Asian dogs have very unique physical and behavioral characteristics, for this reason, it is not surprising that many people want to know breeds of dogs Chinese and Japanese. If you have already reviewed our list of Japanese dog breeds, you can't stop reading this article to discover new dog breeds that will surely surprise you.
Discover below 10 Chinese dog breeds, which includes small dogs, large dogs and the only Chinese hairless dog breed. Do you want to meet them? Then don't miss this selection from our site, you'll love it!
Small Chinese Dog Breeds
We started the article talking about small Chinese dog breeds. Did you already know that these small breeds originated in China? If this is not the case, keep reading to discover its origin.
Shih Tzu
The shih tzu, to the surprise of many, is a Chinese dog originally from Tibet Small in size, reaching only 27 centimeters long. It has black and white fur, the most popular being those with a white tuft on the forehead and the tip of the tail.
These small Chinese dogs are attractive to the naked eye, as well as having a friendly character with both people and other animals. Even so, don't be fooled by their appearance alone: if disturbed they can become very aggressive, as well as being good watchdogs
Don't miss this article on our site about Shih Tzu Coat Care, here.
Known for its abundant coat, this dog breed of Chinese origin can surprise you due to its bad temper, since he doesn't hesitate to attack other animals that double or triple his size. He is an independent dog, but also affectionate with his human companions. This small Chow behaves like a guard dog, displaying a confident and courageous personality.
Recognizing these small Chows is easy, due to their somewhat flat face and broad, somewhat flat surface on the top of their heads. It has abundant smooth fur that can be of any color; its eyes are black and its snout is slightly wrinkled.
You may be interested in taking a look at the following post about the Differences between Pekingese and Shih Tzu.
Lhasa apso
It is a Chinese breed originally from Tibet. This breed of small Chinese dogs is characterized by the length of its coat, which falls over the face giving the impression that the dog has a beard and mustache.
He is independent and loves to be caressed; Furthermore, he is very playful, greedy and cheerful, although he tends to feel uncomfortable with strangers. In ancient times, it was considered a symbol of good luck, so Tibetan monks gave these dogs to high-ranking officials in various countries.
Pug or Pug
Another canine breed of Chinese origin is the pug or pug. The origin of the pug is believed to date back to the 5th century BC. Its main physical characteristics are: rounded head, short legs and spiral tail. Also noteworthy are his bulging eyes, which give him a tender and vulnerable appearance.
This small Chow is very playful and loves to be in the company of people, although he remains alert if he senses the presence of A stranger. You may be interested in reading this post about the common diseases of the pug or pug dog.
In addition to these Chinese breed dogs, if you are interested in small dogs in general, don't miss this other article on our site about Dwarf Dog Breeds. As we have already seen the small Chinese dogs, now we are going to meet the big ones.

Large Chinese Dog Breeds
Now it's the turn of the big ones, find out everything you need to know about this kind of dog; Do you dare to adopt any of these Chinese breed dogs?
Chow chow
The Chow Chow is an instant attention grabber breed. Its small ears, large nose and robust and fluffy body make it one of the most beautiful and striking. Its abundant fur, light brown or beige, gives it the appearance of being a small lionAs a curious fact, the tongue of the chow chow is dark blue, practically black, due to a dominant gene in these animals.
We tell you Why do chow chows have a blue tongue? In this post on our site.
Shar pei
There are records of the Shar Pei from 206 B. C. The most outstanding characteristic of this Chinese dog is the coat, thick on wrinkled folds of skin. Its snout is large and darker than the rest of its body; their ears are small and slightly drooping forward. They are very playful, but at the same time calm. Special care should be taken in the wrinkles of the skin, since they are perfect areas for harboring ticks and dirt.
Don't hesitate to take a look at the following post about Shar Pei fever, here.
The Chongqing is a little-known Chinese dog from the region of China of the same name. Of molossian type, it bears certain similarities with the bulldog and the Thai ridgeback. The males measure up to 50 centimeters in height, while the females reach only 40 centimeters. It is a guard dog and is believed to have existed for more than 2,000 years, making it a symbol of Chinese culture.
Tibetan Mastiff
It is a herding dog, common in cold areas of China. Large in size, it measures approximately 71 centimeters in length, with a solid body. Its head is wide and strong, and its fur is abundant and dense, intensely black or brown in color.
Tibetan Terrier
The next of the Chinese dog breeds features the Tibetan terrier. This Chinese dog is not really one of the largest, but has a height and weight that make it a medium Chinese dog. It is a very shy and quiet breed of dog, as well as being really faithful and affectionate
Like other dog breeds of Chinese origin mentioned in this article, the Tibetan terrier comes from the Tibet region. The first records of this breed date back more than 2,000 years ago and, originally, they were used as guard dogs.

Chinese Hairless Dog Breeds
Few are the dogs of Chinese origin that do not have hair, do you want to discover the most popular? Ahead!
Chinese Crested
This Chinese dog breed has two varieties, hairless and hairless The hairless variety owes its origin toa genetic mutation However, the Chinese Hairless Crested is not completely bald, it has fur on the lower part of its legs, on its tail and on its head in the form of a crest, remaining his bare torso. It is a small dog, weighing only 7 kilograms. His characteris very playful , perfect as a companion dog
Now that you know these canine breeds of Chinese origin, you may also be interested in knowing how to adopt a dog?