10 Dog Breeds That Look Like Lions - With Photos

10 Dog Breeds That Look Like Lions - With Photos
10 Dog Breeds That Look Like Lions - With Photos
Dog breeds that look like lions
Dog breeds that look like lions

There are so many canine breeds that it is sometimes easy to draw resemblance to other breeds, both dogs and other animal species. For example, there are some dog breeds that suspiciously resemble lions, because of their fur, because of their morphology… but why this resemblance? Is it that there are races that come from lions? Or is it mere coincidence that they look so much like these wild cats? The answer is no, in fact a lion is genetically closer to a cat than it is to a dog. Therefore, any resemblance between them is not due to a relationship of kinship, but to other factors. The same is true of races that resemble a bear, whose resemblance is due to purely physical characteristics.

Dog breeds that are often compared to a lion share a number of characteristics. One of the most decisive is their fur, since in practically all of them a long fur appears around the head, like the mane of a lion. Regarding size, there are different sizes depending on the breed, although logically the larger the dog, the more similarity can be drawn with respect to a lion. You want to know more? Keep reading and discover on our site the breeds of dogs that look like lions

1. Tibetan Mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff or Tibetan Mastiff[1] is one of the most popular dogs for its incredible appearance. Depending on the length of its hair, it resembles a bear or a lion, although it is more common to find it with a abundant mane that surrounds the entire head, the same than the king of the jungle. Precisely because of their popularity, in China the price of these dogs has risen to 2 million euros, something totally exorbitant. On our site we always encourage adoption, so we strongly discourage favoring the buying and selling of animals. It is important to remember that they are not a toy, we must be responsible and adopt them thinking that we will be able to cover all their needs, not just their beauty.

Having said the above, and outside of fashion, the Tibetan Mastiff is much more than a popular breed, it is a dog with a long history that has been working as a herding dog for centuries for the nomadic populations of the Himalayas. It gets its name from its exemplary role as a watchdog in Tibetan monasteries. The breed is so old that it is already mentioned by the great philosopher Aristotle in 384 BC

The Tibetan mastiff is a very large dog, being considered a giant breed and can reach about 90 kilograms in weight in its first year of age. This, added to their abundant mane, especially long on the head, makes them really look like domestic lions, since one of the most typical colors is camel or beige, very similar to that of lions.

Dog breeds that look like lions - 1. Tibetan Ma-t.webp
Dog breeds that look like lions - 1. Tibetan Ma-t.webp

two. Chow chow

At first glance, the resemblance that a chow chow has to a lion is noticeable. It is a corpulent dog, with a bulky and wide body, with fur so similar to that of a wild lion that it can even make us doubt whether they are related. But no, as we have already indicated, there is no parental relationship between the dog and the lion.

In addition to its fur, the Chow Chow has other characteristics that could resemble those of a lion, such as its small, rounded ears and its short and flat snout. Another of the curiosities of this breed, and that has nothing to do with its resemblance to the lion, is its incredible blue tongue.

Dog breeds that look like lions - 2. Chow chow
Dog breeds that look like lions - 2. Chow chow

3. Keeshond

Another dog that looks like a lion is the Keeshond, and it is no less!, since it is the result of crosses between the Chow Chow, the Elkhound and the SamoyedTherefore, the result is a dog that looks like a silver chow chow with slightly more pointed ears. It is a medium-sized dog with long and dense fur, which stands out for having it even longer in the face area, this being the main reason why it resembles a lion.

The breed, from Holland and whose origin dates back to the 18th century, has served as a companion dog since its inception, being popularly known as "the people's dog". He stands out for having a cheerful character and always alert.

Dog breeds that look like lions - 3. Keeshond
Dog breeds that look like lions - 3. Keeshond

4. Löwchen or little lion dog

This is a dog breed that is in serious decline, which is why there are fewer and fewer specimens that can be found. However, it is believed that its origins are ancient, since paintings from the 16th century have been found in which very similar dogs appear, although it is not clear if they are of the Löwchen breed or if they are of another similar breed with a characteristic haircut. hair to be like a little lion, the official nickname of the breed.

Although its place of origin is unknown, this dog is currently most appreciated in Europe, specifically in Belgium, France, Germany and Austria, where it has been bred since the 19th century. The breed has been recognized by practically all official bodies, including the International Cinological Federation (FCI)[2].

Of course, the little lion dog could not be missing from this list for obvious reasons: the haircut that characterizes the breed so much. Although we can see it with the whole long coat, the most common is to find it with the lion cut, which consists of leaving the coat of the entire body short except that of the head, the tip of the tail and the feet. So, if you're looking for dogs that look like little lions, here's one!

Dog breeds that look like lions - 4. Löwchen or little lion dog
Dog breeds that look like lions - 4. Löwchen or little lion dog

5. Pomeranian

Although the Pomeranian is very small, especially compared to a lion, there are similar traits between them. For example, in the Pomeranian there is also a mantle of longer hair in the area of the face, which surrounds it, giving it the image of a miniature lion and being the smallest breed that we have mentioned in this article. So here we have another one of the dogs that look like little lions.

However, there are differences between them that give away the Pomeranians, since there are no lions with pointed ears and snouts, distinctive features of the Pomeranian race. These restless pups may look like a lion, but their nervous and playful nature sets them apart quite a bit from these wild cats.

Dog breeds that look like lions - 5. Pomeranian
Dog breeds that look like lions - 5. Pomeranian

6. Shih Tzu

Did you know that "shih tzu" translates to "lion dog" in Chinese? In fact, it is also known by the name of "small oriental lion" due to its physical characteristics, which can be related to those of a lion but in a very small size.

The shih tzu is a dog breed native to the Tibet region, where it worked as a guard dog for homes and families, who cared for it with care and dedication. The fact that it resembles a lion is not mere coincidence, as this trait was enhanced with well-controlled crossbreeding, since if they looked like small lions they could guard places with the fierceness and fortune that guardian lions bring to Chinese culture.

Dog breeds that look like lions - 6. Shih tzu
Dog breeds that look like lions - 6. Shih tzu

7. Leonberger

The Leonberger comes from the German country, being originally from the homonymous German city of Leonberg. It is a Molossian breed that arises from crosses between dogs of the Saint Bernard breed or the dog of the Pyrenees mountains. For this reason, it is a large dog, with a long, brown coat, which makes it another of the dogs that look like lions. In fact, the most common color of its coat is the so-called fawn

Not only does it resemble lions in appearance, because despite its enormous size, it is very agile. It moves with ease at great speed, which is surprising for such a huge dog.

Dog breeds that look like lions - 7. Leonberger
Dog breeds that look like lions - 7. Leonberger

8. Yorkshire Terrier

The yorkshire terrier can also look like a miniature little lion, especially when given a characteristic stripping in which trim the hair on his body, but not the hair on his head, leaving it much longer and more prominent.

His temperament is also leonine, as he is a small dog with quite a strong character. So much so, that it tends to be a dominant dog when it meets other dogs, as well as possessive and territorial, something very typical in lions. For all these reasons, if you are looking for dogs that look like small lions both for their physique and for their character, the Yorkshire is one of them.

Dog breeds that look like lions - 8. Yorkshire terrier
Dog breeds that look like lions - 8. Yorkshire terrier

9. Caucasian Shepherd

When viewing a Caucasian Shepherd Dog, whether in person or in photos or video, it's easy to spot the resemblance to lions. They are giant breed dogs, with an imposing size, reaching almost 80 centimeters in height. That yes, although its robust appearance, its fur and its size may resemble that of a wild beast such as the lion, in character they do not resemble one another at all. This is because the Caucasian Shepherd is considered one of the calmest, kindest and most affectionate dog breeds that exist. Of course, they share with the lions their courage and courage, facing everything without fearing practically anything.

Dog breeds that look like lions - 9. Caucasian Shepherd
Dog breeds that look like lions - 9. Caucasian Shepherd

10. Eurasier

Sharing a family with the Spitz, like the aforementioned Pomeranian, the Eurasier can also look like a lion. This is due to its fur, quite dense and especially long and bushy around its head, with a tail also covered in long fur and very expressive brown eyes.

The Eurasier is a dog that is born from the cross between the Chow Chow and the Wolfpitz, which is why it has similarities with both dogs. Thus, this dog that looks like a lion stands out not only for its beauty, but also for its balanced, affectionate and sociable character.
