My cat gets aggressive at the vet - Practical solutions

My cat gets aggressive at the vet - Practical solutions
My cat gets aggressive at the vet - Practical solutions
My cat gets aggressive at the vet
My cat gets aggressive at the vet

Although there are extraordinarily docile cats, there are others that are nervous and even aggressive in new situations, such as the visit to the vetIf, in addition, these situations have been experienced by the cat before, and have included relatively painful experiences (such as injections), the cat remembers them, which may increase its nervousness. All of this makes the visit to the vet sometimes an unpleasant experience for the cat, its owner and for the specialist himself.

On our site we love cats and their well-being, so we'd like to give you some advice on what to do if your cat gets aggressive at the vet.

Plan the consultation

If your cat is aggressive and doesn't like going to the vet, it's important to make sure he doesn't spend more time than strictly necessary in his clinic, for everyone's benefit. With this we do not mean that a scant and incomplete consultation and physical examination should be carried out, since, as we will see later, the time of consultation and examination of the animal should never be skimped and all the necessary tests should be carried out, regardless of the time required. cost. We were referring to not having to wait too long in the vet's waiting room, since at this time the animal is confined in a carrier, in an unknown place in that there are or have been other cats or even dogs, with which the cat becomes more and more nervous and aggressive.

To avoid this as much as possible, and although there can always be unforeseen delays, it is advisable to call the vet first to make an appointment, informing him of the character of our pet to try to get us an appointment at a time when a great hustle and bustle of work that could cause delays is not foreseen.

Relates the carrier with positive stimuli

Cats are extraordinarily intelligent animals and they know when we're up to something, they also have a better memory than we think. For this reason, and especially if we have had to go to the vet with the cat with some frequency, the animal detects the actions that we usually carry out before taking it to the clinic, such as, for example, taking its he alth card and, obviously, putting it in the carrier, a fact that not only makes the cat aggressive at the vet, but also begins to show this attitude even before leaving home. Therefore, it is advisable to prevent the cat from seeing us make such preparations.

As for putting it in the transport bag, which is completely unavoidable, it is advisable to get the animal used to being in the carrier This is You can get by putting the cat in it on some occasion when he will not leave the house, without anything bad happening, and give him food and treats while he is in it. The goal is to get the cat to associate the carrier with positive stimuli.

If it is a classic carrier, from which the top and the door can be removed, leaving only the lower base, similar to a tray, it may be easier to start by placing it in said tray and, when he agrees to be in it, perform this action with the carrier closed. This serves to make him get used to it as much as possible and not see it as something so negative.

Inserting a recognizable blanket or toy for the cat in the carrier to take with him to the vet can be quite useful.

My cat becomes aggressive at the vet - Relate the carrier with positive stimuli
My cat becomes aggressive at the vet - Relate the carrier with positive stimuli

Relax your cat before going to the vet

There are physical or pharmacological means to partially reduce the cat's anxiety and aggressiveness before going to the vet. Thus, placing some tweezers on the back of the cat's neck, which is where their mother held them when they were puppies, can help calm them down a lot. They sell tweezers available for this purpose in many veterinary centers and specialized stores, although stationery ones can be used, but paying attention so that the pressure is not excessive and can injure the animal's skin. If you have never carried out this practice before and you have doubts, before harming your cat consult your veterinarian so that he can show you how to do it correctly.

There are also tranquilizing drugs available that help reduce the cat's anxiety These drugs should be prescribed by the veterinarian after exposing the case, since they can only be legally acquired with a veterinary prescription and, although they are very safe if used correctly, their wrong dosage can have fatal consequences.

On the other hand, diverting the aggressive animal's attention with its favorite toys or food can also be good options, later including it in its carrier as we said in the previous section to keep it calm during the journey.

At the vet

We must remember that, since most cats live in the safety of the home and do not interact with other animals, they tend to get sick less than dogs, so they generally come with less often to the vet than the dogs, in many cases only once a year for vaccinations. For this reason, since they are not usually examined by the veterinarian, it is necessary that when they go to the veterinarian, the examination is as complete as possible. For this it is necessary for the cat to collaborate, something that is not always possible. In this way, in cats that become very aggressive at the vet and nothing calms them down, it is necessary to use sedation to be able to explore them properly and not overlook anything.

Sedation must always be performed by the veterinarian and, on occasions, it is possible to do it without removing the cat from the carrier, taking advantage of its slots to insert the syringe.

My cat gets aggressive at the vet - At the vet
My cat gets aggressive at the vet - At the vet

The importance of education

To conclude, to say that, in general, taking care of the feline's education to make it docile is beneficial not only to prevent the cat from becoming aggressive at the vet, but for various reasons. A well-behaved cat manages to communicate better with its human companion, a fact that strengthens the bond between the two, helps to achieve a good coexistence and to keep the animal balanced and happy.

However, unfortunately it is not an exact science, and correct education is not always a guarantee of pleasant veterinary visits. On the one hand, each cat has a certain temperament that is sometimes difficult to change no matter how hard we try; on the other hand, sometimes aggressive cats can be extremely submissive at the vet and calm and well-mannered cats can show unexpected signs of aggressiveness when they find themselves in a strange environment, this being partly unpredictable. For this reason, it is important to ensure the correct education of the animal, but also to have the appropriate knowledge to know how to act if the feline finally shows signs of aggressiveness.
