How to know if a RABBIT is COLD? - Symptoms and what to do

How to know if a RABBIT is COLD? - Symptoms and what to do
How to know if a RABBIT is COLD? - Symptoms and what to do
How to know if a rabbit is cold?
How to know if a rabbit is cold?

If you have decided to adopt a rabbit as a pet or already have one, you should know that these lagomorphs need some special care upon arrival of winter to maintain good he alth. Although rabbits can tolerate cold better than heat, low temperatures and climate changes can increase the risk of developing some common diseases in rabbits, such as colds and respiratory problems. They can also cause hypothermia.

In this article on our site, we'll explain how to tell if a rabbit is cold and what you can do to help regulate its temperature body, providing heat safely. In addition, we offer you some tips to take care of your rabbit in winter.

How many degrees of cold can a rabbit take?

As we have mentioned, rabbits adapt better to temperate and cold climates than to very hot regions, where they can suffer a heat strokequite easily. There are several breeds of rabbits, so the cold tolerance of your lagomorph companion may vary depending on the characteristics of its organism and its place of origin.

In theory, rabbits in the wild can withstand temperatures of up to -10 ºC, as long as they have a shelter where can be protected from the weather. But if your rodent is used to living indoors at a stable temperature, exposure to such cold could severely harm its he alth. No domestic rabbit should be exposed to extreme temperatures, whether we're talking hot or cold.

How cold can a dwarf rabbit last?

On the other hand, we must consider that dwarf rabbits are more vulnerable to cold and climate changes. Ideally, they live in an environment with average temperatures between 18 ºC and 20 ºC so as not to develop respiratory problems and other illnesses that the cold can cause in rabbits.

Do rabbits hibernate in winter?

No, no species of rabbit currently known has the ability or habit of hibernating. Therefore, you will need to pay special attention to the feeding and well-being of your partner during the winter.

How to know if a rabbit is cold? - How many degrees of cold can a rabbit withstand?
How to know if a rabbit is cold? - How many degrees of cold can a rabbit withstand?

Cold symptoms in rabbits

Now that you know that lagomorphs adapt well to temperate regions, you may be wondering how to tell if a rabbit is cold The Rabbits' body temperature is between 38 ºC and 40 ºC, and the optimal temperature for their environment should be around 18 ºC. When the environmental temperature drops quickly or abruptly, we can observe the following symptoms of cold in rabbits:

  • Tremors.
  • Muscular stiffness.
  • Cold snout and ears.
  • Cramps.
  • Dry Skin.
  • Slower breathing.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Slow movements.
  • Clumsiness.
  • Inactivity.

If the rabbit's body temperature is below 36 ºC, characteristic symptoms of hypothermia may occur, indicating more severe decay on your he alth chart. Some of the symptoms of hypothermia in rabbits are:

  • Loss of appetite.
  • Heart rate slows.
  • Dilated pupils.
  • Stare.
  • Depression.
  • Disorientation.
  • Fainting.
  • Collapse.
  • Sudden death.

What to do if my rabbit is cold?

If you notice that your rabbit has cold ears or shows other signs of cold, you must act quickly to prevent its body temperature from dropping and hypothermia occurs. Many people wonder what to put on rabbits for the cold.

A good idea is to wrap the rabbit in a blanket, to keep it warm and warm. You can also hold him in your arms wrapped in the blanket, sheet or dry towel for a few minutes, using your own body heat to help regulate his body temperature and combat cold symptoms.

If your rabbit has gotten wet in the snow or rain, before wrapping it in the blanket, you will need to dry it with a clean, dry towelHumidity combined with cold can facilitate the development of hypothermic symptoms. Do not use heating pads, as the combination of electricity and moisture is very dangerous, as well as the risk of burning your rabbit.

Logically, you should keep it indoors in an environment with stable temperatures and not below 18 ºC. When your rabbit recovers, we recommend checking its body for typical frostbite burns or stains. If you identify any abnormality, do not hesitate to take your rabbit to a specialized veterinary center to check its he alth status.

On the other hand, if you notice that your rabbit is already showing symptoms of hypothermia, you can use the above methods as first aid, but you must go to the emergency roomto the specialized veterinarian.

How to know if a rabbit is cold? - What to do if my rabbit is cold?
How to know if a rabbit is cold? - What to do if my rabbit is cold?

Caring for your rabbit in winter

To prevent your rabbit from getting cold, you will need to provide it with some specific care during the winter, complementing the basic care that rabbits need to lead a he althy, active and happy life. Next, we summarize the main care of your rabbit in winter:

  1. Condition the home: If the region where you live experiences very harsh winters, heating systems will help you provide optimal temperatures for your home. rabbit in winter However, remember that artificial heating tends to dry out the air, so we recommend spraying water into the environment two to three times a week. Remember not to wet the rabbit, but spray its surroundings.
  2. Prepare his cage or hutch: The rabbit's cage is his resting place and it is also his coat, so he must be prepared to provide comfort and shelter during the winter. If your rabbit is used to living outside the home, it will be essential that its cage or hutch is protected from the elements. In addition to leaving a blanket at your disposal, remember to also cover the rabbit's cage at night to prevent the entry of cold or wind. If your rabbit's cage is inside the house, remember to place it in a place without drafts and with good lighting.
  3. Feeding: Like most non-hibernating mammals, rabbits tend to increase their food intake during the winter. Your body spends more energy to keep your metabolism stable and fight the cold, so the animal needs a slightly more energetic diet. On our site, we provide you with a complete guide on feeding your rabbit at each stage of its life.
  4. Physical activity and mental stimulation: Rabbits are very active and intelligent animals that enjoy exercising even during the winter. Ideally, your rabbit should have room to run, jump, and freely explore its surroundings, such as a garden, patio, or deck. Remember to enrich his cage to stimulate his mind and give him the opportunity to develop his cognitive skills. In addition, you can teach your rabbit a good variety of tricks and basic commands, thus enjoying its company while stimulating its intelligence.
  5. Preventive medicine: in addition to maintaining excellent hygiene in its cage and environment, your rabbit will need to be vaccinated and visit a specialized veterinarian every six months to check your he alth status. An excellent idea is to take your rodent to the vet before the arrival of winter to provide him with the necessary preventive care to protect him from the cold.
