Why does my dog lick other dogs' urine?

Why does my dog lick other dogs' urine?
Why does my dog lick other dogs' urine?
Why does my dog lick other dogs' urine?
Why does my dog lick other dogs' urine?

The natural behavior of dogs is something that never ceases to amaze us. It's no wonder that if you've recently observed your dog licking urine, you're wondering why he's doing it and more importantly, is it affecting his he alth?

Remember that many behaviors that we consider "unpleasant" are actually positive habits for the dog, which also provide a very specific purpose, as in this case.

In this article on our site we will explain what the causes of this behavior are, what you should take into account to protect your he alth and ultimately we will answer your question so you knowwhy does my dog lick other dogs' urine Keep reading:

Why do they lick urine?

To begin to understand why your dog licks urine from other dogs, it will be essential to pay attention to the vomeronasal organ, also known as Jacobson's organThis organ is located in the vomer bone, between the dog's mouth and nose and is responsible for transmitting the information it receives to the brain.

Jacobson's organ is responsible for breaking down large molecules, such as pheromones and other compounds. This plays a crucial role in hunting, reproduction, perception of the environment or social relations of dogs. It is therefore a fundamental organ for knowing information about other dogs such as their diet, sex or the estrous cycle of a female dog.

Why does my dog lick other dogs' urine? - Why do they lick urine?
Why does my dog lick other dogs' urine? - Why do they lick urine?

Does it have negative effects on your he alth?

According to ethologists and other canine behavior professionals, allowing our dog to sniff and get to know the environment is a completely positive routine that any responsible owner should respect. That's because, by using its senses, the dog relaxes and eliminates stress, something very positive in terms of well-being

Regarding he alth, it is important to understand that if your dog has followed the vaccination schedule strictly as well as regular deworming, it is very unlikely that it will get sickHowever, sick dogs or those with a weak immune system are more susceptible to getting a virus or infection. So, we must be careful and avoid direct contact.

Once you understand the above, you will understand that allowing your dog to lick urine from other dogs is not something negative, but that in some specific cases it is not the most ideal. Whatever your final decision, it is very important that you avoid scolding your best friend first of all, as this is natural canine behavior and he should be respected
