15 dog breeds that look like wolves - Origins and characteristics

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15 dog breeds that look like wolves - Origins and characteristics
15 dog breeds that look like wolves - Origins and characteristics
15 Dog Breeds That Look Like Wolves
15 Dog Breeds That Look Like Wolves

Many people believe that dogs are similar to wolves because they descend directly from them, however, some studies are beginning to show that the dog does not really descend from the wolf as was believed. Even so, both animals belong to the genus Canis (just like jackals, coyotes or dingoes) so it is not surprising that they are so similar physically.

If you love wolves, dogs or dogs that look like wolves, you've come to the right place! In this article on our site we will show you 10 dog breeds that look like wolvesDo you want to meet them? Then start browsing, some will leave you speechless!


The wolfdog is a hybrid of a wolf and a dog, usually a gray wolf, so it is not a recognized breed of dog. It is the closest to the wolf of all the dogs that we will see in this list, however, it should be noted that in many countries its possession is prohibited.

In general, the wolfdog is a he althy animal, with behavior more or less similar to the wolf depending on the level of genetic load it possesses. Thus, there are three different levels:

  • Low Charge or low genetic level: between 1% and 49% wolf DNA.
  • Medium Charge or average genetic level: between 50% and 75%.
  • High Charge or high genetic level: greater than 75%. It is the one that most resembles the wolf.
15 dog breeds that look like wolves - Wolfdog
15 dog breeds that look like wolves - Wolfdog

Tamaskan or Finnish Wolfdog

The Tamaskan, also known as the Finnish wolfdog, is one of the dogs that most closely resembles wolves due to its origin. It emerged in the early 1980s as a result of crosses between Siberian husky dogs, Alaskan malamutes and German shepherds The goal was to obtain a dog that was as similar as possible to the possible wolf, but with the character and temperament of the domestic dog. Over the years, some breeders have increased the dog's lupoid genetics by crossing it with gray wolves and other dog breeds considered "wolfdogs." It is not a breed recognized by the International Cinological Federation (FCI).

The appearance of the Tamaskan is impressive, given its enormous wolflike appearance. It measures up to the withers between 60 and 70 cm and its weight ranges between 25 and 40 Kg. The females are smaller than the males. Originally it was considered a working dog and used to pull sleds. It is very long-lived given its refined genetics, the average lifespan of a Tamaskan is between 15 and 20 years

15 Dog Breeds That Look Like Wolves - Tamaskan or Finnish Wolfdog
15 Dog Breeds That Look Like Wolves - Tamaskan or Finnish Wolfdog

Alaskan malamute

The Alaskan Malamute is an ancient dog breed that the Inuit bred as a draft and pack dog. They are extraordinarily strong dogs, as they can carry up to 20 kg of weight for many kilometers (practically half their own weight).

The males measure up to 66 cm at the withers and the females 61 cm. The weight of males can reach 45 kg and that of females 38 kg. Their life expectancy is 10-12 years.

The Alaskan Malamute's coat is very special and requires specific care. Interestingly, when it gets wet it doesn't lose volume. Without a doubt, the Alaskan Malamute has a spectacular wolf appearance.

15 dog breeds that look like wolves - Alaskan malamute
15 dog breeds that look like wolves - Alaskan malamute

Siberian Husky

The Siberian Husky is a large dog, but smaller than the Alaskan Malamute. Males reach 60 cm at the withers and females about 56. In terms of weight, males can weigh about 27 kg, while females about 23. The life expectancy of huskies is 12 to 14 years. Your hair needs constant brushing to remove dead hair.

This is a dog that doesn't tolerate loneliness well, so it needs to be educated from a young age so that it learns to manage it correctly. It is a very affectionate, active and cordial dog that needs a good dose of daily exercise.

15 dog breeds that look like wolves - Siberian Husky
15 dog breeds that look like wolves - Siberian Husky

Czechoslovakian Wolfdog

Another of the most popular wolf-like buts is the Czechoslovakian wolfdog. The Czechoslovakian wolfdog is the result of an experiment carried out in 1955. A German shepherd was crossed with four Carpathian wolves, achieving after several generations a wolfdog fairly balancedThe result was litters of hybrids that could reproduce with each other. The breed was refined until, in 1982, the Czechoslovakian wolfdog was recognized as a national symbol of the former Czechoslovak Republic.

These dogs need to be properly socialized with people and other animals from a very young age. If they are not properly socialized, they tend to be shy and distrustful, with sudden aggressive reactions. It is very hierarchical and if it is not well socialized it can have problems with other dogs and smaller animals. Discover in this other article How to properly socialize a puppy.

His life expectancy is between 13 and 16 years. However, he is prone to hip dysplasia due to German Shepherd genetics. The size of it is large, since the males measure up to 65 cm and the females 60, with a weight of 28 kg and 20 kg, respectively.

15 dog breeds that look like wolves - Czechoslovakian Wolfdog
15 dog breeds that look like wolves - Czechoslovakian Wolfdog

Canadian Eskimo Dog

The Canadian Eskimo Dog, also known as a qimmiq, is a large dog used by the Inuit to pull their sleds. It is considered the oldest dog breed in North America. Its size ranges between 50 and 70 cm at the withers, with males being larger than females. It can weigh between 20 and 40 kg, depending on its gender.

This breed is in decline due to the modern use of snowmobiles in the Arctic. It also happens that they are being replaced by the Alaskan Malamute and Siberian Husky breeds, which are faster, but less resistant.

15 Dog Breeds That Look Like Wolves - Canadian Eskimo Dog
15 Dog Breeds That Look Like Wolves - Canadian Eskimo Dog


The utonagan is an impressive dog of British origin with an incredible resemblance to the wolf. He is a hybrid between 3 races:

  • alaskan malamute
  • German shepherd
  • Siberian Husky

He is an intelligent, friendly, gentle and sociable dog. His life expectancy is 10-15 years. He gets along well with children and gets along with other pets. It is not yet recognized as a breed by any official body. It can reach up to 76 cm in height and weigh 42 kg, with females being smaller than males.

15 Dog Breeds That Look Like Wolves - Utonagan
15 Dog Breeds That Look Like Wolves - Utonagan

German shepherd

The German Shepherd is one of the most popular dogs in the world. Due to their intelligence, strength, perseverance, obedience and disposition, the working genetic lines of the German shepherd are among the most frequently used by firefighters and world order forces.

The life expectancy of the German Shepherd is between 9 and 13 years. It can measure up to 65 cm in height and weigh up to 40 kg. He is a dog with great attachment to the family, especially to children, for which he is a very good guardian

Its physical appearance is what makes it one of the dog breeds that look like wolves, as it has an elongated snout, erect ears, more hair on the neck and tail, as well as a tender and intimidating look at the same time. Both the long-haired and short-haired German shepherds are dogs with an incredible wolfish appearance, especially those with a completely black coat.

15 dog breeds that look like wolves - German Shepherd
15 dog breeds that look like wolves - German Shepherd

Saarloos Wolfdog

The Saarloos Wolfdog is an imposing dog. He measures up to 76 cm in height, weighing 45 kg. Females are smaller.

This breed comes from Holland and was the result of a cross between a German shepherd and a European wolf, so it is one of the results of crosses between dogs and wolves. It has very long legs and its coat is short. In 1981 it was recognized as a breed by the FCI. It is a lively, curious, confident and independent dog. He has an enviable physique.

15 Dog Breeds That Look Like Wolves - Saarloos Wolfdog
15 Dog Breeds That Look Like Wolves - Saarloos Wolfdog


The Samoyed is a dog of Russian origin. The original function of Samoyed dogs was reindeer herding, pulling sleds and keeping their handlers warm at night, sleeping with them.

The Samoyed's coat is dense and long. Males can measure up to 60 cm and weigh up to 32 kg. It is a very old breed, as it is considered that Samoyeds existed 3,000 years ago.

The character of the Samoyed is vivid, playful, friendly and sociable, but alert These characteristics rule it out as a guard dog due to its affability. However, it usually barks a lot when it perceives that someone unknown is invading its territory, which is why it is a good watchman. If properly socialized, he can be a good family dog and get along with other pets. Their life expectancy is 12 or 13 years.

Without a doubt, this is a dog that greatly reminds us of an arctic wolf, which is why we consider it another of the wolf-like breeds.

15 dog breeds that look like wolves - Samoyed
15 dog breeds that look like wolves - Samoyed

Greenland Dog

The Greenland dog is one of the oldest canine breeds in the world It accompanied the Eskimos of Greenland and Canada and was used by them like sled dogs. Due to its origin, it is characterized by being a strong, robust and large dog. It measures between 60 and 68 cm at the withers and weighs between 26 and 32 kg. Their life expectancy is between 10 and 12 years.

Despite their rugged appearance, the Greenland Dog is affectionate, sociable, and highly affectionate. Likewise, he is not prone to barking and loves to be outdoors.

15 dog breeds that look like wolves - Greenland Dog
15 dog breeds that look like wolves - Greenland Dog

Calupoh or Mexican Wolfdog

Although there is still not much data on the exact origin of the calupoh, it is considered that it could have arisen naturally in Mexico from crosses of Mexican gray wolves with different breeds dog'sIt was discovered in the 1990s and since then its origin has been investigated in order to perpetuate the breed. It has not yet been officially recognized by the FCI.

The calupoh is another of the dogs that look like wolves thanks to its genetic origin, which has given rise to a really beautiful appearance and very similar to that of the wolf. It is large in size, 62-75 cm tall at the withers. Its legs are slightly longer in proportion to the rest of the body, its long snout, and its large, upright ears. As for the colors of its coat, which is of medium length, only black or smoky black is accepted.

The Mexican wolfdog is active, very faithful and has a balanced character, although it can be somewhat shy with strangers.

15 Dog Breeds That Look Like Wolves - Calupoh or Mexican Wolfdog
15 Dog Breeds That Look Like Wolves - Calupoh or Mexican Wolfdog

White Swiss Shepherd

Another of the dogs that look like arctic wolves is the White Swiss Shepherd, a beautiful dog with a completely white coat. This dog breed emerged in 1899 and its origin is closely linked to that of the German shepherd, since it was born from the first dog registered as a German shepherd.

The White Swiss Shepherd measures 60 to 66 cm at the withers and weighs between 25 and 35 kg. He is characterized by being muscular, elegant and with proportionate lines. Its coat is dense, of medium or long length, smooth and pure white. As for his character, he stands out for being an intelligent, nervous, protective and shy dog with strangers, which is why he requires adequate socialization from an early age.

15 dog breeds that look like wolves - White Swiss Shepherd
15 dog breeds that look like wolves - White Swiss Shepherd

Belgian Shepherd Tervueren

Although this one is not as similar as the previous ones, the Belgian Shepherd Tervueren is also a dog very similar to the wolf. It is one of the four varieties of Belgian Shepherd that exist and is characterized by its long, smooth and dense coat. It measures 60-66 cm at the withers and weighs between 25 and 30 kg, with the females being smaller.

Its snout is long and its ears are erect, features that wolves also tend to present, and its eyes show a somewhat melancholy expression. It is a very active dog that needs to receive large doses of daily exercise. In addition, he is very protective and territorial, so good socialization is required.

The Belgian Shepherd Goenendael is also very similar to the black gray wolf.

15 dog breeds that look like wolves - Belgian Shepherd Tervueren
15 dog breeds that look like wolves - Belgian Shepherd Tervueren


Lastly, we mention the pomsky as a dog that looks like a miniature wolf. It is a hybrid dog that emerged as a result of the cross between a Siberian Husky and a Pomeranian, so its physical appearance has traits of both breeds. Overall, it looks like a miniature husky, weighing no more than 14kg.

The character of this dog may be more similar to that of the husky, familiar and protective, or to that of the Pomeranian, more dependent and territorial.

Tell us, do you know more dogs that look like wolves?
