Why is my cat bleeding from the vulva? - Causes and treatment

Why is my cat bleeding from the vulva? - Causes and treatment
Why is my cat bleeding from the vulva? - Causes and treatment
Why is my cat bleeding from the vulva?
Why is my cat bleeding from the vulva?

If you have noticed that your cat is bleeding from the vulva, it is totally understandable that you are worried, because this signal indicates that something is wrong and that, probably, you are facing a he alth problem.

Cystitis, uterine infections, trauma or tumors may be some of the causes that explain why your cat is bleeding from the vulva, Now, what should we do in these cases? The first step will be to go to a veterinary center immediately, as some of the pathologies that can cause this symptomatology can be fatal

In this article on our site we will talk about the causes of vulvar bleeding in cats, explaining the main reasons why a cat bleeds, as well as the treatment to apply. Here's all you need to know, but don't forget: a visit to a vet is a must

Do cats bleed during heat?

Many people still wonder if cats have their period, because they tend to compare the cycle with female dogs, which do bleed when they are in heat. Dogs and cats may be similar in some ways, but they are distinct species with big differences, and this is one of them.

Cats do not bleed when they are in heat, therefore, if you have observed that your cat stains with a brown or reddish liquid, or you have blood when urinating, it is that you are facing a pathology. Below we will mention the main causes of vulvar bleeding in cats.


Consists of an inflammation of the bladder which may be caused by a urinary tract infection, caused by an excessive proliferation of bacteria, kidney disease and even trauma, such as a blow.

When a cat experiences cystitis it is possible to observe abnormal behavior, such as restlessness and nervousness, especially when using the litter box. sand. It is also likely that we will hear her meowing, which is her way of complaining about the discomfort caused by the disease. Likewise, in some cases we will observe that urinates uncontrollably, all over the house, because she is unable to adequately manage urination in the indicated place

Generally, in a case of cystitis we will observe fresh blood present in the urine and the presence of bacteria under the microscope. This pathology usually has a good prognosis, since cystitis is easily treated with antibiotics that a veterinarian must prescribe.

Why is my cat bleeding from the vulva? - Cystitis
Why is my cat bleeding from the vulva? - Cystitis


This is an infection that consists of the accumulation of pus inside the uterus Pyometra in cats is extremely dangerous and can be fatal if not treated early. It usually affects female cats older than 8 years without castration, or young female cats that have received hormonal treatments to interrupt heat.

The disease appears as a result of a bacteria that the cat contracts in the heat phase when she accepts mating, because in this time it is easier for it to pass through the cervix and lodge inside. There are two types of pyometra: closed, in which the pus is not expelled and the uterus can burst, producing peritonitis; and the open one, which, among other signs, is evidenced by bleeding with pus, dehydration, frequent urination and lethargy.

To diagnose this pathology, ultrasounds and blood samples are required and, to treat it, anwill be performed surgical intervention and the administration of drugs, always prescribed by a veterinarian.


If your cat is pregnantand you notice bleeding from the vulva, she may be experiencing a miscarriage. Depending on what stage of pregnancy she is in, the cat will be at different levels of risk if she miscarries.

When it occurs during the first weeks of pregnancy, it may be due to the death of one of the puppies. At this stage when the fetuses are still poorly formed, most cats' bodies simply absorb the tissue and the chances of complications are slim.

If the abortion occurs in mid-gestation, the mother and the rest of the puppies are likely to be in danger. In this phase, abortions can be spontaneous, the result of trauma, a severe uterine infection or other reasons.

In both cases it will be essential to go to the vet to carry out the necessary tests that guarantee the he alth status of the mother and the puppies that are yet to arrive. Most likely, the specialist will request a ultrasound or x-ray to assess the state of pregnancy.

Why is my cat bleeding from the vulva? - abortion
Why is my cat bleeding from the vulva? - abortion


When the time comes for the cat to give birth It is normal for it to bleed from the vulva If you have monitored the pregnancy it will be easy for you determine if you are close to your due date. Remember that it is possible that it occurs around the set days and even a week ahead.

Before giving birth, the cat will not only bleed from the vulva, but you will also see her more restless, she will look for a "nest" where to shelter and it will expel some mucus, which is the mucous plug that indicates that labor has arrived.

Kidney stones

The presence of kidney stones is a very annoying he alth problem for cats. They cause pain when urinating and are very dangerous. One of the symptoms of its presence is urine with blood, because a tiny stone can be "stuck" in the urinary tract, this being what causes pain during urination.

The appearance of kidney stones has different causes, but one of the most frequent is diet. A feed high in saturated fat and flour will cause problems of this type, which is why it is so important to provide quality food to our cats.

Why is my cat bleeding from the vulva? - Kidney stones
Why is my cat bleeding from the vulva? - Kidney stones


This name is given to the blows that a cat may experience and that have negative consequences for her body. They can occur after a fight with another cat or after a fall and cause damage to an organ When this happens, it is not uncommon for your cat to bleed from the vulva and even by other parts of the body. In some cases you will be able to find marks like bruises on the body, but in others you won't.

Injuries are very dangerous, as they involve possible damage to vital organs, as well as internal spills. If you suspect that your cat has received such blows, don't hesitate to go to the vet immediately.


A tumor is the abnormally shaped growth of tissue anywhere in the body. It is possible that it occurs in areas that affect renal, reproductive or urinary function and, in these cases, your cat will bleed for this reason. It is important to note that most tumors, whether benign or malignant, are not seen at first sight, so only a veterinary review, with the respective tests, will help determine if this is the cause of the bleeding and the nature of the tumor..

Why is my cat bleeding from the vulva? - Tumors
Why is my cat bleeding from the vulva? - Tumors

What to do if your cat bleeds from the vulva?

Observing an abnormal bleeding such as those described can be very alarming, but remember to remain calm. As soon as you notice this happening go to your vet without delay, as different treatments will be needed depending on the cause. Also, some of the diseases that cause bleeding can be fatal if not treated early.

Likewise, remember that you should never self-medicate your cat or ignore his symptoms of illness or discomfort.
