BRONCHITIS IN CATS - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

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BRONCHITIS IN CATS - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
BRONCHITIS IN CATS - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
Bronchitis in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment
Bronchitis in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment

Feline bronchitis has cough as a prominent symptom But cough is common to other pathologies and, even being bronchitis, we can encounter an acute and a chronic presentation. For this reason, we should not leave without veterinary attention neither coughing fits nor a cough that is prolonged and persists over time.

In this article on our site, we will talk about the different types of bronchitis in cats, the symptoms they cause, the treatment and the measures that we can follow at home to promote the welfare of the sick cat.

Acute bronchitis in cats

This type of bronchitis in cats has the same symptoms as chronic bronchitis, with the difference that it evolves rapidly and does not last over timeThus, the sick cat will have a cough, difficulties and breathing noises. As in the chronic, it is possible to reach a serious situation that compromises breathing and causes cyanosis in cats , that is, the bluish coloration of the mucous membranes due to to lack of oxygen, something that is a veterinary emergency.

As there are several diseases in cats with a similar clinical picture, it is the veterinarian who must reach the diagnosis. Thus, before diagnosing bronchitis in cats, has to rule out:

  • Respiratory infections.
  • Pleural effusion.
  • Heart failure.
  • Filariasis.
  • PIF.
  • Strange bodies.
  • Neoplasms.

For more information on cough in cats, you can consult this other article on Asthma in cats - Symptoms and treatment.

Treatment of acute bronchitis in cats

The most severe cats can worsen, even to collapse, with the stress of handling in the clinic. Therefore, the first thing will be to stabilize them. Only essential tests should be done. An x-ray can confirm the diagnosis. The bronchoalveolar lavage also gives information, but it has to be performed under general anesthesia. This test is most indicated when infection is suspected. On the other hand, a study of the feces allows confirming or ruling out the presence of parasites. In any case, initial treatment for acute bronchitis in cats requires oxygen therapy and bronchodilators

Bronchitis in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment - Acute bronchitis in cats
Bronchitis in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment - Acute bronchitis in cats

Chronic bronchitis in cats

Asthmatic bronchitis in cats or chronic, since they are indistinguishable processes, is also called allergic bronchitis or, directly, feline asthma and it is a common condition. The difference that can be established between asthma in cats and chronic bronchitis is the reversibility or not of the lesions it causes.

In the second case, they are irreversible. We say it is chronic because the symptoms that it causes will recur for two or more consecutive months. It affects cats older than eight years of life more and a greater predisposition has been detected in Siamese. It is important not to confuse feline asthma with a cold in cats; therefore, you can consult this other article on Cold in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment.

Symptoms of chronic bronchitis in cats

In this respiratory disease in cats, what occurs is inflammation, which is what ends up causing obstruction of the airways because of all the changes it brings to the lungs. It is aggravated by excessive mucus secretion and sometimes bacterial infections.

Inflammation is due to an allergic reaction, that is, hypersensitivity to various stimuli, but normally the cause cannot be determined. The symptoms that we can perceiver in the case of this bronchitis in our cat are, most often:

  • Dry cough.
  • Respiratory problems.
  • Arcades.
  • Open-mouth breathing
  • Weightloss.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Depression.

The most serious cases are an emergency, as is acute bronchitis, because the cat may be unable to breathe In those cases You have to take him to the vet. Other times, the cat seems he althy and only shows some sign, such as breathing with its mouth open, after performing some exercise or effort. The treatment will depend on the symptoms that the cat presents.

Treatment of chronic bronchitis in cats

An x-ray provides information about the condition of the lungs and helps rule out other causes. The bronchi can be seen thickened and the heart enlarged. A more specific test called a bronchoscopy may be done. The damage produced in the respiratory tract can end up causing COPD or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease This implies that there is no cure, but there is treatment to improve the patient's quality of life, whose objective is to reduce inflammation and control cough and infection, if applicable. To do this, you can use:

  • Corticosteroids.
  • Bronchodilators.
  • Mist.
  • Oxygen therapy.

The treatment is for life. Immunotherapy may be used if the allergen that triggered the reaction is identified.

Bronchitis in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment - Chronic bronchitis in cats
Bronchitis in cats - Symptoms, causes and treatment - Chronic bronchitis in cats

Home remedies for bronchitis in cats

After the veterinarian's diagnosis, this professional will be in charge of giving us the most appropriate treatment for our cat. In addition to following it, at home we can take into account some recommendations to improve the quality of life of the cat with bronchitis. They are as follows:

  • Avoid coming into contact with smoke, tobacco, air fresheners, incense, sprays, dust, pollen, cleaning products, etc.
  • If the cat is overweight or obese, it should be put on a diet.
  • Encouraging gentle exercise is appropriate.
  • Dental hygiene must be monitored to prevent bacteria from ending up in the respiratory system.
  • Minimize stress as much as possible.
  • Use silica sand in the litter tray to prevent dust formation.
  • Use open litter box.