Can cats eat rice? - We'll explain it to you

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Can cats eat rice? - We'll explain it to you
Can cats eat rice? - We'll explain it to you
Can cats eat rice?
Can cats eat rice?

Many people wonder if cats can eat rice, especially when they have stomach problems or when their usual food has run out and there is no time to get more. It is true that there are some human foods that cats can consume, however, is it rice?

In this article on our site we will explain if cats can eat rice, showing you in which cases it can be recommended, the properties of this food, the types that exist and, in addition, some recipes for rice for cats that you can make yourself at home, fast and very simple.

Can cats eat rice?

Rice is a very popular ingredient in our human diet, in fact, it forms part of the base of our food pyramid. However, is rice good or bad for cats? We must know that, although it is not a recommended food, rice is not toxic to cats.

So can cats eat rice? Yes, but to a limited extent.

Cats are exclusively carnivorous animals, so protein and fat intake are the basis of their diet. In fact, if we do not take this important fact into account when evaluating the cat's diet, it is very likely that we will generate nutritional deficiencies in the long run.

Rice, composed mainly of carbohydrates, is a food that does not offer the nutritional requirements that cats need. Therefore, a cat should not be fed rice on a regular basis. Likewise, gluten can cause intolerance and allergic reactions in cats.

However, on some occasions, it may be advisable to offer rice to our felines, especially when we talk about gastrointestinal diseases, such as diarrhea in cats. In these cases, the dry feed can irritate the stomach of our feline. On the contrary, the rice will help regulate its intestine, so it can be given for 3-4 days as part of a bland diet for cats with diarrhea.

Once the cat is recovered, we must return to its usual diet, always gradually, since the continued consumption of rice can cause various he alth problems, such as constipation or gas, among others.

Can cats eat rice? - Can cats eat rice?
Can cats eat rice? - Can cats eat rice?

Can small cats eat rice?

Small cats shouldn't eat rice, even when suffering from diarrhoea, as it may affect their development and cause constipation. In these cases it is convenient to go to the vet and buy gastrointestinal food specifically for kittens.

Properties and benefits of rice for cats

Although rice does not offer cats the components that their body requires, it does provide them with certain benefits, therefore, we We explain the properties of rice for cats:

  • It is rich in calories and carbohydrates
  • Contains vitamin B
  • Provides magnesium, although in small quantities
  • Provides iron

Even so, remember that you should only include it in its diet in a moderate way, when indicated by the veterinarian after a check-up for a gastrointestinal problem or similar.

Can cats eat rice? - Properties and benefits of rice for cats
Can cats eat rice? - Properties and benefits of rice for cats

How to make rice for cats?

Cats can eat rice occasionally, however, what type of rice is more suitable for our felines? How to give rice to a cat? In the market we find different types, but we will mainly talk about white rice and brown rice, the most common:

  • Can cats eat white rice? Yes, always well cooked, never raw, since the uncooked grain can provoke stomachache. In addition, rice sometimes contains lectin, a pesticide that can cause food poisoning and vomiting. Cooked rice, on the other hand, is not dangerous and can be administered for a few days without risk.
  • Can cats eat brown rice? The answer is also positive in this case, there are even commercial pâtés for cats prepared with rice whole wheat and chicken. In the case of brown rice, we will be offering extra fiber.

So, when preparing rice recipes for cats with diarrhea, you may be wondering how to feed a cat rice and what other ingredients you can include in a special diet. Next we will explain how to give rice to a cat, showing you some recipes and their preparation.

Recipes with rice for cats

Do you want to know how to make rice for cats? There are several easyrecipes you can make for cats with diarrhea. They require little time and your cat will probably accept them without problems:

Chicken rice

If you're wondering how to make chicken rice for cats, this recipe is what you're looking for. The mixture of rice with chicken will allow your feline's digestive system to regulate itself, while the nutrients in the chicken provide it with energy and help it recover from its illness.

For this rice recipe for cats with diarrhea you will need:

  • ½ cup rice
  • ½ cup boneless chicken, skin and fat removed
  • ¼ Carrot

Boil the chicken in water, without adding s alt, onion or seasoning. While it cooks, cut the carrot into small cubes. Then remove the chicken from the water (keep the broth) and shred. Cook the rice with the chicken pieces and the chopped carrot, instead of water use the broth you reserved, this way it will be more appetizing.

When the rice is ready, wait for it to cool down and serve this tasty preparation of rice with chicken for cats.

Rice and fish

We can also substitute chicken for fish. However, can cats eat rice with tuna? Canned tuna is not recommended as it contains mercury, bisphenol and high levels of sodium. Ideally, you should always bet on quality fish, fresh or frozen

Although the canned tuna you buy for your consumption is not recommended for cats, you can offer it to yours if you find yourself in a situation where he doesn't want to eat anything else and you need him to recover, just make sure you that it is tuna in water, not in oil.

Mixing rice with fish is an attractive option, since you will be providing it with omega 3 and fatty acids. Remember that the fish must be cooked. You can use salmon, tuna, sardine, trout or anchovy.

Next, we present another recipe for rice for cats, this time including fish. You will need to:

  • 300 grams of fish
  • ½ cup rice
  • 1 carrot

The preparation is the same as we have followed to make the recipe for chicken and rice for cats. Cook the fish in water without adding seasonings or other additives. Cut into squares or grate the carrot. As soon as the fish is ready, let it cool and flake while you remove the bones. Cook the rice by mixing it with the carrot and the shredded fish, using the water in which you prepared the fish for cooking.

Wait for it to get warm before serving it to your cat. The preparation can be kept in the fridge for up to 2 days.
