My Pregnant Cat Gets LIQUID - Causes and What to Do

My Pregnant Cat Gets LIQUID - Causes and What to Do
My Pregnant Cat Gets LIQUID - Causes and What to Do
My pregnant cat leaks liquid - Causes and what to do
My pregnant cat leaks liquid - Causes and what to do

Although it is easy for us to have in mind the heat of female dogs, characterized by the emission of a vaginal secretion, the truth is that the reproductive cycle of female cats is different. They are seasonal polyestrous and, when they are in heat, they do not bleed. Therefore, any vaginal discharge in this species is cause for veterinary consultation.

The visit to the vet becomes even more urgent if the fluid we observe comes from a pregnant cat, regardless of its color, as it can indicate serious problems. Next, in this article on our site, we will explain the causes that can explain why a pregnant cat leaks liquid and what to do in each case.

The cat's pregnancy and delivery

Before explaining why a pregnant cat leaks liquid, it is important that we understand some aspects related to pregnancy and childbirth in this species. To begin with, the gestation period lasts for about nine weeks, about 63 days After that date, delivery can happen at any time.

The cat usually gives birth at night without complications, although we must be attentive, discreetly, in case any complication arises. Among them is the emission of fluid from the vulva As we will develop in the following sections, a secretion can be a sign of imminent labor or an emergency that will require the veterinary intervention. Keeping the cat he althy, well fed, internally and externally dewormed and vaccinated helps to avoid problems during pregnancy. Likewise, veterinary monitoring can detect alterations early. In addition, if this professional calculates the number of kittens expected, we will have more information when assessing the course of labor.

On the other hand, the expulsion of liquid is not always appreciable because the cat will lick herself and, therefore, we will not always be able to see it. Therefore, we must be attentive to any sign of discomfort or change in the cat's behavior and contact the veterinarian quickly.

My cat is pregnant and expels a yellow liquid, what's wrong?

If our pregnant cat gets clear white, yellowish or transparent liquid and she is at term, it may be an indication that the labor has begun and the departure of the first kitten is imminent. We can also observe discharge when the mucous plug This is a formation that has kept the uterus closed during pregnancy. It can start to shed a week to three days before delivery and is included among the signs of pre-labor. It is a more or less fluid mucous secretion.

When the eliminated liquid is fluid and clear, it usually corresponds to the so-called amniotic fluid, which indicates that the bag that has housed the kitten in the uterus has broken and this will come out shortly. If it does not and in a few hours there are no signs of labor, you should contact the vet. It could be a dystocia or difficult delivery See "How long does a cat go into labor?" to know if your feline's is running correctly.

On the other hand, if the fluid comes out when the cat is not yet full term, it is a veterinary emergency. The secretion can come from the womb as well as from urine. The reason could be a infection Keep in mind that the vulva may appear stained with urine which, when there is an infection, is usually cloudy, very yellow or even reddish if it contains blood.

For all of the above, when a pregnant cat comes out with white or transparent liquid, the most usual thing is that she is in labor. Now, when the liquid is very yellow and it is still too early for delivery to take place, it could be an infection and you should go to the vet as soon as possible.

Liquid comes out of my pregnant cat - Causes and what to do - My cat is pregnant and expels a yellow liquid, what's wrong?
Liquid comes out of my pregnant cat - Causes and what to do - My cat is pregnant and expels a yellow liquid, what's wrong?

My cat is pregnant and leaking a green liquid, why?

As in the previous section, the expulsion of a greenish liquid in a pregnant cat can precede the arrival of a kitten. In this case it would be normal, but if the little one is not born soon, we should seek professional help. If we observe greenish vaginal discharge, we may also be facing a dystocia or difficult delivery, which requires the intervention of the veterinarian.

If our pregnant cat has green liquid coming out and she is not yet in labor, she could be experiencing some type of infection or abortion Pregnancies felines can be spoiled by factors attributable to the mother or the kittens. It is due to viral or bacterial infectious diseases, parasites, genetic abnormalities, poor management, drug use, etc. Hence the importance of taking care of the cat's he alth and, above all, of avoiding breeding through sterilization or castration.

If the abortion occurs at the beginning of pregnancy, the fetuses are reabsorbed and, although the cat can lose liquid, it does not always do so and, furthermore, it is easy for her to lick it, with what will happen to us unnoticed. When the gestation is more advanced it is possible that the flow contains tissues or even the embryos. The cat can eat them. Other times the kittens are born dead. Sometimes, the cat aborts some kittens but continues carrying the rest. There may also be dead kittens left in the uterus that need to be expelled to prevent them from causing problems such as infections. For all these reasons, it is so important to go to the vet when discovering any flow in our cat.

For more details on abortion in cats, check out this article: "Symptoms of abortion in a cat".
