Classification of dog breeds according to the FCI

Classification of dog breeds according to the FCI
Classification of dog breeds according to the FCI
Classification of dog breeds according to the FCI
Classification of dog breeds according to the FCI

The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI), known in Spanish as Federación Cinológica Internacional, is the world canine organization in charge of stipulating the standards of each breed of dog, as well as to defend their interests and promote them. In this way, the FCI is in charge of promoting the breeding of purebred dogs through fixed parameters.

Currently, the FCI has a total of 91 member countries and contracting partners, in charge of training their own judges to process the pedigrees of their country themselves, since the FCI does not issue them. On the other hand, the International Cinological Federation recognizes 343 breeds, all of them classified into 10 different groups. In addition to the definitive races, the organization groups in a separate category all those that it has provisionally admitted.

In this article on our site we have compiled all the groups stipulated by the FCI and we have incorporated the different breeds that form them, as well as the country of origin. Read on and discover the dog breed classification according to the FCI.

Dog breeds of group 1

Group 1 established by the FCI is made up of two large sections: sheepdogs and cattle dogs, except cattle dogs Swiss. Each of the sections divides the dog breeds that comprise them by country of origin and welcomes the different varieties found within each breed, if any. In this way, the breeds that are within group 1 of the FCI are the following:


  1. German Shepherd (Germany)
  2. Australian kelpie (Australia)
  3. Belgian Shepherd Dog (Belgium)
  4. Schipperke (Belgium)
  5. Croatian Sheepdog (Croatia)
  6. Czechoslovakian Wolfdog (Slovakia)
  7. Slovak Tchuvatch (Slovakia)
  8. Catalan Sheepdog (Spain)
  9. Mallorquin Sheepdog (Spain)
  10. Australian Sheepdog (United States)
  11. Flat-faced Pyrenean Shepherd (France)
  12. Shepherd of Beauce (France)
  13. Brie Shepherd (France)
  14. Picardy Shepherd (France)
  15. Long-haired Prineo Sheepdog (France)
  16. Komondor (Hungary)
  17. Kuvasz (Hungary)
  18. Mudi (Hungary)
  19. Puli (Hungary)
  20. Pumi (Hungary)
  21. Bergamasco Shepherd (Italy)
  22. Maremma and Abruzzo Sheepdog (Italy)
  23. Dutch Shepherd (Netherlands)
  24. Saarloos Wolfdog (Netherlands)
  25. Dutch Schapendoes (Netherlands)
  26. Polish Plains Sheepdog (Poland)
  27. Polish Podhale Sheepdog (Poland)
  28. Portuguese Sheepdog (Portugal)
  29. Old English Sheepdog (UK)
  30. Border collie (UK)
  31. Bearded Collie (UK)
  32. Short-haired Collie (UK)
  33. Long-haired Collie (UK)
  34. Shetland Sheepdog (UK)
  35. Welsh corgi cardigan (United Kingdom)
  36. Welsh corgi pembroke (United Kingdom)
  37. Carpathian Romanian Sheepdog (Romania)
  38. Romanian Sheepdog from Mioritza (Romania)
  39. Southern Russian Shepherd Dog (Russia)
  40. White Swiss Shepherd (Switzerland)


  1. Australian Mountain Dog (Australia)
  2. Boyero de las Ardennes (Belgium)
  3. Flanders Mountain Dog (Belgium, France)
Classification of dog breeds according to the FCI - Group 1 dog breeds
Classification of dog breeds according to the FCI - Group 1 dog breeds

Dog breeds of group 2

The FCI divides this group into three different sections: Pinscher and Schnauzer, Molossoid and Swiss Mountain and Cattle DogsNext, we show the complete list of all the breeds of dogs that form group 2 of the International Cinological Federation:

Pinscher and schnauzer type dogs

  1. Affenpinscher (Germany)
  2. Dobermann (Germany)
  3. German Pinscher (Germany)
  4. Miniature Pinscher (Germany)
  5. Austrian Pinscher (Austria)
  6. Schnauzer (Germany)
  7. Giant Schnauzer (Germany)
  8. Miniature Schnauzer (Germany)
  9. Dutch smous dog (Netherlands)
  10. Black Russian Terrier (Russia)


  1. Italian Corso Dog (Italy)
  2. Boxer (Germany)
  3. Great Dane (Germany)
  4. Rotweiler (Germany)
  5. Dogo Argentino (Argentina)
  6. Brazilian Row (Brazil)
  7. Shar pei (China)
  8. Broholmer (Denmark)
  9. Dogo mallorquin dog (Spain)
  10. Dogo canario (Spain)
  11. Dogue de Bordeaux (France)
  12. Neapolitan Mastiff (Italy)
  13. Tosa (Japan)
  14. San Miguel Row (Portugal)
  15. Bulldog (United Kingdom)
  16. Bullmastiff (UK)
  17. Mastiff (UK)
  18. Hovawart (Germany)
  19. Leonberger (Germany)
  20. Landseer continental European type (Germany, Switzerland)
  21. Anatolian Shepherd Dog (Anatolian)
  22. Newfoundland, Canada
  23. Karst Shepherd (Slovenia)
  24. Pyrenean Mastiff (Spain)
  25. Spanish Mastiff (Spain)
  26. Pyrenean Mountain Dog (France)
  27. Charplanina Yugoslav Shepherd Dog (Macedonia, Serbia)
  28. Atlas Mountain Dog (Morocco)
  29. Castro Laboreiro Dog (Portugal)
  30. Dog of the Sierra de la Estrela (Portugal)
  31. Rafeiro do Alentejo (Portugal)
  32. Central Asian Sheepdog (Russia)
  33. Caucasian Sheepdog (Russia)
  34. St. Bernard Dog (Switzerland)
  35. Tibet Mastiff (China)

Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs

  1. Boyero de Montana Bernes (Switzerland)
  2. Great Swiss Mountain Dog (Switzerland)
  3. Appenzell Cattle Dog (Switzerland)
  4. Entlebuch Cattle Dog (Switzerland)
Classification of dog breeds according to the FCI - Group 2 dog breeds
Classification of dog breeds according to the FCI - Group 2 dog breeds

Dog breeds of group 3

FCI group 3 includes the terrier dog breeds and divides them into four main sections: large size terriers and medium, small terriers, bull-type terriers, companion terriers. Next, we show the list with all the breeds classified by sections:

Large and Medium Terriers

  1. German Hunting Terrier (Germany)
  2. Brazilian Terrier (Brazil)
  3. Kerly blue terrier (Ireland)
  4. Soft coated wheaten terrier Irish (Ireland)
  5. Irish Glen of Imaal Terrier (Ireland)
  6. Irish Terrier (Ireland)
  7. Airedale terrier (United Kingdom)
  8. Bedlington terrier (United Kingdom)
  9. Border terrier (United Kingdom)
  10. Wire-haired fox terrier (United Kingdom)
  11. Smooth-Coated Fox Terrier (UK)
  12. Lakeland terrier (United Kingdom)
  13. Manchester terrier (United Kingdom)
  14. Parson russell terrier (United Kingdom)
  15. Welsh terrier (United Kingdom)

Small Terriers

  1. Australian terrier (Australia)
  2. Japanese Terrier (Japan)
  3. Cairn terrier (United Kingdom)
  4. Dandie dimmont terrier (UK)
  5. Nerfolk terrier (United Kingdom)
  6. Norwich terrier (United Kingdom)
  7. Scottish terrier (United Kingdom)
  8. Sealyham terrier (United Kingdom)
  9. Skye terrier (United Kingdom)
  10. Jack Russell Terrier (United Kingdom)
  11. West highland white terrier (United Kingdom)
  12. Czech Terrier (Czech Republic)

Bull type terriers

  1. American staffordshire terrier (United States)
  2. Bull terrier (United Kingdom)
  3. Miniature Bull Terrier (UK)
  4. Staffordshire bull terrier (United Kingdom)

Companion terrier dogs

  1. Australian Silky Terrier (Australia)
  2. Toy English Terrier (United Kingdom)
  3. Yorkshire terrier (United Kingdom)
Classification of dog breeds according to the FCI - Group 3 dog breeds
Classification of dog breeds according to the FCI - Group 3 dog breeds

Dog breeds of group 4

FCI group 4 has a single section made up of a single breed known as dachshund or dachshund. This breed is originally from Germany, was recognized by the FCI in 1955 and three types are distinguished depending on their size and service:

  • Standard Dachshund
  • Miniature Dachshund
  • Dachshund for rabbit hunting
Classification of dog breeds according to the FCI - Group 4 dog breeds
Classification of dog breeds according to the FCI - Group 4 dog breeds

Dog breeds of group 5

In group 5 the FCI groups all those spitz and primitive type dog breeds, into seven different sections: Nordic dogs sled dogs, Nordic hunting dogs, Nordic guard and herding dogs, European spitz, Asian spitz and similar breeds, primitive type, primitive type hunting dogs. Here is the list of all the breeds that make up this group, divided by these sections:

Nordic sled dogs

  1. Siberian Husky (United States)
  2. Alaskan Malamute (United States)
  3. Greenland Dog (Greenland)
  4. Samoyed (Russia)

Nordic hunting dogs

  1. Karelian Bear Dog (Finland)
  2. Finnish Spitz (Finland)
  3. Grey Norwegian Elkhound (Norway)
  4. Black Norwegian Moose Hunter (Norway)
  5. Norwegian Lundehund (Norway)
  6. West Siberian Laika (Russia)
  7. East Siberian Laika (Russia)
  8. Russian-European Laika (Russia)
  9. Swedish Moosehound (Sweden)
  10. Spitz norrbotten (Sweden)

Nordic guard and herding dogs

  1. Lapland Sheepdog (Finland)
  2. Finnish Lapland Dog (Finland)
  3. Icelandic Sheepdog (Iceland)
  4. Norwegian Behund (Norway)
  5. Swedish Lapnia Hound (Sweden)
  6. Visigothic Spitz - Swedish Vallhund (Sweden)

European Spitz

  1. German Spitz (Germany)
  2. Italian Volpino (Italy)

Asian Spitz and related breeds

  1. Eurasian (Germany)
  2. Chow chow (Chinese)
  3. Akita (Japan)
  4. American Akita (Japan)
  5. Hokkaido (Japan)
  6. Kai (Japan)
  7. Kishu (Japan)
  8. Shiba (Japan)
  9. Shikoku (Japan)
  10. Japanese Spitz (Japan)
  11. Korea jindo dog (Republic of Korea)

Primitive type dogs

  1. Basenji (Central Africa)
  2. Canaan dog (Israel)
  3. Pharaoh Hound (M alta)
  4. Xoloitzcuintle (Mexico)
  5. Peruvian Hairless Dog (Peru)

Primitive Type - Hunting Dogs

  1. Podenco canario (Spain)
  2. Ibizan Hound (Spain)
  3. Cirneco d'Etna (Italy)
  4. Portuguese Podengo (Portugal)
  5. Thai ridgeback dog (Thailand)
  6. Taiwan Dog (Taiwan)

Dog breeds of group 6

The classification of dog breeds according to the FCI continues with a group that organizes the hound type dogs, trail dogs and similar breeds. All of them are grouped into three different sections, one for each type:


  1. Chien de Saint Hubert (Belgium)
  2. American foxhound (United States)
  3. Black and tan dog for raccoon hunting (United States)
  4. Billy (France)
  5. Gascon saintongeois (France)
  6. Vendean Great Griffon (France)
  7. Great Anglo-French White and Orange Hound (France)
  8. Great black and white Anglo-French hound (France)
  9. Great Anglo-French tricolor hound (France)
  10. Great Blue Gascony Hound (France)
  11. White and Orange French Hound (France)
  12. Black and White French Hound (France)
  13. Tricolor French Hound (France)
  14. Polish Hound (Poland)
  15. English Foxhound (UK)
  16. Otter Dog (UK)
  17. Austrian Black and Tan Hound (Austria)
  18. Tyrol Hound (Austria)
  19. Styrian Rough-haired Hound (Austria)
  20. Bosnian Bristly Hound (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
  21. Istrian Short-haired Hound (Croatia)
  22. Istrian Wire-haired Hound (Croatia)
  23. Save Valley Hound (Croatia)
  24. Slovak Hound (Slovakia)
  25. Spanish Hound (Spain)
  26. Finnish Hound (Finland)
  27. Beagle-Harrier (France)
  28. Briquet griffon vendeano (France)
  29. Gascony Blue Griffon (France)
  30. Griffon of the Nivernais (France)
  31. Griffon Griffon Brittany (France)
  32. Little Blue Hound of Gascony (France)
  33. Porcelane (France), recognized by the FCI since 1964.
  34. Medium-sized Anglo-French Hound (France)
  35. Artisan Hound (France)
  36. Ariege Hound (France)
  37. Poitevin Hound (France)
  38. Hellenic Hound (Greece)
  39. Transylvanian Hound (Hungary)
  40. Italian Wirehaired Hound (Italy)
  41. Italian Flat-Coated Hound (Italy)
  42. Montenegro Mountain Hound (Montenegro)
  43. Hygen Hound (Norway)
  44. Halden's Hound (Norway)
  45. Norwegian Hound (Norway)
  46. Harrier (UK)
  47. Serbian Hound (Serbia)
  48. Serbian tricolor hound (Serbia)
  49. Småland Hound (Sweden)
  50. Hamilton Hound (Sweden)
  51. Schiller Hound (Sweden)
  52. Swiss Hound (Switzerland)
  53. Westphalian Dachshund (Germany)
  54. German Hound (Germany)
  55. Artisan Basset from Normandy (France)
  56. Gascony Blue Basset (France)
  57. Basset Fawn of Brittany (France)
  58. Great Basset Griffon Vendéen (France)
  59. Little Basset Griffon Vendeen (France)
  60. Basset hound (UK)
  61. Beagle (UK)
  62. Swedish Dachshund (Sweden)
  63. Small Swiss Hound (Switzerland)

Trail dogs

  1. Hannover Tracker (Germany)
  2. Bavarian Mountain Tracker (Germany)
  3. Alpine Dachsbracke (Austria)

Similar dog breeds

  1. Dalmatian (Croatia)
  2. Rhodesian Ridgeback (South Africa)
Classification of dog breeds according to the FCI - Group 6 dog breeds
Classification of dog breeds according to the FCI - Group 6 dog breeds

Dog breeds of group 7

FCI group 7 groups together the breeds of pointer dogs and classifies them into two main sections: continental pointer dogs, English and Irish pointers. Below we show the list with the breed classification according to the FCI of this group:

Continental Pointing Dogs

  1. German Shorthaired Pointer (Germany)
  2. German Bristly Pointing Dog (Germany)
  3. German Wirehaired Pointing Dog (Germany)
  4. Pudelpointer (Germany)
  5. Weimaraner (Germany)
  6. Old Danish Pointing Dog (Denmark)
  7. Slovakian Wirehaired Pointer (Slovakia)
  8. Burgos Pointer (Spain)
  9. Braque d'Auvergne (France)
  10. Airege Pointer (France)
  11. Braque du Bourbonnais (France)
  12. French Shorthaired Pointer - Gascony Type (France)
  13. French Shorthaired Pointer - Pyrenees Type (France)
  14. Braco Saint-Germain (France)
  15. Hungarian Shorthaired Pointer (Hungary)
  16. Hungarian Wirehaired Pointer (Hungary)
  17. Italian Shorthaired Pointer (Italy)
  18. Portuguese Retriever (Portugal)
  19. Deutsch langhaar (Germany)
  20. Greater münsterländer (Germany)
  21. Little münsterländer (Germany)
  22. Blue Picardie Spaniel (France)
  23. Breton Spaniel (France)
  24. Font-Audemer Spaniel (France)
  25. French Spaniel (France)
  26. Picardy Spaniel (France)
  27. Drenthe Preacher (Netherlands)
  28. Frisian Retriever (Netherlands)
  29. Wire-haired specimen griffon (France)
  30. Espinone (Italy)
  31. Bohemian Wirehaired Pointing Griffon (Czech Republic)

English and Irish Pointing Dogs

  1. English Pointer (UK)
  2. Irish Red Setter (Ireland)
  3. Irish Red and White Setter (Ireland)
  4. Gordon Setter (UK)
  5. English Setter (UK)
Classification of dog breeds according to the FCI - Group 7 dog breeds
Classification of dog breeds according to the FCI - Group 7 dog breeds

Dog breeds of group 8

The eighth group of the FCI includes all those breeds of hunting retrievers, hunting lifters and water dogs, classified into three sections:

Hunting Retrievers

  1. Nova Scotia Retriever (Canada)
  2. Chesapeake bay retriever (United States)
  3. Smooth Coated Retriever (UK)
  4. Curly-Coated Retriever (UK)
  5. Golden Retriever (UK)
  6. Labrador retriever (UK)

Hunting lifting dogs

  1. German Pointer (Germany)
  2. American cocker spaniel (United States)
  3. Nederlandse kooikerhondje (Netherlands)
  4. Clumber spaniel (UK)
  5. English Cocker Spaniel (UK)
  6. Field spaniel (UK)
  7. Welsh Springer Spaniel (UK)
  8. English Springer Spaniel (UK
  9. Sussex spaniel (UK)

Water Dogs

  1. Spanish Water Dog (Spain)
  2. American Water Spaniel (United States)
  3. French Water Dog (France)
  4. Irish Water Spaniel (Ireland)
  5. Romagna Water Dog (Italy)
  6. Frisian Water Dog (Netherlands)
  7. Portuguese Water Dog (Portugal)
Classification of dog breeds according to the FCI - Group 8 dog breeds
Classification of dog breeds according to the FCI - Group 8 dog breeds

Dog breeds of group 9

The penultimate group collects all those companion dog breeds, and divides them into 11 different sections: bichons and similar breeds, poodle, Belgian Small Dogs, Hairless Dogs, Tibetan Dogs, English Companion Spaniels, Japanese and Pekingese Spaniels, Molossoid Small, Chihuahua, Continental Dwarf Companion and Russkiy Toy Spaniels, and Kromfohrländer. Below we detail the list of dog breeds that make up each of the sections:

Bichon dogs and similar breeds

  1. Curly-coated Bichon (Belgium, France)
  2. M altese Bichon (Central Mediterranean Basin)
  3. Havanese Bichon (Western Mediterranean Basin)
  4. Bolognese Bichon (Italy)
  5. Coton de Tulear (Madagascar)
  6. Little lion dog (France)

Poodle dog

Poodle (France)

Small Belgian Dogs

  1. Belgian Griffon (Belgium)
  2. Griffon bruxellois (Belgium)
  3. Petit brabançon (Belgium)

Hairless Dogs

Chinese Crested Dog (China)

Tibetan Dogs

  1. Lhasa apso (China)
  2. Shih tzu (Chinese)
  3. Tibetan Spaniel (China)
  4. Tibetan Terrier (China)

Companion English Spaniels

  1. Cavalier charles spaniel (UK)
  2. King charles spaniel (United Kingdom)

Japanese and Pekingese Spaniels

  1. Pekingese (China)
  2. Japanese Spaniel (Japan)

Small molossoid dogs

  1. Pug (Chinese)
  2. Boston terrier (United States)
  3. French Bulldog (France)


Chihuahua (Mexico)

Company Continental Dwarf Spaniel

Companion Continental Dwarf Spaniel (Belgium, France)


Kromfohrländer (Germany)

Classification of dog breeds according to the FCI - Group 9 dog breeds
Classification of dog breeds according to the FCI - Group 9 dog breeds

Dog breeds of group 10

In the last group of the International Cinological Federation are the hound dogs, divided into three sections: long-haired or wavy-haired sighthounds, wire-haired sighthounds, short-haired sighthounds.

Long or wavy hounds

  1. Afghan Hound (Afghanistan)
  2. Saluki (Middle East)
  3. Russian Hound for hunting (Russia)


  1. Irish hound (Ireland)
  2. Scottish Hound (UK)

Short-haired sighthounds

  1. Spanish Greyhound (Spain)
  2. Hungarian Hound (Hungary)
  3. Little Italian Greyhound (Italy)
  4. Azawakh (Mali)
  5. Sloughi (Morocco)
  6. Polish hound (Poland)
  7. Greyhound (UK)
  8. Whippet (UK)
Classification of dog breeds according to the FCI - Group 10 dog breeds
Classification of dog breeds according to the FCI - Group 10 dog breeds

Dog breeds provisionally accepted

And to finish the classification of dog breeds according to the FCI, we find the category of dog breeds accepted on a provisional basis. Here are all those breeds that have not yet been definitively accepted and, therefore, cannot apply for the Certificate of Aptitude for International Beauty Champion (CACIB), although they do have access to the FCI titles. This category is not divided into sections like all the previous groups, and is made up of the following dog breeds:

  1. Thai Bangkaew dog (Thailand), would be part of group 5.
  2. Southeast European Sheepdog (Southeast Europe), would be part of group 2.
  3. Danish and Swedish farm dog (Denmark, Sweden), would be part of group 2.
  4. Pastor from Bosnia and Herzegovina - Croatia (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia), would be part of group 2.
  5. Gonczy polsky (Poland), would be part of group 6.
  6. Uruguayan Cimarrón (Uruguay), would be part of group 2.
  7. Russian toy dog (Russia), would be part of group 9.
  8. Australian shepherd stumpy tail (Australia), would be part of group 1.
