Diarrhea is characterized by producing very soft stools, even becoming liquidTo know what to do if your dog has diarrhea, you must first find out the cause, which can be: changes in his diet, food intolerance, poisoning, internal parasites, kidney or liver disease, anxiety, stress or, in the worst case, of cases, tumors. For this reason, diarrhea is a symptom that is usually accompanied by other signs that we must find out in order to go to the veterinarian with all the possible information. It is not a disease in and of itself, and should be treated based on the underlying cause.
To check if the diarrhea is the product of a pathology or a simple gastrointestinal problem, we can carry out a series of first aid. Next, in this article on our site, we explain all about diarrhea in dogs, what to do if your dog has diarrhea and when to go to the vet.
How do I know if my dog has diarrhea?
Some much looser stools are the strongest evidence of diarrhea in dogs. It's also normal for bowel movements to be more frequent, so don't get upset if you see that your furry friend hasn't been able to avoid relieving himself at home.
It is also not surprising that softer or more liquid stools are accompanied by other signs such as vomiting, flatulence or fever. If your dog's diarrhea is mild, it will maintain the same mood as always, on the other hand, if it is a little more severe, you will see it more downcast and observe other symptoms such as those mentioned, the presence of blood in the stool, loss of appetite or weightloss.
Types of diarrhea in dogs
Diarrhea in dogs can be classified according to its duration, chronic or acute, or according to the underlying cause:
- Osmotic diarrhea
- Secretory diarrhea
- Exudative diarrhea
- Diarrhea due to motility disturbances
Osmotic diarrhea
It occurs as a consequence of an inadequate absorption of nutrients due to the presence of viruses, intolerance to certain nutrients such as gluten, benign or malignant tumors, chronic inflammatory pathologies of the digestive system… Another reason that can develop diarrhea by osmosis in dogs is poor digestion due to a sudden change in their diet, the consumption of food in poor condition, a cut of digestion, insufficient pancreatic or biliary insufficiency, mainly. Likewise, eating too quickly or eating too much food in one sitting can also cause this type of diarrhea.
Secretory diarrhea
When the animal's body produces more water, gastric juices and mineral s alts than it can absorb, this type of diarrhea develops in dogs. This can occur due to the appearance of bacteria, pancreatic insufficiency, taking laxative drugs or food, or diseases that affect the intestinal mucosa. In these cases, dogs expel bloodless and very liquid diarrhea
Exudative diarrhea
This type of diarrhea develops when the presence of viral or bacterial diseases, for example, produces lesions in the mucosa of the small intestine. In these cases, affected dogs expel what is called "hemorrhagic diarrhea", or diarrhea with blood, pus or a kind of mucus that covers the stool.
Diarrhea due to motility disturbances
It is caused both by intestinal hypermotility, when the digestive system works too fast and absorbs less water, and by a intestinal hypomotility, when reduced movement results in mucosal irritation. This type of diarrhea is usually caused by disorders such as stress or anxiety, thyroid hormone imbalance, or after stomach surgery.
Mixed diarrhea
Of course, diarrhea in dogs can be the result of several factors, leading to secretory osmosis diarrhea, for example, or a combination of all four types. Therefore, at the slightest symptom, we recommend going to the vet.
Why does my dog have diarrhea? - Main causes
As we mentioned before, diarrhea is consequence of a gastrointestinal problem that may have been caused by a number of factors. There is a misconception that dogs have stomachs of steel and can eat almost anything without a problem. Well, the truth is that their stomach is as delicate as ours, and a simple change of diet can lead to an alteration of the intestinal tract. Therefore, it is important to take great care of his diet and offer him what is best for him.
The most frequent causes of diarrhea in dogs are:
- changes to your usual diet
- food intolerance
- internal parasites
- kidney diseases
- liver diseases
- viral diseases
- bacterial diseases
- inflammatory bowel disease
- eat a lot of chocolate
- eat sugar
- eat sausages
- eating junk
- eating spoiled food
- toxic substances
- toxic plants
- swallow an object
- allergies and reactions
- cancer
- internal tumors
- medication
- anxiety
- nerves
- stress

My dog has diarrhea and vomiting
We have already said that it is common to observe vomiting and diarrhea in dogs at the same time. The causes that can justify the presence of both symptoms are practically the same as those mentioned in the previous section, since these signs usually appear as a consequence of damage to the digestive system. Thus, it is common for them to occur in cases of:
- Viral or bacterial infections. Parvovirus and distemper, for example, produce a severe picture of vomiting and diarrhea in dogs, which is why it is essential to go to the vet as soon as possible.
- Food allergies or intolerances. As it happens in us, when a dog has an allergy or intolerance to a food, the main symptoms are vomiting and diarrhea. It will be enough to detect the food that produces them to eliminate it from your diet.
- Poisoning, either due to poisoning in dogs or due to the ingestion of any toxic product for them.
- Parasites. Serious internal parasites usually cause diarrhea in dogs accompanied by vomiting, as well as inflammation of the abdominal area and even the presence of small white dots in the stool.
- Stress and anxiety. Both disorders can cause serious alterations in the dog's he alth status, such as the symptoms described.
These are not the only causes that can cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs, so we recommend reviewing this other article and visiting a specialist: "Why does my dog vomit and have diarrhea?"
Diarrhea in dogs with blood
Blood in the dog's feces can be the product of overexertion, however, in general, and as we have already pointed out, it is usually related to the development of viral or bacterial diseases. Likewise, we must differentiate between digested blood and fresh blood, since the causes are not the same for both types. Thus, if the dog has diarrhea with black blood, we will be dealing with a case of melena or digested blood, which can occur as a side effect of certain medications, due to the presence from a tumor or after surgery. On the other hand, if the dog has diarrhea with red blood, we will find fresh blood or hematochezia, which is usually caused by parasites, viral diseases such as parvovirus, wounds in the rectum, stress or a poor diet.
Again, in these cases it is necessary to visit the vet, since the causes are very diverse and require treatment.
What to do when a dog has diarrhea? - First steps
The first thing to do if your dog has diarrhea is to look at the color of the stool. If when doing so you notice the presence of blood, pus, mucus or even worms, go to the vet immediately. It is possible that the hemorrhage is due to the same effort made by the animal, however, as many of the causes of diarrhea refer to serious diseases, it is best to try to collect a sample and take it to the specialist Especially if your dog is a puppy, the production of diarrhea may be due to diseases such as parvovirus or distemper.
If there is no mucus, no pus, no worms, even if there is blood, to try to find out the cause of diarrhea in dogs, start treating it and go to the vet with as much information as possible, try to remember if you have made any changes in its diet, you have caught your dog eating in the garbage or it is possible that it has been intoxicated or poisoned. For the latter case, do not hesitate to consult our article on "Symptoms of poisoning in dogs".
Once the stool has been analysed, if there is no blood and you suspect that it may be an intolerance, allergy or a change in diet, the next step will be to perform a fasting from 24 hours in adult dogs and 12 hours in puppies With fasting we refer to not offering any type of food, but all the amount of water it needs, fresh and always clean. It is essential to observe the animal during these hours and ensure that it is properly hydrated, since if it shows rejection of water, apathy or vomiting, you will have to go to the vet.
Watch out! Never medicate your dog without first consulting the veterinarian, since, as we have seen in previous sections, the same medications can worsen the clinical picture if they are not administered correctly.

Treatment for diarrhea in dogs
If your dog has a lot of diarrhea and/or vomits, the specialist will probably decide to hospitalize him to replace lost fluids and minerals and thus combat dehydration. To do this, it will choose to administer serum intravenously Likewise, it will look for the underlying cause that has caused this state in the animal to treat it directly, since, let us remember, Diarrhea in dogs is not a disease, it is a symptom.
When the problem is a food allergy or intolerance, it is recommended to establish an elimination diet to find the food that causes the allergic reaction. To do this, for two weeks, he will only give the dog one type of protein to observe her behavior. If nothing happens, another food will be tried until the problematic one is found. When we talk about giving only one food, we do not mean that the animal should eat only chicken, for example, since it must be accompanied with other foods such as vegetables, fruits or rice. This diet should be carried out under veterinary advice.
Antibiotics and medications for diarrhea in dogs
To treat diarrhea in dogs due to an infection, it will be necessary to use broad-spectrum antibiotics, depending on the type of infection. In cases of diarrhea due to inflammatory bowel disease, the veterinarian will administer immunosuppressants
Of course, we should never give antibiotics for diarrhea in dogs without the authorization of the veterinarian, as this could worsen the clinical picture.
Diarrhea in puppies
In puppies the presence of diarrhea is usually more common than in adult dogs, because their immune system is weaker and they are more susceptible to changes or infections. In this way, diarrhea can even be a side effect of vaccination or deworming In these cases, it usually subsides after 24 hours.
If the diarrhea persists, it may be the result of something more serious, such as the diseases mentioned, intestinal parasites such as tapeworms, intolerances, etc. In general, when it comes to a he alth problem like these, the puppy has diarrhea and other symptoms such as vomiting, apathy, weight loss, fever, blood in the stool, worms… For all these reasons, it is best to go to the veterinarian as soon as possible, and even more so if after 12 hours of fasting the faeces are still liquid or hemorrhaging. Not acting quickly can mean the difference between life or death for the little one.
For more information, don't miss this article: "Diarrhea in puppies - Causes and treatment".
Diarrhea in older dogs
In general, diarrhea in older dogs is not usually the result of a parasitic infestation. Rather, it usually occurs as a result of a change in your diet, because you have eaten something that has made you feel bad or because of some pathology. When dealing with older dogs, it is necessary to visit the veterinarian to establish the exact cause and treat it. As with puppies, older dogs are more susceptible and a severe case of diarrhea could end their life if not treated in time.
How to stop diarrhea in dogs?
Once you have passed the 24-hour fast, and as long as your bowel movements have reduced, you can put the measures we present into practice. To finish cutting the dog's diarrhea you must do the following:
- Soft diet to start Many people wonder "if my dog has diarrhea what should I feed him?", or " What can you give a dog with diarrhea?" Well, the ideal is to opt for light, soft and easy-to-digest foods. Some people prefer to buy canned dog meat, while others decide to cook it themselves. A bland diet to cure diarrhea in dogs can consist of white rice and boiled chicken (always shredded and without s alt). Your vet can help you design the diet.
- Ration the food. It is better to start with small amounts, so you will favor the digestion of the animal. What you should do is give him the same daily amount of food, but ration it into smaller portions throughout the day.
- Introduce his usual diet little by little Gradually, you must integrate his normal diet by adding a little feed every day, always after to see obvious improvements, and never mixed with home cooking. To do this, we can alternate the feedings, offering a little more feed each day, until he returns to normalcy in meals. And if your dog did not consume this type of food, follow the same steps with his usual diet.
- Stools that are light in color and in smaller amounts: don't be alarmed if at first you see that the stools are not as they were before. The cause is soft diet.
- Use probiotics: these are bacteria that help good digestion and promote recovery from diarrhea in dogs. Be careful, they must be special probiotics for dogs or of good quality. For more information, see our article on "Probiotics for Dogs".
- If after 24 hours the diarrhea does not go away, go to the vet immediately.

What to give a dog with diarrhea?
We have already indicated that the best we can offer a dog with diarrhea is a bland diet, based on easily assimilated foods and with astringent properties to favor the hardening of stools. Likewise, we will have to guarantee adequate hydration, offering the animal small doses of water during the day.
On the other hand, isotonic drinks are also an excellent remedy to combat diarrhea in dogs, since they help replenish fluids lost and minerals. To give it to it, we can place it in a bowl or introduce it into its mouth with the help of a syringe without a needle, little by little and without forcing the animal. Stress considerably worsens the clinical picture, so it is important to avoid it at all costs, offering the most relaxed and calm environment possible.
Now, if you are wondering what to give a dog with diarrhea in relation to medication, as we have already mentioned, it should be the veterinarian who determines the necessary antibiotics depending on the cause. The measures mentioned are useful, especially, in mild cases or caused by indigestion, a change in diet or any gastrointestinal disorder of minor concern. When diarrhea in dogs is caused by the development of an infection, feeding or hydration at home will not combat the problem.
Can I use fortasec to stop diarrhea in dogs?
We do not recommend using human prescription medications on dogs. If the diarrhea does not persist, it will be necessary to go to the vet to indicate the best medicine. Remember that sometimes it can be a symptom of a serious illness.
Home remedies for diarrhea in dogs
In previous sections we have already mentioned some measures that we can carry out at home to treat diarrhea in dogs. However, below we share the most recommended home remedies for diarrhea in dogs:
Probiotics for dogs with diarrhea
Probiotics help restore the damaged intestinal flora and restore proper intestinal transit. Currently, we can find natural probiotics for dogs on the market, however, we must know that these strains of bacteria are also present in certain foods. The most suitable for diarrhea in dogs is yogurt, which must be natural and without sugar.
Sugar water
This remedy is really effective when we can't go to the vet right away, as it allows us to combat dehydration caused by diarrhea and vomiting. Another totally valid option is to offer the animal isotonic drinks. Of course, as soon as possible, it is necessary to go to the specialist to administer the serum.
Easily Digestible Foods
Once the fast is over, we can begin to introduce foods that favor the speedy recovery of the dog. To do this, it is advisable to prepare an astringent diet, with foods that are easy to digest but which, in turn, help to harden stools, such as the following:
- Chicken
- Turkey
- White fish
- White rice
- Baked potato
- Pumpkin
- Apple
Rice water
Finally, due to its digestive and astringent properties, rice water is an excellent remedy for regulating intestinal transit and combating diarrhea in dogs. This type of cereal also allows the stool to begin to harden, which is why it is recommended.