Long-haired Pyrenean Sheepdog: characteristics and photos

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Long-haired Pyrenean Sheepdog: characteristics and photos
Long-haired Pyrenean Sheepdog: characteristics and photos
Long-haired Pyrenean Sheepdog
Long-haired Pyrenean Sheepdog

The Pyrenean shepherd is a French dog that exists in two varieties: the long-haired one and the short-faced one. Both are recognized as separate breeds by the International Cinological Federation. The longhaired breed (or variety) is a bit smaller and of course has a longer coat. Both before and now, these dogs perform herding functions since they are a very intelligent and active breed.

In this tab on our site we are going to tell you everything you need to know about the long-haired Pyrenean Sheepdog, in case you are thinking of adopting this animal as a pet.

Origin of the long-haired Pyrenean sheepdog

The history of this breed is lost in time, and its origin is unknown. However, the breed has lived for centuries in the Pyrenees range, in the south of France. In those mountains, these dogs performed and continue to perform shepherd functions, guiding and caring for the herds. Since their size is not big enough to take on large wild animals, Pyrenean Shepherds used to be co-workers with larger dogs, such as Pyrenean Mountain Dogs.

These dogs are little known outside their country, but in France they are highly valued as pets and, in some places, still as herding dogs.

Physical characteristics of the long-haired Pyrenean sheepdog

Long-haired Pyrenean Shepherds are slightly smaller than the short-faced variety. The height at the withers for males is between 42 and 48 centimeters. The height at the withers of females ranges from 40 to 46 centimeters. The ideal weight is not indicated in the breed standard, but these dogs usually weigh between 7 and 15 kilograms. Slender, short to medium height and with a body longer than it is tall, the Pyrenean shepherd is an excellent guide and guardian of flocks.

This dog's head is triangular in shape and almost as long as it is wide. The nose is black. The eyes are slightly almond-shaped and dark brown, except in specimens with harlequin or slate blue fur, in which eyes of a different color are accepted. The ears are short, triangular, thin, hanging, flat and pointed.

The Pyrenean Sheepdog's tail is set low, not very long, and curves at its end, adopting the shape of a hook. Tradition indicated that the tail should be amputated, but that custom has been lost in much of the world. Unfortunately, it is still in force and legal in many countries.

The coat is the main difference between this variety of sheepdog and the short-faced Pyrenean shepherd. In the long-haired variety, the coat is abundant, almost smooth or slightly wavy and, of course, long or semi-long. According to the breed standard, the texture is intermediate between goat hair and sheep's wool. The coat of these dogs can be fawn, grey, harlequin or slate blue.

Character of the long-haired Pyrenean Sheepdog

These dogs are very intelligent, brave and active. Due to their intelligence they are very versatile and capable of performing various functions. They are also very loyal dogs to their own, and tend to form a very close bond with just one person.

Pyrenean Shepherds are very loyal and attached to their family, but tend to be territorial and reserved with strangers. Although they are not usually aggressive, socialization from an early age is very important to reduce territoriality and allow them to be less sullen.

Although they do not usually present serious behavior problems, these dogs can be sullen with strangers. Also, their strong herding instincts may lead them to try to herd children or household pets into groups.

These dogs are definitely herders and do best in a rural environment, but they can also make great pets if given the exercise and company they need, and not forced to be friends with everyone. world.

Long-haired Pyrenean Sheepdog care

Although it may not seem like it, the hair of these dogs is easy to care forCombing and brushing weekly is usually enough to keep it free of tangles. It is not necessary or recommended to bathe these sheepdogs very often, only when it is really necessary.

These dogs need a lot of exercise and company It is necessary to walk them at least twice a day and provide them with games to exercise them and strengthen the bond with its owner. You can also take advantage of some dog sports such as agility and canine freestyle, but preferably they have to practice herding.

If given enough exercise, Pyrenean Sheepdogs can do well in a flat or apartment.

Education of the long-haired Pyrenean sheepdog

Longhaired Pyrenean Sheepdogs have excellent learning abilities, so they respond very well to dog training when this is done properly. They respond much better to positive training than to traditional training, so it is more effective to use a positive style, such as clicker training.

He alth of the Pyrenean Longhaired Sheepdog

This breed is not particularly prone to any hereditary disease, but like all dogs, it must be given the most common veterinary care, keeping its vaccination record up to date, among other things.
