Teaching my dog to stay on command

Teaching my dog to stay on command
Teaching my dog to stay on command
Teach my dog to stay on command
Teach my dog to stay on command

In addition to the classic canine obedience exercises, your dog should learn others that are useful in everyday life. One of these exercises is for your dog to stay still on command, regardless of the circumstances.

In this article on our site we will use the "stop" command for the exercise, but you can use another word if you prefer, always keeping in mind that it should not be similar to other commands, nor excessively long.

There are two fundamental criteria for dog training that are explained below. Read on and learn with us how to teach your dog to stay on command:

Previous steps

Head your dog to the door You don't need to bring food bits or the clicker, because you won't be using them for this exercise. When you get to the door, which is closed, it blocks your dog's path. Your dog must be at least one meter from the door.

Then position yourself so that you can open the door and see your dog at the same time. You don't have to face the door or your dog, but sideways towards both Open the door slowly. When your dog lunges to get out, he blocks his path with your body. Simply turn towards him and get between him and the door.

When your dog backs up, he turns you on his side again, leaving the way clear. If your dog tries to get out again, block his path again. Repeat until your dog stays waiting for a moment while the path is clear. At that point, say "Come on" and let him out.

Note that you should say "Let's go" when your dog was waiting for a moment. Don't make the mistake of waiting too long. Little by little you will gradually increase the time your dog waits for permission to go out, but the first few times it should only be an instant.

Teaching my dog to stay on command - Previous steps
Teaching my dog to stay on command - Previous steps

Teach him the command

Once you've gotten your dog to wait three seconds before you let him out with the "Go" command, you can start using the "Stop" commandwhich tells you to wait. Simply perform the same procedure as the training criteria above, but say "Stop" before opening the door. Congratulate him with a "Very good" whenever he does it correctly.

Practice until your dog reliably responds to the "Stop" command at least 80% of the time in two consecutive training sessions. Remember to increase the time gradually. It can be very useful to include a physical gesture that accompanies the word to make it easier for the dog to remember the command correctly.

Teaching my dog to stay on command - Teach him the command
Teaching my dog to stay on command - Teach him the command

Practice in different situations

Now is the time we are going to need some delicious dog treats, following use of positive reinforcement to teach him the command "Tall":

  • Zebra crossing: Your dog is probably more than used to waiting at the crosswalk when it's red. Anticipate his stopping and encourage him to stop by using the "Stop" command. When he does it correctly, congratulate him.
  • Entrance to the pipi-can: In the same way that we practiced when we left home, we can take advantage of the door of the pipi-can to continue with the development of the "Stop" in the different situations.
  • Training: Keeping your dog mentally agile is very important. To do this, it is always advisable to spend time at least twice a week reviewing the obedience orders already learned. During your sessions you should include the "Stop" and practice its effectiveness
  • Before…: Whenever you are going to perform an action such as throwing a ball, feeding, etc. Take advantage and remind him of the order "Stop".
