Why does my dog lick her vulva a lot? - Here the answer

Why does my dog lick her vulva a lot? - Here the answer
Why does my dog lick her vulva a lot? - Here the answer
Why does my dog lick her vulva a lot?
Why does my dog lick her vulva a lot?

Does your dog lick her parts a lot? If so and you want to know if this is normal behavior or not, in In this article on our site we solve all your doubts and tell you what to do in each case.

There are several causes that can lead a bitch to lick her vulva, some of them due to her nature and others indicate the presence of a more or less serious illness. For these last cases, the dog usually shows other signs that we should notice in order to confirm the diagnosis and go to the specialist as soon as possible. Read on and find out why your dog licks her vulva a lot, as well as what to do in each situation

The bitch licks her vulva a lot to masturbate

The female dog usually reaches sexual maturity between six months and a year of age if it is a small or medium breed, and a year or a year and a half if it is a large or giant breed, with the arrival of first heat. From this moment we can begin to see in her behaviors that she had not had until then, such as riding stuffed animals, blankets, other dogs or licking her vulva intensely. All of these behaviors are normal and in her nature, but why exactly does she do them? The answer is simple: to masturbate and give yourself pleasure.

Just like women, dogs have clitoris inside the vulva, an organ whose only function is to give pleasure. Being located inside the vagina, we rarely see it, however, some dogs do show it as a round and reddish lump. If we observe this, we should not worry; we will be alarmed and go to the vet if practically the entire clitoris protrudes from the vulva, is irritated or presents abnormalities.

Thus, once the dog has experienced the pleasure that licking that area gives her, which can be at any time in her life, it is completely normal for her to lick herself for a few seconds or minutes with intensity and emitting as a kind of moans. The problem lies when this behavior becomes compulsive, since then it is an indication that something is wrong.

Excessive licking as an indicator of stress

In relation to the previous point, if we observe that the bitch licks her vulva a lot and does it compulsively, it has ceased to be normal masturbation and has become an indicator of stress. When a dog is stressed, he tries to release that tension through behaviors that, on many occasions, can be confused with bad behavior or other erroneous causes. In the case of female dogs, one of the ways to relieve this tension is by licking the vulva Thus, it is essential to identify the situation that stresses the dog to avoid it and solve the problem. If not enough attention is paid and the stress is not treated, this habit can end up becoming a stereotype, much more difficult to correct.

On the other hand, another reason that may explain why your dog licks her vulva with great intensity is a hormonal imbalance, cause that can also develop stress in the animal and the consequences already mentioned. This happens in female dogs that have not yet been spayed, so if you suspect that this may be your case, you will have to go to the vet to assess the option of carrying out surgery.

Why does my dog lick her vulva a lot? - Excessive licking as an indicator of stress
Why does my dog lick her vulva a lot? - Excessive licking as an indicator of stress

Does the bitch lick her vulva a lot and does it have pus?

When the bitch licks her vulva a lot and also has a whitish or slightly yellowish discharge, she has a serious he alth problem that must be attended to immediately. The most common diseases and conditions that show these symptoms are:

  • Pyometra (infection of the uterus)
  • Womb infection
  • Ovarian infection
  • Bacterial infection
  • Fungal infection
  • Wounds in the vagina and/or cervix

As we say, these are not the only pathologies that can cause the secretion of pus from the vulva, since practically any infection of the lower reproductive system of the bitch can present this symptom. Of course, what we must be clear about is that if we get to the point of observing this signal, it means that the infection he is suffering from is very serious and we must go to the vet quickly, since in some cases the condition can be fatal.

Do you lick your vulva and it is swollen?

If we see that the bitch's vulva has swollen, it is usually due to the heat period From the first phase of At this stage, the dog's vulva increases in size and we begin to see the first bleeding, leading her to constantly lick herself. Thus, if the date coincides with the arrival of heat, we can be practically sure that this is the reason for both the licking and the inflammation.

Now, if the bitch doesn't show the typical symptoms of heat but does show signs like urinating more than usual, even in places she knows she shouldn't, wails, loss of appetite, or decreased mood, inflammation of the bitch's vulva and frequent licking of it may be due to the development of a urinary tract infection, the presence of a vaginal tumor, ovarian cysts or other pathologies that only a specialist can diagnose. In this way, if you suspect that this may be the case with your dog, do not hesitate and go to the vet.

Why does my dog lick her vulva a lot? - Does she lick her vulva and it is inflamed?
Why does my dog lick her vulva a lot? - Does she lick her vulva and it is inflamed?

What to do if my dog licks her vulva a lot?

Depending on the cause that causes the bitch to lick her vulva, we will carry out one method of action or another. Thus, if it is a normal masturbation we will not do anything and let him carry out the ritual. As we said, it is something natural and physiological that does not cause any harm, quite the opposite.

If the reason is stress, we will look for the stressful situation and eradicate it as far as possible or we will look for a positive solution for the animal. By doing so, we will see how little by little these intense and compulsive licks disappear.

For the hormonal imbalances and he alth problems mentioned in the previous sections, all we can do is go to the vet to identify the exact cause and determine the best treatment. Especially if we observe the presence of pus, rapid action can be key to saving the dog's life.
