Why does my dog mount other males?

Why does my dog mount other males?
Why does my dog mount other males?
Why does my dog mount other males?
Why does my dog mount other males?

This scene is not uncommon for people who live with dogs. Some dogs are more likely than others to mount another dog.

For us it may not be a pleasant time, but we must understand that it is a natural behavior and that we do not have to worry. Remember that it is not always a sexual impulse on the part of the dog, although sometimes it is. To clear up any doubts you may have on the subject, in this article on our site we offer different reasons that explain the why my dog mounts other males

1. Stress Indicator

That a dog mounts another dog is very common in male dogs and even in females, after suffering a stressful situation, which can be positive or negative. The dog tries to lower this small spike in stress by mounting and the accompanying exercises.

When we observe this situation, it is advisable to call our dog (it must be taught to respond to the call) to divert attention and avoid possible social conflicts that may arise. Once he is by our side, we can offer him a toy or make a small sowing (scatter treats on the ground to encourage sniffing) to relax our dog.

two. Sexual conduct

When an adult male dog has never had intercoursewith a female dog, there comes a time when he is overloaded. For this reason, it can sometimes be indifferent for him to ride another male dog. Likewise, dogs that have undergone neutering have a scent that is difficult to identify by other males, who can confuse them with young females.

It is not so strange to see dogs riding their toys, pillows and even the sofa. The dog is just trying to relieve his sexual desire. That is one of the reasons why my dog mounts another male dog.

Finally, remember that, although there is no scientific study to prove this possibility, sometimes homosexual behaviors may appear in animals. In fact, without knowing the exact cause, it is estimated that 10% of living beings carry out homosexuality in their relationships.

3. Herding dogs

It is common for herding dogs, such as Border Collies, German Shepherds or Australian Shepherds, to mount another dog as another way of "leading their flock" oraddress a situation beyond your control It can also be a technique they use to calm down a nervous dog , going back to the first point, that they are under some stress.

The ideal in this case is to encourage canine skills and mental stimulation of these dogs to achieve a more positive attitude in them. We will also try to create a calm and relaxed atmosphere. Let's not forget that these breeds are extremely active and intelligent, so performing varied activities with them will be a good way to channel their stress and energy.

Why does my dog mount other males? - 3. Herding dogs
Why does my dog mount other males? - 3. Herding dogs

4. Learning in puppies

Especially in the dog's juvenile period, between 3 and 4 months up to one year of age (before reaching its stage adult), the young dog tries to experiment behaviors with other dogs that will serve him in his adult stage. It is essential for his learning and for him to achieve correct communication with other dogs.

If a dog mounts another dog it reveals a latent sexuality onset It is the equivalent of observing young brothers from litters of tigers or lions, engaged in fights in which some bite or strong scratch one or the other take. It is a useful training for a near future in which things will be serious. Young dogs "train" their sexuality.

Why does my dog mount other males? - 4. Learning in puppies
Why does my dog mount other males? - 4. Learning in puppies

5. Gambling behaviors

Apart from all of the above, a male dog occasionally mounts another male dog in the middle of a very active play session.

This attitude is totally normal and once again we associate it with a slight rise in stress, in this case positive, due to the game.

Why does my dog mount other males? - 5. Gambling conduct
Why does my dog mount other males? - 5. Gambling conduct

6. Animal sexuality

Humans are not the only living beings that have sex for pleasure. Dogs, among other animals, also enjoy sex without any reproductive intent.

It is not uncommon for animals of the same gender to have sex with each other. It is also a basic survival instinct, something innate in canine behavior.

What should we do if our dog won't stop mounting other males?

Although initially it is not a negative behavior that we should avoid, the truth is that it is important to learn to evaluate the specific situation in which our dog finds himself. For example, riding another male dog at the time of the game is not always negative, but it can be an act that leads to fights, so it is not recommended to reinforce this attitude. Working on basic obedience or neutering our dog will be some measures to prevent it.

Although it is a stress problem, ignoring this behavior can mean that it goes further and becomes a real problem, either between dogs or between dogs and humans. In this case, reviewing the five freedoms of animal welfare can give us a clue as to how to start dealing with this problem, taking into account he alth and mental wellbeing of our best friend.

Serious behavior problems

If this situation is triggering a serious behavior problem or is affecting the relationship between your dog and other dogs, it will be a good idea to go to the vet to perform a complete physical examination on our dog (including blood tests) to rule out any he alth problems

Once we are sure that the behavior of mounting another male dog is not related to a medical problem, it will be time to consult a professional, be it a canine educator, an ethologist or a trainer. These professional figures will help you identify the exact behavior that your dog carries out (stress, sexuality, etc.) that you may have overlooked and will offer you some guidelines for you to apply in your day to day life and you can improve this situation.
