When we live with an unneutered bitch we have to monitor the regularity of her estrous cycles. In this way, it is much easier to detect any anomaly or problem related to heat in bitches. In this sense, ovarian cysts are one of the most common reproductive conditions in female dogs, and yet they often go unnoticed.
To realize that our bitch has the possibility of suffering from ovarian cysts, we must know the characteristics of the estrous cycle of her species. Therefore, next, in this article on our site, we will learn how to identify and detect ovarian cysts in bitches, as well as their treatment.
What are ovarian cysts?
The ovaries are the reproductive organs of females, so they are responsible for the formation of ovules and sexual hormones. They are small, oval and flattened, and the cells that form them can degenerate and form collections of liquid or semi-solid content. These collections are ovarian cysts and they are of different nature (follicular, lutein.) and different functionality. However, the most common tend to be the so-called functional cysts
Functional cysts produce estrogen and cause permanent estrus or increased metrorrhagia (heavier bleeding from the vulva). Sometimes these cysts can undergo atresia spontaneously. On the other hand, they occur more frequently in older bitches and we have to know that, despite getting older, they do not stop cycling.
You have to take into account that young bitches in their first cycles can present irregularities without being pathological. Once regulated, heat (non-seasonal) should occur twice a year, although in some bitches it may occur only once, with an interval between cycles of about six or seven months. And if your dog has not yet presented her first cycle, or you have observed bleeding and you do not know if it is heat or not, do not miss our article on the symptoms of a female dog's first heat.
If the bitch does not have cysts, her reproductive cycle is made up of 4 phases:
- Proestrus: this is the stage that owners detect, since the bitch's slight vaginal bleeding begins. The female does not allow herself to be mounted despite the swollen breasts and edema of the vulva. The duration is approximately nine days.
- Estrus: the bitch allows herself to be mounted and accepts the male due to the ovulation of the ovaries. The duration can range from three to 15 days.
- Right-handed: pseudo-gestation or gestation period.
- Anestrus: this is the period between oestrus and is characterized by ovarian inactivity.
The causes of ovarian cysts are unknown, although some authors indicate that the origin is probably a genetic factor or a hormonal imbalance.
Symptoms of ovarian cysts in bitches and diagnosis
Dogs with ovarian cysts may be asymptomatic and this disease may be found accidentally by performing an octubrehysterectomy (resection of the uterus and ovaries) or an abdominal ultrasound study needed for other reasons.
The most striking symptom of ovarian cysts in female dogs is persistent heat, this translates into an increase in bleeding days and male acceptance. In this way, if you notice that your furry companion is in a longer period of heat than usual, do not hesitate and go to the veterinarian to determine if it is a consequence of the appearance of functional cysts. Likewise, other alterations that can manifest are:
- Changes in behavior.
- Hematological changes (anemia).
- Vulvar hyperplasia.
- Dermatological disorders of endocrine origin.
How is it diagnosed?
For a correct diagnosis, a complete anamnesis, a blood test and a ultrasound. must be performed.
In case of presenting ovarian cysts, in the ultrasound they are observed as homogeneous black anechoic structures. Once detected, a correct differential diagnosis must be made with ovarian neoplasms.
The number and size can vary from dog to dog and may affect one or both ovaries.
Treatment for ovarian cysts in bitches
Hormonal treatment that induces ovulation of cysts is contraindicated due to its adverse effects (canine pyometra, cystic endometrial hyperplasia, etc.). Thus, the treatment of choice to eliminate ovarian cysts in a bitch is surgery, that is, performing a ovarihysterectomy
If the owner decides not to submit the dog to surgery, due to its advanced age or for any other reason, a follow-up should be carried out by the veterinarian.
Since there are no factors that predispose to ovarian cysts, our job is to observe our bitches and detect any symptoms of disease, especially when they get older.