Sheepdog of the Pyrenees with a flat face: characteristics and photos

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Sheepdog of the Pyrenees with a flat face: characteristics and photos
Sheepdog of the Pyrenees with a flat face: characteristics and photos
Fluffy-faced Pyrenean Sheepdog
Fluffy-faced Pyrenean Sheepdog

The short-haired Pyrenean Sheepdog is a variety of the long-haired Pyrenean Sheepdog although the International Cynological Federation considers the two as separate races. This dog has practically the same morphology as the other variety, the long-haired shepherd, but it is a little taller, proportionate and has a slightly different coat.

These dogs are very active and familiar with their own but, due to their nature as a guard dog, they tend to be territorial and protect their theirs against strangers, so a good socialization will be necessary so that this dog also knows how to relate to the rest of his fellow dogs, other humans, other animals and with his environment in general.

If you are interested in adopting a Pyrenean Sheepdog with a flat face and you don't know what characteristics it has, keep reading this breed file on our site and find out all the information you need to get to know it better and that be happy by your side.

Origin of the Pyrenean Sheepdog with a flat face

Like other breeds of shepherd dogs in the Pyrenees, such as the Basque Shepherd or the Catalan Gos d'atur, the short-faced shepherds have an unknown history. However, they have lived in the French Pyrenees for centuries, where they perform grazing functions. During the 18th and 19th centuries, these dogs were highly valued by horse traders and cattle drivers, as well as the World War I army for their work as messenger dogs.

The blue merle variety rasa face seems to have been one of the predecessors of the current Australian sheepdog since they were used between 1940 and 1070 in the Western Range Association.

Today, some of these dogs still herd and guard herds in the French mountains, but more live the comfortable lives of beloved pets. Even so, the breed is little known in the world and only enjoys a certain popularity in its native France, but its successes in agility championships and other dog sports make it increasingly famous.

Physical characteristics of the Pyrenean Sheepdog with a flat face

According to the FCI breed standard, Fluffy-faced Shepherds are slightly taller than their closest relatives, the Long-haired Pyrenean Shepherds. This, however, is questionable, since from a biological point of view they are the same breed of dogs, although the FCI considers them to be two separate breeds. Either way, the height at the withers for males is 40 to 54 centimeters, while for females it is 40 to 52 centimeters. The weight of these dogs, although not indicated in the breed standard, is usually between 7 and 15 kilograms.

The Pyrenean Sheepdog with a flat face is slim and of medium height, but unlike the Shepherd with long hair, its body is square and proportionate, since the length from the buttock to the shoulder equals height at withers.

The head of these dogs is triangular and the nose is black. The eyes, slightly almond-shaped, are dark brown except in dogs with blue fur mixed with black, in which they can be of different colors. The ears are triangular and short, hanging on either side of the head or partially erect.

The tail of this Pyrenean Shepherd is not very long and is hooked at its distal end. In some dogs it is amputated, due to tradition, but this cruel and unnecessary practice is less and less frequent.

The short-faced Pyrenean Sheepdog's coat is moderately long, reaching 6 to 7 centimeters on the neck and withers, and 4 to 5 centimeters on the midline of the back. They have short, fine hair on their heads, which clearly differentiates this variety from other sheepdogs.

Character of the Pyrenean shepherd dog with a flat face

These Pyrenean Sheepdogs are highly proactive and active, outgoing, as well as highly intelligent and loyal to their family, but often form particularly close bonds with just one person.

These dogs tend to be sullen and territorial due to their guardian and protective nature, so it is important to socialize them from puppies to ensure that they are able to maintain good relationships with humans, other dogs and its environment in the future. Even with good socialization, these dogs tend to be reserved with strangers, but they tend to be very affectionate with their family and continually seek their company.

Although Fluffy-faced Pyrenean Shepherds were used as working dogs, they can make excellent pets if treated according to their needs and with lots of love and affection. In addition to giving them lots of company and exercise, you have to recognize and accept that they are not very social dogs and you don't have to force them to be affectionate with everyone.

Care of the Pyrenean Sheepdog with a flat face

The coat of this breed is not difficult to care for and weekly brushing is sufficient to prevent matting, remove dead hair and prevent skin problems. It is not a good idea to bathe these dogs frequently because it removes the natural oils that protect their hair, so it is better to bathe them only when it is really necessary.

The amount of exercise and companionship these dogs need is considerable, but not excessive. In addition to the daily walks that all dogs should receive, it is important that these sheepdogs do some additional physical activity, such as a dog sport, since it is one of their speci alties as a breed.

Education of the Pyrenean Sheepdog with a flat face

When raised in positive ways, these herding dogs often excel in dog training. However, they do not respond well to traditional training methods that use punishment to correct misbehavior like all other breeds.

That is why if we want to educate a Pyrenean shepherd dog with a flat face, we must do it through positive reinforcement and never using punishments, choke collars or any physical abuse, which damages their physical integrity or emotional, and can cause serious irreparable psychological damage.

To begin training this breed of dog, we will begin by teaching him the basic obedience commands and practicing them for about 10 minutes a day to review them so that the dog learns them well.

He alth of the short-faced Pyrenean Sheepdog

Although Fluffy-faced Pyrenean Sheepdogs are not particularly prone to any hereditary disease, they should be given the same veterinary care as any other dog by taking them to the vet every 6 months for examination and correctly following your vaccination schedule.

Likewise, it is convenient to check their fur every time they have taken a walk in the countryside or some non-urban place to make sure that no parasite has remained on their skin, and deworm them as often as necessary and/or use flea collars.
