Meatloaf for cats - Very easy and fast

Meatloaf for cats - Very easy and fast
Meatloaf for cats - Very easy and fast
Cat Meatloaf
Cat Meatloaf

The cat's diet is one of the essential cares to preserve its good he alth. Every feline, whether mestizo or of a defined breed, requires complete and balanced nutrition to optimally develop their physical, cognitive, emotional and social capacities. Therefore, it is vital to provide your kitten with a diet that fully meets its nutritional requirements.

The ideal is to have the guidance of a veterinarian when choosing the best diet for your feline. Whether you choose a balanced diet based on dry or wet feed or a BARF diet, the knowledge and experience of the veterinarian will be decisive in adapting the quantity and daily intake of food, as well as guaranteeing that its nutrition is perfectly adequate for its age and your body's needs.

However, you can also prepare some delicious homemade recipes to enrich your day to day life. Homemade preparations, using beneficial ingredients for the cat's he alth and, especially, with a lot of love, provide not only important nutrients for the development of your feline, but also incorporate aromas, textures and flavors that will whet your cat's appetite and make him feel very special.

On our site, we always invite you to discover the wonderful world of baking for cats, which includes a wide variety of cookies, cakes, muffins, etc. This time we will teach you how to make a delicious homemade cat meatloaf and very nutritious. Read on to discover this new recipe!

Making a nutritious and he althy cat cake

This meatloaf for cats is not only delicious, but also provides some very beneficial nutrients for the he alth of our felines. As its main ingredient is veal and we also add eggs to the preparation, it shows a high content of good quality protein.

Of course, we must always ensure the origin of the meat and eggs used in our recipes. It is also essential to guarantee their optimal maintenance when taking them to our home. But in any case, to avoid any type of contamination, we will boil the meat for a few minutes before using it to make our cake for cats In addition, we give you the best tips so you know how to prepare meat for your cats and keep it in optimal condition.

As we will also incorporate he althy ingredients, such as oatmeal, pumpkin and parsley, our cake will also provide fiber, vitamins and minerals to our cat's diet. In addition, we will also have the properties of olive oil for cats and the anti-inflammatory and digestive action of turmeric for an even he althier preparation.

On the other hand, we will never use foods that are prohibited for cats, and we will avoid adding cow's milk, high-fat cheeses, onions, garlic, peppers, leeks, white and refined flours (not wholemeal) in our prescription. In this way, we get a highly digestible meat pie for our kittens and prevent gastrointestinal disorders, such as gas, diarrhea or vomiting.

Homemade Cat Meatloaf Recipe

Check out all the ingredients and the step-by-step process for making this meatloaf for cats below.


  • 100 gr of good quality beef
  • 40 ml olive oil
  • ½ cup pumpkin, boiled and mashed ("mashed")
  • ½ cup whole grain oatmeal (preferably organic)
  • ½ cup whole wheat flour
  • 1 teaspoon turmeric
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/3 cup cottage cheese (optional, for topping)
  • Chopped fresh parsley (optional, for garnish)


  1. First, we quickly boil the meat, then cut it into very small pieces when it is at room temperature.
  2. While it is boiling, preheat the oven to a temperature of approximately 160ºC.
  3. Let's take a bowl and beat the eggs, olive oil and baking soda until they are well integrated. Then we add the pumpkin puree and the meat, and then we mix everything together.
  4. Now we can add the dry elements (flour, oatmeal, turmeric) and integrate all the ingredients, until we obtain the dough for our cat cake.
  5. Transfer the dough to a tart pan of our choice and place it in the preheated oven.
  6. After baking the preparation for about 20 or 25 minutes, we can check the correct doneness and remove the meatloaf from the oven.
  7. Now, just let it cool down to room temperature before serving your kitty. If we want a better presentation, we can decorate the cake with a topping of cotagge cheese and chopped fresh parsley on top.
  8. This homemade meatloaf for cats can be kept up to 5 days in the fridge and up to 3 months in the freezer.
Cat Meatloaf - Homemade Cat Meatloaf Recipe
Cat Meatloaf - Homemade Cat Meatloaf Recipe

Surprise your cat with this homemade meatloaf on his birthday

If you were looking for some ideas of birthday cakes for cats, you have already found a he althy and very delicious recipe. As you have seen, its preparation is very easy and fast, so you will not need much time and it will be quite cheap. And if you prefer, you can use the same recipe to make some delicious cupcakes for cats To do this, simply replace the traditional tart pan with the small special molds for cupcakes.

As this is a very special celebration, you can also improve the decoration of the meat pie for your cat, for example, using some snacks of your choice, or even with the same ingredients that you used in the recipe. With a little creativity and lots of love, an inexpensive and simple recipe makes the best birthday cake for your cat.

Now that you know how to make this exquisite meatloaf for cats, all you have to do is encourage yourself to prepare it for your feline. And of course, we would love to know what your kitty thought of this delicious homemade cake. Leave us your comment and share your experience!
