Can dogs eat Peanuts? - Yes, but with precautions

Can dogs eat Peanuts? - Yes, but with precautions
Can dogs eat Peanuts? - Yes, but with precautions
Can dogs eat peanuts?
Can dogs eat peanuts?

Los cacahuetes, also known as maní, cacahuate or caguate(Arachis hypogaea) are legumes that are often confused with nuts. Originally from the south of Bolivia, they still have the stigma of being a fattening food, however, they have become increasingly popular within he althy diets, thanks to their composition, which has vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and natural antioxidants..

If you're a fan of peanut butter or peanut butter, you're probably wondering if dogs can eat peanuts, well then, you should know that yes, although with certain precautions that we will detail in this article on our site, keep reading to discover everything!

So can dogs eat peanuts?

Peanuts are a food rich in natural fatty acids and antioxidants, such as Omega 3 and Omega 9, which help prevent cell damage and cardiovascular problems. In fact, thanks to the action of free radicals, the accumulation of LDL cholesterol plaques, the so-called "bad cholesterol", in the arteries is prevented.

It also contains vitamins E, B, folic acid and minerals such as manganese, essential nutrients for strengthening the immune system and muscle development of dogs. Because of this, consumption can be especially beneficial for puppies, which are in full growth, as well as older dogs, who need to prevent muscle wasting and other common symptoms of old age.

Despite these benefits, it should be noted that peanuts are also notable for their high-calorie content As a result, consumption excessive weight can lead to a rapid increase in weight, favoring the appearance of symptoms associated with overweight and obesity in dogs.

Furthermore, dogs cannot consume caguate in the same way that humans can. We are used to eating peanuts raw, fried or roasted, with or without shell, alone, in savory recipes or in sweet recipes. However, dogs should not eat foods that are fried, s alty or sugary It is also essential to make sure that dogs consume this food in the right form and amounts according to their size, weight and he alth.

Can dogs eat peanuts? - So can dogs eat peanuts?
Can dogs eat peanuts? - So can dogs eat peanuts?

Before you offer peanuts to a dog…

Yes, dogs can eat peanuts, but before offering them, it is essential to know how to introduce them into their diet to ensure safe consumption and beneficial. First of all, it is essential to remove the shell before giving it to the dog, as it can cause gastrointestinal and oral discomfort.

Ideally, give raw peanuts, since in this way they preserve all the nutrients. However, the dog can also eat oven-roasted and shelled peanuts as long as no s alt or sugar is added We will in any case avoid fried, s alted or caramelized peanuts.

As an extra, we can consult the vet if we have questions about it, especially if our dog has suffered from any he alth problem, such as allergies or gastrointestinal disorders.

Different ways to give peanuts to dogs

We can offer a small dose of raw uns alted peanuts as a reward when we conduct a training session using positive reinforcement. We can use about 10 grams in large dogs (around 55 kilocalories) and between 2 and 5 in medium or small dogs (between 10 and 30 kilocalories). Of course, we will moderate its consumption to two or three times a week. In addition, once the training is finished, we will calculate the calories of the offered dose and remove a small amount from dinner or the same day's food for our dog.

We can also use peanut butter or peanut butter in our homemade recipes, for example when making birthday cakes for dogs or homemade cupcakes for dogs. Are you interested in knowing how to do it? In the following video we will show you a step-by-step recipe that includes peanut butter:
