There are different types of veterinary emergencies, such as poisoning, trauma or a bleeding wound. In any case, quick action and quality service ensure that our pets can recover quickly.
If you are looking for a 24 hour vet in Zaragoza city you have come to the right place, on our site we have searched for the bestservices veterinary emergencies in central Zaragoza, either for its facilities, services or customer evaluation. We also show you a center that makes home visits:
Emvet - Zaragoza Veterinary Emergencies

Emvet Zaragoza Veterinary Emergencies is a clinic specialized in veterinary emergenciesFor this reason, they are open when the veterinary clinics are closed: noon, night, holidays, weekends… The facilities , of almost 200 square meters, have with three surgeries, a laboratory, two diagnostic rooms, an operating room and two intensive care rooms.
The services offered by Emvet, Zaragoza Veterinary Emergencies are: hospitalization and intensive care(assisted by veterinarians 24 hours a day, either administering medication, fluid therapy, intensive care, oxygen therapy, assisted respiration…), blood bank(blood transfusion), consultations, laboratory (analysis, cytology…), ultrasound, x-ray, endoscopy, operating room (inhalation anesthesia, multiparametric monitoring, automatic ventilator, electric scalpel…).
San Fernando Veterinary Clinic

The San Fernando Veterinary Clinic has more than 25 years of experience in the veterinary sector. The facilities have two consultation rooms, an X-ray room, two operating rooms and a laboratory. They stand out for making home consultations and 24-hour emergencies
The services of La Clínica Veterinaria San Fernando are: general medicine, radiology, ultrasound, endoscopy, laboratory tests, general surgery, hospitalization.
This is a reference center in traumatology and orthopedics, specializing in external fixation techniques, joint surgery and osteosynthesis plates. Regarding hospitalization, we can highlight the independent boxes with heating, ventilation and evacuation.
Zaragoza Veterinary Clinical Center

The Zaragoza Veterinary Clinical Center stands out mainly for its availability, it is open to offer a service 24-hour emergency number. It is a high-level veterinary center with good professional equipment.
The services offered by the Zaragoza Veterinary Clinical Center: general surgery, eye surgery and traumatology , care for animals exotic , endoscopy, physiotherapy, hospitalization, internal medicine, neurosurgery, dentistry, ophthalmology. They also have a hairdresser (for dogs and cats) and a pet products store.
Peludines Veterinary Clinic

The Peludines Veterinary Clinic has modern facilities, extensively combining veterinary medicine and the feline residence service. They also stand out for the 24-hour emergency service.
The services offered by the Peludines Veterinary Clinic: cardiology, general medicine, oncology, diagnostic imaging,general surgery and traumatology , clinical analysis, hospitalization , food and accessories, canine and feline grooming and care for exotic animals.