Pyrenean Mountain Dog: characteristics and photos

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Pyrenean Mountain Dog: characteristics and photos
Pyrenean Mountain Dog: characteristics and photos
Pyrenean Mountain Dog
Pyrenean Mountain Dog

The Pyrenean Mountain Dog is also known as Great PyreneesThis large and resistant mountain dog has lived since time immemorial in the French and Spanish Pyrenees. Historically it was used as a guardian and protector of herds, but today it is one of the most beloved family dogs.

In this breed file on our site we will detail with you all the characteristics of the Pyrenean Mountain Dog, its temperament or its education, among others. Whether you are considering adopting a puppy or you already have an adult dog, on this page you will find useful tips for its care or details about its he alth that you need to know:

Origin of the Pyrenean Mountain Dog

The Pyrenean Mountain Dog has its origins in the Pyrenean mountain range, between Spain, Andorra and France. It is estimated that its history goes back even before the Middle Ages, although it was then that it achieved real popularity, due to its use as a castle guardian It is mentioned for the first time by Count and Viscount Gaston III of Foix-Bearne in the 14th century.

Later on, in the 17th century and due to his work as a protective and guard dog, he won the favor of the French nobles, as well as that of King Louis XIV himself, who named himroyal dog of the French Court Later, in 1897, it is when a detailed description of the Pyrenean mountain dog appears for the first time, in the book of the Count of Bylandt.

Ten years later the first Pyrenean Mountain Dog club was started and in 1923 the first meeting of Pyrenean Mountain Dog fanciers, an initiative of Bernard Sénac-Lagrange, who first wrote the breed standard in the S. C. C, very similar to the one we know today.

Currently, the Great Pyrenees is a dog that is still used to protect herds in the Franco-Spanish mountains, but also in other countries such as the United States and Australia. It is also an excellent family dog in many homes around the world.

Physical characteristics of the Pyrenean Mountain Dog

The Great Pyrenees is described as a dog of large size, imposing and proportionate, although elegant at the same time. The head is not large compared to the rest of the body, and has flattened sides. The nose is black. The muzzle is wide and somewhat shorter than the skull. The eyes are small, almond shaped and amber brown. The ears are medium set, small, triangular and with a rounded end, which also fall to the sides of the head.

The body is slightly longer than it is tall, giving the Pyrenean mountain a rectangular profile. It is strong and robust. The chest is wide and deep. The tail is long and reaches at least the point of the hock. When the dog is active, it is carried curved on the back and only the end of the tail touches the back. A characteristic of this breed is that it has double spur on the hind legs.

The hair is thick, straight and long. It is rough on the back and shoulders. May be slightly wavy on neck and tail. It is solid white or white withspots on the head, ears, and root of the tail. The spots, when they exist, are gray, pale yellow or orange.

The measurements and weight of the Pyrenean Mountain Dog are:

  • Machos: between 70 and 80 centimeters in height at the withers, weighing between 36 and 41 kilograms
  • Females: between 65 and 75 centimeters tall at the withers, weighing between 50 and 54 kilograms

Character of the Pyrenean Mountain Dog

The character of a dog is determined directly according to the temperament of the animal itself, the education received and the genome, so it should be noted that the Pyrenean Mountain Dog was bred by selecting the specimens that best showed surveillance and deterrence skills, as well as their attachment to the herd. As a consequence, the Great Pyrenees tend to have a protective, loyal and somewhat independent character

Next, in this file on our site, we will talk about how the education of the Pyrenean Mountain Dog should be and what the most frequent behavior problems are, important points to know before adopting a dog of these characteristics.

Care for the Pyrenean Mountain Dog

We will start by talking about the Great Pyrenees coat, because since it has long hair it will be essential to follow a brushing routine of, at least twice a week. In times of shedding, it will be necessary to do it every day to properly remove dead hair and achieve a good appearance. We will bathe him approximately every 2 or 3 months.

These dogs are not always suited to small homes. They are not very dynamic, but need long daily walks (which should be done even if the dog lives in a big house with a garden) to burn off their energy and keep them fit. In addition to walks, we can carry out other physical activities with him, be it hiking, swimming or simply playing with a ball or a fresbee.

Let's also remember that the Great Pyrenees can live well outdoors when the weather is mild or cold, but it does not tolerate heat well, so it will be essential to provide him with cool places to settle, which will generally be with his human family. We will also highlight, due to its large size, that it requires large amounts of food

Because of his intelligence and to avoid frustration it will be ideal stimulate him regularly with intelligence toys, encourage him to perform canine skills (always in line with what his physical characteristics allow him) or all kinds of interactive games in which he can develop his mind.

Education of the Pyrenean Mountain Dog

It will be very important to separate the puppy from its mother at the appropriate age, that is, around 7 or 8 weeks of life, in this way its mother will prepare it so that it knows how to inhibit its bite, it will learn about the language of dogs as well as many other details that only his mother and brothers can teach him.

Once adopted, we must continue working on the puppy's socialization, introducing it to people of all kinds (including children), dogs, cats, environments and sounds, in short, any stimulus that is going to be found in its Adult stage. Working on this process is essential for a dog that can become independent, as is the case of the Great Pyrenees, but it will also be essential to avoid fears or behavior problems in his Adult stage. Properly socialized he will be a good companion and although he will continue to be wary of strangers, he will not be aggressive

Also due to its independent trait, the Great Pyrenees must correctly learn all the basic obedience commands that will help us to work on self-control and They will provide you with an extra enrichment when working with him: sitting, lying down, still or coming, among others. All of this should be worked on through the use of positive reinforcement and never through punishment.

The most common behavioral problems that a Pyrenean Mountain Dog may have are destructiveness or barking behaviors, problems that They can be prevented if we spend time with our dog, avoid leaving him alone or isolated for long hours, spend time mentally stimulating him or exercising with him.

He alth of the Pyrenean Mountain Dog

As is the case with most purebred dogs and especially those dogs that have pedigrees, the Great Pyrenees is susceptible to various hereditary diseases, among them we highlight some skin problems and others such as:

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Patellar luxation
  • Entropion
  • Osteosarcoma
  • Gastric torsion

To detect the appearance of any of these problems promptly, it will be essential to go to the vet every 6 or 12 months, thus ensuring their good he alth and being able to quickly treat any problem or slow down the progress of a degenerative disease, such as hip dysplasia.

If we also follow the dog's vaccination schedule and deworm it internally and externally on a regular basis, we can enjoy a dog with a life expectancy of between 10 and 11 years, approximately.

Photos of Pyrenean Mountain Dog
