My Dog BREATHES Fast and Short - Causes and What to Do

My Dog BREATHES Fast and Short - Causes and What to Do
My Dog BREATHES Fast and Short - Causes and What to Do
My dog is breathing fast and short - Causes and what to do
My dog is breathing fast and short - Causes and what to do

A dog breathing fast and short is normal if he has just done intense exercise or it is hot. The dog pants to recover her body temperature, in what is a physiological process. But rapid breathing can also have a pathological origin, as we will explain in this article on our site.

Heart and lung problems, poisoning, heat stroke or situations such as dehydration or shock are behind rapid breathing. They all require veterinary assistance. Read on to find out why my dog is breathing fast and short and what to do about it.

Why is my dog breathing too fast? - Causes

If we get the impression that our dog is breathing fast, faster than normal, the first thing is to check it. The dog's normal breathing oscillates between 10 and 30 breaths per minute A higher frequency can put us on alert, unless this breathing is due to the fact that the dog you have exercised or it is very hot. In these cases, faster breathing would be physiological and would not initially indicate any he alth problem.

Otherwise, what we will notice is that the dog breathes fast and short and, depending on the cause, other symptoms will appear. But, in some cases, this increased respiratory rate is not accompanied by further clinical signs because it is due to:

  • Fever: Fever can appear in the initial stages of different diseases, so we cannot always detect other symptoms.
  • Pain: As for pain, its origin is not always obvious. For example, there may be a fracture that goes unnoticed.
  • Anxiety: Anxiety and stress in dogs can also manifest as faster breathing.

Therefore, if our dog is breathing fast and it is not physiological, we must go to the vet so that it is this professional who, after examine the dog, determine the reason for its disturbed breathing and can remedy it. Below we review the most common causes that can explain the appearance of this type of breathing.

My dog breathes fast and short - Causes and what to do - Why does my dog breathe very fast? - Causes
My dog breathes fast and short - Causes and what to do - Why does my dog breathe very fast? - Causes

My dog is breathing very fast and is listless

Sometimes we notice that our dog breathes fast and short, gets tired with minimal physical exertion, is listless or less active, has coughing fits, does not eat or eats less than normal, loses weight, accumulates liquids in different parts of the body, etc. In the most severe cases, the mucous membranes turn blue and the dog may even lose consciousness. These data point to a problem of cardiac origin, such as the so-called congestive heart failure, which affects the functioning of the heart.

By affecting the circulation of blood throughout the body, they end up giving symptoms like the ones we have mentioned. This disease requires veterinary treatment It is not curable, but the dog can be offered a good quality of life with diet and drugs.

On the other hand, heart failure can cause pleural effusion, which is a collection of serum or blood in the chest. It is an extremely serious situation that compromises the dog's breathing, so it is a veterinary emergency.

If you suspect that your dog has heart problems, you can consult this other article on 5 symptoms of heart disease in dogs.

My dog is breathing fast and trembling

If a dog breathes fast and short, trembles, hypersalivates, vomits, etc., he may be suffering from poisoning There are numerous products capable of of poisoning a dog, such as detergents, insecticides, medicines, some foods, rodenticides or plants.

The intensity of the symptoms will depend on the quantity of the poison with which the dog has come into contact, its size or the substance in question. In any case, if we suspect that the dog has been poisoned, we have to immediately transfer it to the vet In addition, here we explain how to treat a poisoned dog?

On the other hand, insect bites can also trigger anaphylactic shock with increased respiratory rate. They are veterinary emergencies.

My dog breathes fast and short - Causes and what to do - My dog breathes fast and trembles
My dog breathes fast and short - Causes and what to do - My dog breathes fast and trembles

Other causes of rapid breathing in dogs

Finally, we review other reasons why we may notice that our dog breathes fast and short:

  • Pneumonia: can also cause fever, runny nose, cough or, in the most severe cases, a bluish discoloration of the mucous membranes due to to lack of oxygen. If this picture continues, breathing can be compromised to the point of collapsing. Pneumonia has to be treated by the vet. It may be due to the presence of viruses, bacteria, fungi or even parasites, hence the need for a good diagnosis to be able to get the treatment right. It affects more animals that are already weakened, older or still immature, such as puppies.
  • Heatstroke: This is another serious cause of fast breathing. It is due to an increase in body temperature that, if not corrected, can be fatal. Other symptoms are thick saliva, very reddened mucous membranes or bloody diarrhea. It is a veterinary emergency.
  • Dehydration: Occurs when more fluids are lost than are replenished. The frequency of breathing increases and we will appreciate sunken eyes, dry mouth or sticky gums. Veterinary assistance should be sought and the dog stabilized with intravenous fluid administration.
  • Shock: Caused by bleeding, heart problems, allergic reactions, severe dehydration, poisoning or generalized infections. It increases the rate of breathing and poses a risk to the dog's life. In the final stages of shock, breathing slows. It is essential to go to the veterinarian and even then the prognosis will be reserved.
My dog breathes fast and short - Causes and what to do - Other causes of fast breathing in dogs
My dog breathes fast and short - Causes and what to do - Other causes of fast breathing in dogs

What happens when a dog breathes hard?

That a dog has trouble breathing is not a good sign Although there are breeds of dogs that in themselves have more trouble breathing, like bulldogs or boxers, is a symptom that should not be overlooked. Therefore, in the event of any anomaly, we encourage you to take your pet to the vet.

For more information, we talk in more detail about this topic in this other article on our site about My dog is having trouble breathing - Why and what to do.
