My guinea pig is not eating - Causes and what to do

My guinea pig is not eating - Causes and what to do
My guinea pig is not eating - Causes and what to do
My guinea pig won't eat
My guinea pig won't eat

Guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus) are small mammalian rodents that have been very popular as pets for decades. It is essential for their he alth to offer them a balanced diet and, for this reason, it is urgent to consult our reference veterinarian if we observe that our guinea pig is not eating.

Precisely, in this article on our site we are going to explain the causes that can explain the lack of appetite in guinea pigs, how you should be an adequate diet and what we should do to solve the loss of appetite. If you love guinea pigs but your guinea pig won't eat, read on!

Problems in the mouth

Guinea pigs' teeth are in permanent growth For this reason it is very important that they wear down their teeth with the help of food. Sometimes this wear does not occur and oral problems arise that, in addition to affecting the teeth themselves, can cause wounds and infections, as well as tartar.

The pain it feels when feeding is responsible for our guinea pig not eating. In these cases we will see that the guinea pig does not even eat hay and even does not drink. It is reason for a quick visit to the vet since, without eating or drinking, our guinea pig can become dehydrated very quickly.

The solution usually goes through a filing of the teeth (always done by the veterinarian), if this is the cause, and a treatment based on antibiotics to fight infection and painkillers to prevent pain. If we follow the instructions of our veterinarian and no complications arise, in a short time our guinea pig should be eating normally.

Respiratory diseases

In some cases we can observe that the guinea pig does not eat or drink or move. It could be going through a respiratory process, such as pneumonia Sometimes, if we look closely, we can see a watery secretion in the nostrils and eyes. This is also a veterinary emergency.

Respiratory problems do not always have an infectious origin. Guinea pigs can also develop tumors, such as adenocarcinoma, which show up on X-rays or ultrasound and produce pneumonia-like symptoms. This type of tumor is quite common in guinea pigs over three years of age. At this point, we must point out the importance of going to a veterinarian specialized in these animals, since there are considerable differences with other more common patients such as dogs and cats.

Based on the results of the tests, the veterinarian will establish the appropriate treatment. In addition, since the guinea pig does not eat when it feels unwell, it is very important to keep it hydrated, helping it to drink and eat.

My guinea pig does not eat - Respiratory pathologies
My guinea pig does not eat - Respiratory pathologies

Digestive problems

Another cause that can explain why guinea pigs do not eat or drink or move is in their digestive system and, at this point, it is important to highlight, once again, the essentials of a correct diet. Not offering the food that our guinea pig needs can cause digestive discomfort that manifests itself, for example, as gas or obstructions

Our guinea pig is not eating and, in addition, we can notice the swollen or hardened abdomen In this situation, pain on palpation or with simple handling. It is reason for veterinary consultation so that this professional determines the cause of the problem. Sometimes a foreign body is responsible for causing an obstruction. With an x-ray or ultrasound, the reason can be determined and treated with medication or intervention.

Vitamin C deficiency

This deficiency causes a disease known as scurvy Guinea pigs, just like humans, are not capable of manufacturing this vitamin in their body, so they must get it from food. Therefore, it is essential to know the list of fruits and vegetables recommended for guinea pigs.

If our guinea pig does not eat enough vitamin C in its food and we do not supplement it, it can develop this disease. Vitamin C is related to the synthesis of collagen, which is a protein involved in the formation of bones, cartilage and connective tissue (skin, ligaments, tendons, etc.). Thus, its lack will manifest itself in the appearance of the following problems:

  • Dermatologic, such as skin color change or hair loss.
  • Weakness of the teeth, which can even fall out on their own.
  • Anemia.
  • Digestive problems.
  • Hemorrhages, with bleeding gums being characteristic.
  • Worse immune system response.
  • Bone fragility.
  • Decreased appetite, the guinea pig does not eat and, as a consequence, we will observe that it loses weight.
  • Lethargy, the guinea pig is not moving.
  • Lameness or imbalance when walking.
  • Abnormal stool.

Any of these symptoms is a reason for veterinary consultation and, in addition to treating it, the solution is to improve the diet by establishing an adequate daily amount of vitamin C.

My guinea pig does not eat - Vitamin C deficiency
My guinea pig does not eat - Vitamin C deficiency

Emotional factors

In addition to the physical aspects that we have exposed in the previous sections, we can find guinea pigs that do not eat or drink or move for reasons such as stress or sadnessThese animals are very sensitive to changes and, if they occur, they can affect them to the point of losing their appetite and spirits.

As we have already highlighted on several occasions, it is very important that our guinea pig eat and drink because, if they don't, they can quickly become dehydrated, hence the importance of going to the veterinary clinic without delay. If this is the problem, we must observe our friend and introduce the improvements that encourage him, such as more attention, company, other food, a larger and/or cleaner bed, etc.

The importance of feeding guinea pigs

Throughout the previous sections we have seen the importance of paying attention to a guinea pig that does not eat and, on occasions, does not drink or move, since a serious pathology may be behind it. Also, as we have been pointing out, it will be crucial to help our guinea pig to stay hydrated and fed.

To achieve this we can supply water with a syringe, always little by little and through the side of the mouth, in the hole behind of the teeth, to avoid choking. As for food, we can encourage her to eat by offering her a porridge or a baby jar, also administered in a syringe (we can add water to make it more liquid).

Of course, we must consult our veterinarian to ensure that the composition of these foods is the most appropriate. Once our guinea pig eats again, his diet should be rich in fiber to help wear down his teeth and, at the same time, favor intestinal transit. Do not forget that guinea pigs are completely herbivorous A correct diet should contain the following foods, expressed as approximate percentages:

  • Between 75 and 80% hay. It has to be their staple food.
  • At most 20% feed (specifically for guinea pigs!).
  • 5 to 15% vegetables, very important that they are rich in vitamin C (such as spinach, cabbage or parsley).
  • Occasional consumption (only as a reward) of fruits and cereals. They should not be given daily.
  • Vitamin C supplement (ascorbic acid) in the dose recommended by the veterinarian.

This would be a model diet for adult guinea pigs. In guinea pigs under six months or pregnant females, it should be adjusted, since the nutritional needs change.
