Cat breeds that look like tigers - Top 8 WITH PHOTOS

Cat breeds that look like tigers - Top 8 WITH PHOTOS
Cat breeds that look like tigers - Top 8 WITH PHOTOS
Cat breeds that look like tigers
Cat breeds that look like tigers

Who wouldn't want a pet tiger? Although this is not possible, you can adopt a tiger-like cat. From striped or spotted coat, these house cats can fulfill the dream of many, surprising with their particular coat that makes them striking specimens.

Do you know the cat breeds that look like tigers? In the following article on our site, we will tell you about the most popular ones and you will learn about their most notable features. Keep reading!

1. Bengal cat

We start the list of cat breeds that look like tigers with Bengal cat or Bengal cat (also known as leopard cat), a species developed in the United States during the 1960s.

It is a robust, thick-tailed, medium-sized animal Its hind legs are particularly strong, allowing it to jump great heights and cling easily. As for its head, the Bengal cat is characterized by small rounded ears, whiskers and a pronounced chin, strong and wide jaws, and greenish-yellow eyes.

However, what really stands out in the Bengal cat is its fur, similar to that of tigers or leopards It is distinguished by the presence of rosettes or spots with a contour on the outside in dark tones, while the inside presents brown and golden tones. On the other hand, the base coat can be yellow, cream, ivory, gold and orange

Cat breeds that look like tigers - 1. Bengal cat
Cat breeds that look like tigers - 1. Bengal cat

two. toyger cat

Like the Bengal, the toyger cat is the result of a cross made by man, this time between a Indian stray cat and a Bengal cat. This breed is popularly known as "tiger cat". The tail is long and thick with abundant black stripes, while the fur is short, thick and shades of orange, yellow and gold

This is a very active race that loves to run, jump, play, walk and explore. When adopting one of these specimens, it is necessary to take into account the physical activity they need, otherwise, behavioral problems could arise at home.

Cat breeds that look like tigers - 2. Toyger cat
Cat breeds that look like tigers - 2. Toyger cat

3. Savannah cat

The Savannah cat breed is the result of a cross between a domestic cat and an African serval. And without a doubt it is one of the cat breeds that look like tigers. It appeared for the first time in 1986. These cats are active, agile and curious, they are similar to wild cats, although their character is closer to that of the cat domestic. As for its physical characteristics, it measures up to 60 cm. tall at the withers and weighs up to 25 kg., which is why it is considered the largest domestic cat in the world

Another hallmark of this breed is its very wide, rounded ears that are tilted slightly backwards. The savannah has different shades in the eyes, they can vary between yellow, green and blueIts tail is medium and thin at the tip. The coat, on the other hand, depends on each specimen, but generally has orange and amber tones , accompanied by black stripes and dots, very similar to a tiger's fur or leopard.

Cat breeds that look like tigers - 3. Savannah cat
Cat breeds that look like tigers - 3. Savannah cat

4. Egyptian Mau

The Egyptian Mau is, as its name suggests, Native of Egypt, where in ancient times it was considered a sacred cat, according to the interpretations of innumerable works of art where it appears. This breed has a medium size and a robust body, with well-developed muscle mass. The head is rounded, with a firm jaw and a smoothly contoured profile with pointed ears that are very furry inside.

Among all the cat breeds, the fur of the Egyptian mau stands out for being semi-long and very shiny, with a smoke, silver or bronze color, with dark stripes. The tail is long, thick and tapered at the base. As for his personality, he is an agile and affectionate cat, but at the same time territorial. It is a breed that looks like a tiger and it should also be noted that it does not adapt to low temperatures.

Cat breeds that look like tigers - 4. Egyptian Mau
Cat breeds that look like tigers - 4. Egyptian Mau

5. Ocicat

Also known as ocelot cat or ocicat it is medium to large in size, with males being longer than females. They are characterized by a muscular and solid body, rounded head with a slight elevation from the bridge of the nose to the forehead. Its legs are long and proportionate, while the tail is long and thin, the base being thicker than the tip. As for the ears, they are large, rounded at the tip and with tufts of hair inside.

The fur of these cats, which look like tigers, is fine in texture, with colored stripes and spots that recall the appearance of a wild catAs for the tones, they present dark strands on a light base that can be golden, reddish or brown

Cat breeds that look like tigers - 5. Ocicat
Cat breeds that look like tigers - 5. Ocicat

6. Cheetoh

Another breed of cat that looks like a tiger is the cheetoh cat is a variety that weighs 10 kg. and measures 30 cm. tall at the withers in the adult stage. It has characteristics similar to the ocicat and the bengal cat, although they also have unique and distinctive elements. Among them, he stands out for a kind and affectionate character, despite the fact that he maintains a look similar to that of wild cats.

The cheetoh is a cat with a lot of energy, it is not uncommon to see him running, playing and jumping all day long. In addition, he is very curious, it is normal for him to spend much of his time exploring every corner. The fur of this feline is very similar to that of leopards and tigers. Presents dark spots and lines all over the body, always in dark shades. Their eyes are round and usually light green in color.

Cat breeds that look like tigers - 6. Cheetoh
Cat breeds that look like tigers - 6. Cheetoh

7. Chausie cat

The chausie cat is another energetic variety. It likes to spend time running and jumping, however, when bored it can be a destructive restless thing in the home, so adequate environmental enrichment should always be provided. Regarding its physical characteristics, it weighs up to 10 kg. It has a balanced, robust and muscular body, similar to a wild cat.

Its gaze is attentive, its ears pointed and tilted, while its legs are long. As for the mantle of the chausie, it presents different colors. The most common, however, have a brown body tabby with shades of brown and ocher, black tabby, solid black or silver The coat is short.

Cat breeds that look like tigers - 7. Chausie cat
Cat breeds that look like tigers - 7. Chausie cat

8. Abyssinian

We end the list of cat breeds that look like tigers with the Abyssinian cat looks more like a cougar than a tiger really, thanks to his slender and muscular figure. It is a loving and active animal, as well as intelligent, so it is easy to teach it certain tricks. The head has a gentle curve, its eyes can be seen somewhat apart, in shades amber, yellow, green or blue

The Abyssinian coat is soft and shiny with a medium to long coat. It presents a pattern called ticking, which is distributed in dark bands interspersed with lighter bands, usually brown or reddish.
