Chinese neon fish care

Chinese neon fish care
Chinese neon fish care
Chinese Neon Fish Care
Chinese Neon Fish Care

The Chinese neon fish, Tanichthys albonubes, is the ideal species to familiarize yourself with all the knowledge that, gradually, must be acquired to enjoy prosperous aquariums, since it is part of the fish for beginners.

The care of the Chinese neon fish are relatively easy due to the simple infrastructure they require and the affability of this species. If you continue reading this article, you will learn through our site the basic rules for the care of the Chinese neon fish and some tips that will be very useful to you, keep reading:

The aquarium

If we just want to enjoy a school of Chinese neon fish, without mixing them with other related species, an aquarium with a capacity of 60 liters will be enough.

But bearing in mind that the school should not exceed 12 or 14 specimens or harbor any other species, apart from cleaner snails. If you want to combine them with other species, larger volume aquariums will be necessary.

On the pH and hardness of the water they are not too demanding. A pH between 6 and 8 will be adequate. The hardness can range between 6 and 8 DH and 18 and 22DH. In terms of temperature, they admit a wide range that oscillates between 10 and 24ºC The optimum temperature is around 20ºC.

Chinese Neon Fish Care - The Aquarium
Chinese Neon Fish Care - The Aquarium

Displacement of the school

Chinese neons like to swim in schools; therefore, the plants will be placed on the margins of the aquarium, leaving a wide central space for comfortable navigation. They like to move close to the surface.

Alpha specimens swim in the center of the school surrounded by the other fish. For this reason it is important that the school is numerous, even more so if the aquarium is shared with other species. The alpha specimens attack their companions if they do not feel well protected in the center of the school.

Chinese Neon Fish Care - School Displacement
Chinese Neon Fish Care - School Displacement

Tap water

Standing tap water for 24 hours to dissipate chlorine naturally, is enough to fill the aquarium.

There are many species that require mineral waters without a hint of chlorine for their survival, causing a considerable annual cost. The Chinese neon fish needs very clean water; for this an efficientfilter is pertinent. They require a more frequent water change than other species.

If Chinese neons live in larger aquariums shared with other species, it will be necessary for the school to increase to a minimum of 20 specimens and for there to be many plants and rocks with holes to serve as shelter.

Chinese Neon Fish Care - Tap Water
Chinese Neon Fish Care - Tap Water

Chinese Neon Feed

The Chinese neon fish is omnivorous and undemanding. In the aquarium they can be fed with scales, but previously pulverizing them between the fingers. The small size of Chinese neons (4 to 6 cm) makes it necessary to reduce the size of the scales.

Appreciate varied diets. They like vinegar flies, insect larvae and brine shrimp. We should also include natural algae in your diet.

Chinese Neon Fish Care - Chinese Neon Feeding
Chinese Neon Fish Care - Chinese Neon Feeding

Chinese Neon Compatible Species

If you have a large aquarium you will probably want to complement your school of Chinese neons with other compatible species And there are some fish that can live in a community aquarium. Discover those compatible with Chinese neon below:


These cleaner fish live at the bottom of aquariums, feeding on detritus produced by other species. They are essential when aquariums reach a certain size. In the image we can see a corydora sterbai:

Chinese Neon Fish Care - Chinese Neon Compatible Species
Chinese Neon Fish Care - Chinese Neon Compatible Species


The gyrinocheilids or kobits have an organ that allows them to adhere to the walls of the aquarium and to the plants. In this way they conscientiously clean the places where they settle. In the image we can see a Pangio kuhlii:

Chinese neon fish care
Chinese neon fish care


The zebritas, Brachidanio rerio, are beautiful fish compatible with Chinese neons. Their life expectancy is similar to that of neons: 3 or 4 years. Like the neons, they are school fish, but they do not need as many specimens as the Chinese neons.
