Turkish Van, a cat passionate about water

4. Manx, another cat that loves water

Another cat breed that likes water is the Manx cat, and this feline loves playing with the dropsthat fall from the tap, with the water from the fountains and even bathing and swimming. As with previous races, this desire for water may seem curious despite having one of the most abundant coats but, as we say, they have known how to adapt.

Again, it is important to stress the importance of brushing this cat regularly. In addition, to prevent the formation of hairballs in the stomach, it is advisable to offer m alt for cats.

The 5 cat breeds that like water the most - 4. Manx, another cat that loves water!
The 5 cat breeds that like water the most - 4. Manx, another cat that loves water!

5. Siberian, an excellent swimming cat

The Siberian cat feels like a fish in water! It loves swimming, bathing and, above all, playing This ancient breed is the perfect companion for people who love to go on excursions to explore nature, walk in the mountains or swim in lakes. In addition, we must say that it is one of the hypoallergenic cats, so it can also live with people with allergies.

The 5 cat breeds that like water the most - 5. Siberian, an excellent swimming cat!
The 5 cat breeds that like water the most - 5. Siberian, an excellent swimming cat!

Does your cat like water?

Even if your cat is not one of the above breeds, if you notice that it likes water you should not be surprised or worried, because more and more cats are adapting to contact with it. In addition, we want to highlight that not only purebred cats can be attracted to water, mongrel cats can also can experience immense pleasure during the bath, playing with the water that falls from the tap or swimming, especially if they have been well educated.

Leave your comment and tell us about your experience! Tell us if your cat likes water and what he enjoys the most
