The goldfish or Carassius auratus is undoubtedly the most popular cold water fish in the world, millions of people enjoy an aquarium thanks to this fish of simple care. Its low maintenance requirements and its ability to feed itself are perfect for people with little time.
In this article on our site we will give you the basic advice you should keep in mind for the goldfish aquarium whether it is individual, community, small or large, the elements that you must place in it and some technical details. Keep reading:
Aquarium size
The importance of the size of the aquarium is essential for the fish to live comfortably. We are not only talking about welfare, your goldfish can become aggressive with other fish if they do not have enough space.
A single copy
Each specimen of goldfish needs at least about 40 liters of water to maintain itself properly. So that you can imagine the required size, we will explain in centimeters the minimum dimensions that the aquarium should have: 50 cm wide x 40 cm high x 30 cm deep.
However, even if you only have one fish, you should always try to choose the largest aquarium possible. In this way, not only will the fish be more comfortable, but we will also be able to enjoy a beautiful and well-decorated aquarium.
Goldfish Community
If, on the other hand, you consider having a small community of goldfish instead of a single specimen, you must be clear that the aquarium must be larger, proportional to the space required by each particular fish. In a fish tank of about 150 liters you could have between 3 and 4 goldfish for example.

The goldfish, as we have already mentioned, is very resistant and in this case it proves it again: it prefers waters of somewhat high hardness and will adapt between 10 and 15 GH , on the other hand it will withstand between 6, 5 and 8 PH As you can see, these are factors that we find in almost any water, so that choosing one of a quality our goldfish will keep well.

Plants for the goldfish aquarium
You should avoid all those plants that are small and tender, the goldfish is a voracious eater and will probably kill delicate plants quickly. Bet on plants from the family of the Anubias for example since they are resistant.
You can also think about getting fake decorative plants. This type of vegetation is recommended for resistant fish such as goldfish but not for other species such as betta splenders as their fins are very sensitive and could hurt.
Other options that we could include in an aquarium for a goldfish are the following:
- Dense Egeria
- Salvinia Cucullata
- Echinodorus Tenellus
- Ceratophyllym Demersum
- Riccia Fluitans
- Ceratopteris Cornuta
- Saggitaria Platyphylla
- Lemma Minor
- Microsorum Pteropus
- Eichhornia Crassipes
- Bolbitis Heudelotii
- Limnobium Laevigatum
- Vallisnea Spiralis Tiger
- Vallisneria Americana Biwaensis
- Crinum Thaianum
- Ceratophyllym Demersum
- Riccia Fluitans

Aquarium gravel
It is very important to lay a thick layer of gravel (1.5 - 2.5 centimeters) that isthick texture for different reasons: The main and most important is for the correct absorption of the fish's droppings and the remains of the goldfish's food, but it will also be useful if we already have plants that allows the roots to be protected and to expand well.
If instead you want to opt for fine sand (similar to beach sand) but want to continue counting on the presence of vegetation, you must do it using a pot in which you will put the plants with coarse sand.
What type of gravel to choose?
On our site we recommend using silica sand either fine or coarse, it is a very good option for different types of aquarium since it does not alter the PH or the hardness, it is neutral. On the other hand, you could also consider using calcareous gravel as coral sand since goldfish is a fish that better withstands high hardness and this type of gravel brings it.

In this aspect we can be very creative As we have explained before, the goldfish is a very resistant fish that can adapt to different types of environments very diverse. We can place trunks, vegetation and figures of all kinds in our aquarium. Go to any store to discover the options they have there and customize your aquarium.

Technical Tools
If you want your goldfish to live a long time, you must provide them with a favorable environment in which they feel comfortable. Take note of the elements that cannot be missing in your aquarium:
Filters are very useful tools for good aquarium hygiene. Especially if it is large, the filter becomes more than necessary. There are several types and many options on the market.
The goldfish is a very hardy fish and is usually well known among cold water fish. However, just because it's resistant to low temperatures doesn't mean it can't live well in a hot environment.
Goldfish survive between 10ºC and 32ºC, these extremes being a bit dangerous for their survival. An average 21ºC is adequate to keep you comfortable. You can get a thermometer to check that everything works properly.
In contact with higher temperatures, about 26ºC for example, the goldfish is more accelerated and active.
It is very important to place an aerator in the goldfish aquarium in this way the bubbles will expand throughout the environment and will not need to come out to breathe to the surface constantly. The higher the temperature, the more important the presence of the aerator will be. It is a very economical product.
