My dog has a clear discharge - Main causes

My dog has a clear discharge - Main causes
My dog has a clear discharge - Main causes
My dog has clear discharge - Main causes
My dog has clear discharge - Main causes

Outside the heat period or, if applicable, parturition or postpartum, it is not usual for bitches to show discharge vaginal discharge. Therefore, its appearance can be a source of concern for caregivers, since a bloody discharge can be indicative of a serious uterine infection called pyometra. But, if a dog has a transparent or white discharge, we may be facing other causes such as those that we will explain in this article on our site. Read on and find out why your dog has clear discharge

The flow in bitches

Before explaining why a bitch has a transparent discharge, we will talk about the discharges that can occur in bitches on a regular basis. They are as follows:

  • Pinkish flow: this coloration is typical of the beginning of the estrous cycleand varies between shades of light pink, watermelon, dark pink and even yellowish.
  • Bloody discharge: more than a discharge, it would be a more or less thick secretion, with a bad smell and pus, which usually indicates a open-type pyometra, unless the bitch is in heat, in which case the bleeding would be normal, or she has just given birth. In this case it would correspond to the loquios
  • Green discharge: if it occurs during labor it indicates the abruption of a placenta and should be followed by the birth of a puppy in a few minutes. If this is not the case, it requires veterinary attention, since this discoloration of discharge outside of this moment can indicate infection
  • White discharge: is usually related to the presence of an infection, as we will see in the following sections. It can also take on a yellowish or greenish color.
  • Clear Discharge: Usually a clear, clean discharge will be part of the normal vaginal discharge but we will look in more detail at why a bitch has transparent flow in the following sections.
My dog has transparent discharge - Main causes - The discharge in bitches
My dog has transparent discharge - Main causes - The discharge in bitches

Why does my dog have white discharge?

Before explaining why a female dog has clear discharge, we will discuss what causes may explain her having white discharge. As we have mentioned, this type of discharge is usually related to an infection, such as that caused by a pyometra (uterine infection) or an infection of the womb. For this reason, it is essential to go quickly to the veterinarian to carry out tests, reach a diagnosis and treat, since not acting quickly can lead to the death of the dog in these cases.

Another possible cause is vaginitis, an inflammation of the vagina, although this does not always imply infection. Vaginitis in adult bitches can be due to a malformation of the vagina, a virus transmitted during mating, a fungus, etc. Initially, the vaginal discharge may be clear but may become purulent if infection occurs. We will also see that the dog licks her vulva and, if she has hair around her, it may be stained. It is a painful pathology and, therefore, the veterinarian may have to sedate the dog to be able to examine her. It requires treatment to prevent complications and affect the uterus or bladder. There is also a juvenile vaginitis that affects female dogs under one year of age. Although it usually does not produce symptoms, a whitish secretion can be observed on occasions.

A non-pathological case that explains why a bitch releases white or transparent fluid from the vulva after mating and is It is produced by the release of sperm that has remained in the vagina. This would occur during the first 24 hours after mating. If the bitch is in heat and we do not want her to have puppies, we should quickly go to our veterinarian. ovarihysterectomy is recommended and review the following article with our advice: "I don't want my dog to have puppies - How to avoid it".

My dog has transparent discharge - Main causes - Why does my dog have white discharge?
My dog has transparent discharge - Main causes - Why does my dog have white discharge?

Why does my dog have clear discharge?

The explanation for a female dog having clear discharge without accompanying other symptoms may be a normal vaginal discharge but, in occasions, it may be indicating a gestational loss in the early stages of pregnancy. The embryos do not even implant due to some problem in the bitch or due to genetic defects in the puppies. If a bitch is pregnant but neither puts on weight nor ends with a delivery she may find herself in this situation

Fetal resorption occurs up to approximately 40 days of gestation. It is in these cases that the bitch may have a clear vaginal discharge, although could also have blood or pus In addition, the bitch may appear upset, with a fever or refusing food, although if this reabsorption occurs at the beginning of pregnancy there will be no symptoms. If the fetal death takes place in a more advanced gestation, instead of a clear secretion we will see a vaginal hemorrhage accompanied by tissue.

My dog is pregnant and has clear discharge

If a dog has a transparent discharge and is pregnant, it is normal for us to worry, although, without other symptoms, it is usually normal vaginal discharge. On the other hand, during pregnancy and childbirth we should consult our veterinarian immediately if we observe any flow or purulent secretion, which may indicate infection, greenish, which indicates placental abruption, or hemorrhagic, since the dog could be suffering from bleeding.

On the other hand, a yellowish liquid during delivery will probably correspond to the rupture from an amniotic sac Of course, a puppy should be born in a matter of minutes. To know how to identify the symptoms of a dog that is going to give birth, consult this article.

My dog has transparent discharge - Main causes - My dog is pregnant and has transparent discharge
My dog has transparent discharge - Main causes - My dog is pregnant and has transparent discharge

Other causes of vaginal discharge in bitches

A female dog that has a clear or mucous discharge may be suffering from a vaginal or vulvar tumor, which are more common in older females advanced. In addition to discharge we can see symptoms such as vaginal bleeding, excessive licking of the area, increased frequency of urination and even a mass can be seen coming out of the vagina. They are usually benign tumors and can be operated on.
