Why do cats eat grass? - We explain everything to you

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Why do cats eat grass? - We explain everything to you
Why do cats eat grass? - We explain everything to you
Why do cats eat grass?
Why do cats eat grass?

Cats are strictly carnivorous animals, so the mainstay of their nutrition is protein of animal origin, such as meat veal or beef, chicken, turkey or fish. However, cats can also benefit from the consumption of fruits and vegetables that are good for their he alth. Many of us are even surprised to find that our cats have decided to eat plants of their own free will.

In this circumstance, not a few tutors ask themselves questions like: " Why does my cat eat grass?" or " Is my cat sick if it eats plants?" In this article on our site we will explain to you why felines are forced to eventually introduce vegetables and plants into their and we'll help you identify when this behavior is cause for concern.

Why does your cat eat grass and vomit?

One of the reasons cats eat grass is to purge, relieve digestive disorders, and detoxify his body If your kitty has eaten too much, ingested some inappropriate food or some toxic substance, he may eat grass to induce vomiting and eliminate these unwanted or harmful elements from his body.

In these cases, we will see that quickly after ingesting the plant, the cat begins to gag and vomitAlthough nature is very wise, if you notice that your cat is vomiting, has symptoms of digestive problems or intoxication, do not hesitate to take it to the vet quickly to check its he alth status.

However, cats do not always consume plants to purge themselves, as is popularly said. If this were true, cats should gag and vomit every time they consume herbs, something that does not always happen. In this way, the feline can also eat grass to speed up its intestinal transit and improve its digestion, since the plants provide a high supply of fiber to its body. In these cases, it is not common for the cat to vomit but it is possible that the number of stools increases and eventually you will be able to observe the presence of grass in its feces.

Why do cats eat grass? - Why does your cat eat grass and vomit?
Why do cats eat grass? - Why does your cat eat grass and vomit?

Does your cat eat grass due to nutritional deficiencies?

If complete and balanced nutrition is lacking, cats can use herbs to supplement their diet and combat these nutritional deficiencies. In addition to being rich in fiber, plants are sources of folic acid, a B-complex vitamin that participates in the formation of cells and tissues, improves blood circulation, helps strengthen the immune system, prevents anemia and many other diseases.

Remember that a cat's diet is a key aspect for its he alth and the development of its cognitive, emotional and social abilities. For this reason, we recommend always having the guidance of a veterinarian to offer the best diet to your kitten, considering its age, size, state of he alth and the specific needs of its organism.

Cats eat grass as a laxative

The high fiber content of plants stimulates intestinal transit, helping to combat and prevent constipation in cats. If your cat has trouble passing stools regularly or his stools are very hard and difficult to pass, he may eat grass to relieve the uncomfortable symptoms and pain he feels when he is constipated.

It is normal for cats to defecate every day and their stools are neither dry nor soft. In general, you can consider that your feline is constipated if it goes 2 or more days without evacuating. Therefore, if you notice that your cat has not evacuated in 2 or 3 days, do not hesitate to take him to the vet

Why do cats eat grass? - Cats eat grass as a laxative
Why do cats eat grass? - Cats eat grass as a laxative

Is it bad for cats to eat grass?

Many tutors wonder what happens if a cat eats grass and if this is bad. In principle, eating grass is not something bad or detrimental to the he alth of felines. Vegetables are natural sources of fiber, vitamins and some minerals that help strengthen the immune system of our cats, improve their digestion and prevent constipation. The cat's body is prepared to consume grass in specific situations to protect its well-being and keep its metabolism in balance.

However, we must be vigilant, look at the reason that leads our cats to eat grass and see if this behavior is accompanied of other symptoms If your kitty is thin, hungry or eats grass regularly, we recommend you consult a specialized veterinarian to verify if his diet is adequate to his requirements nutritional.

On the other hand, if you perceive that your feline does not go to the bathroom regularly or you observe alterations in your feline's feces, it will also be better to take it to the veterinary clinic to verify the cause of constipation and rule out the presence of parasites or hairballs in your gastrointestinal tract.

Logically, the consumption of plants that are toxic to cats is strictly prohibited for all kitties, under any circumstances. To ensure your cat can safely eat grass, we recommend you always have catnip or natural m alt in your home, or grow some cat-friendly vegetables, without the use of pesticides or agrochemicals that can poison your body.

Remember that the articles on our site are informative and are in no way a substitute for specialized veterinary care. Therefore, when you observe any change in the behavior or appearance of your feline companion, take it quickly to the veterinary clinic.

Good plants for cats

In addition to catnip, cats can eat plants such as valerian, dandelion, chamomile and, even more aromatic plants such as basil or rosemary. All of them provide different properties and benefits that can help you improve your he alth. Of course, as we said, these types of vegetables should never be part of your diet, they are supplements added to your usual diet.

And if you have noticed that your cat eats the plants in your garden and you want to avoid it, or teach him to eat only the plants that are for him, don't miss this article: "How to prevent my cat from eating eat the plants".
