To achieve the survival and longevity of our goldfish it will be essential to dedicate some basic care to it, although it is a very resistant fish that it will adapt well to slightly variable conditions.
In this article on our site we will explain goldfish care including information about the aquarium (plants, gravel, aerator…), the food you need and other important details to keep in mind.
Remember that this popular fish can live from 2 to 4 years, make it possible by following our advice:
The goldfish aquarium
To begin with the care of the goldfish we will talk about the aquarium, a fundamental part for an optimal standard of living. We will review all of them in a general way:
The size of the aquarium
A single specimen of goldfish must have a minimum of 40 liters of water which translates into the following measurements: 50 cm wide x 40 cm high x 30 cm deep. If we were considering having more specimens, we should look for a larger aquarium proportionally to these measurements.
Parameters that we must respect
Below we guide you about these important details so that your goldfish feels in a suitable environment:
- PH: Between 6, 5 and 8
- GH: Between 10 and 15
- Temperature: Between 10ºC and 30ºC
These references imply the maximums that a goldfish could withstand. For example, from 32ºC, your fish would be prone to die. Find a middle ground to make you feel good.
There are two elements that can help us a lot. The aerator is a staple of the aquarium, very important for the survival of the goldfish. It should be considered essential.
The other is the filter, perfect for good aquarium hygiene. If we do not have much time, it is a perfect option so that the fish tank looks beautiful all the time.
Gravel is important as it has several functions. We can opt for a calcareous gravel such as coral sand, which in coarse grains is perfect if we plan to include vegetation. The finest gravels can also be used, so we recommend a neutral one such as silica sand.
To begin with, many of you are probably wondering about plants for a goldfish aquarium. It is great to enjoy a natural aquarium but we must emphasize that the goldfish is a fish capable of devouring a wide variety of vegetation. You should look for those that are hard and resistant as is the case with the Anubias. You can also opt for plastic plants.
Decorating your aquarium can be a very rewarding hobby if you use creative options. We recommend looking at logs, objects or led lights, very fun and diverse options.
You can more on all this information in our article on the goldfish aquarium.

Feeding the goldfish
The second aspect to take into account is the goldfish's diet, something that many people do not take into account and it is tremendously important. The first thing you should know is that it is an omnivorous fish, something that multiplies our range of possibilities.
Up to one year of age we can feed our goldfish with scales, a common product in any fish store. However, from that moment and to avoid swim bladder disease, we must start feeding him with natural products, small "porridges" made from fish and natural vegetables. Boiling them is a good option.
You can also opt for red larva and fruit, although the latter will be very occasional.
To know the amount needed for your fish you must deposit a large pinch of food and observe how much it eats in 3 minutes. Leftover food will help you determine the exact amount and calculate it for future occasions.

Disease Detection
Especially if it lives with other fish you should check your goldfish regularly to rule out possible diseases or aggression of the goldfish with other fish. Being attentive helps you to achieve the survival of your specimens.
If you find a fish in the aquarium injured or acting strangely, it is best to place it in your " hospital tank", something that many fans have: a small aquarium that prevents the spread of a disease and allows the fish to rest.