Why is my dog bleeding from the vulva? - We explain it to you

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Why is my dog bleeding from the vulva? - We explain it to you
Why is my dog bleeding from the vulva? - We explain it to you
Why is my dog bleeding from the vulva?
Why is my dog bleeding from the vulva?

Blood, in any of its manifestations, always provokes impression and even fear, therefore, if we discover that our dog is bleeding from the vulva we can be scared if we do not know its origin. If it is a female dog over 6-8 months old that is whole (unsterilized), it is easy to think that it is the period of heat, but there are also some diseases that should be known and that can occur with this bleeding. In this article on our site we are going to explain why a bitch bleeds from the vulva

The heat of bitches

The first explanation for why my dog bleeds from the vulva is heat. Dogs have a reproductive cycle that can be divided into four phases. In one of them, the proestrus, is the one that produces bleeding from the vulva, which can last even a couple of weeks, is accompanied by an inflammation of the genitals and, towards the end of the period, the bitch attracts males and will find herself receptive to mating (estrus).

Oestrus begins in female dogs around 6-8 months of age, and may appear earlier in female dogs of smaller breeds and much later in larger breeds. You should also know that heat usually repeats itself a couple of times a year, that is, approximately every 6 months, although in younger females, up to the average age of two, irregularities may appear in the cycle so that it repeats itself at greater or lesser intervals without causing any pathology. Generally, these alterations are solved in the following heats without the need for any intervention. Therefore, in a he althy bitch with these characteristics and with symptoms such as the one we are referring to, it is more than likely that she bleeds from the vulva simply because she is in heat.

An interesting note: if our bitch bleeds from the vulva and is sterilized it could also be heat if we were dealing with a case of ovarian rest or remnant, although it will be the veterinarian who must issue a diagnosis after ruling out diseases such as those described below.

Why is my dog bleeding from the vulva? - The zeal of bitches
Why is my dog bleeding from the vulva? - The zeal of bitches

My dog is bleeding without being in heat, why?

It can be explained why a female dog bleeds from the vulva without being in heat if she has an infection in the uterus, technically known as pyometraThis has two ways of manifesting, which are known as open neck pyometra or closed neck pyometra. It is in the first type in which the secretions produced in the uterus come out when the cervix or neck of the uterus is open. In addition to bleeding from the vulva, it is possible that our bitch presents other symptoms such as increased water intake, fever, pain in the lower abdomen, etc. Requires veterinary attention and removal of the uterus is recommended, as it is usually an infection that recurs after successive heats.

My dog is pregnant and bleeding

Bleeding may have another cause if our dog is pregnant. If blood is emitted from the vulva during pregnancy, it can indicate problems as serious as a miscarriage, so we should see our vet without delay. On the contrary, if our bitch is in the final stages of pregnancy, light bleeding from the vulva, accompanied by discharge and mucus, may indicate that the moment of delivery is approaching During its development, we can appreciate some slight bleeding, which is normal as long as it is not an excessive amount, which will be a reason for veterinary consultation.

My dog bleeds from the vulva after giving birth

After labor is complete, it is normal for bleeding from the vulva. They are the secretions known as lochia, which should subside as the days go by. If they remain, they smell bad or the dog has a fever or is down, we should consult our veterinarian. Likewise, now that you know why your pregnant dog sheds blood, be sure to consult the article on "Most common problems in the delivery of the dog" to go to the clinic at any sign.

Bleeding due to urine infection

Sometimes the origin of the blood is not in the reproductive system but in the urinary tract. Why our dog is bleeding from her parts could be due to a urine infection In this case, the bleeding would be of low intensity and we could only observe a few drops at the beginning or at the end of urination. Our dog will present more symptoms such as effort when urinating, increased frequency in doing so even if only a few drops are eliminated, pain, etc. It requires veterinary treatment and can be diagnosed by analyzing a urine sample that we can try to collect ourselves using a glass for it, which we can buy at any pharmacy. If this is not possible, the veterinarian must take care of it. Treatment usually consists of administration of antibiotics For more information, don't miss our article on "Symptoms, causes and treatment of urine infection in dogs".

Why is my dog bleeding from the vulva? - Bleeding from urine infection
Why is my dog bleeding from the vulva? - Bleeding from urine infection

Other causes of bleeding in bitches

Finally, if the above causes have been ruled out, it is possible that your dog is bleeding from the vulva due to some neoplasia (tumor) in the vaginal-vulvar area, that is, a lump that grows and produces bleeding. This lump sometimes becomes so large that it prolapses and can be seen externally. It occurs more frequently in older and entire females, although this does not mean that it cannot affect younger bitches. Sometimes neoplasms are accompanied by frequent urination, constant licking of the area, or inflammation. In these cases, removal is usually recommended.
