veterinary emergencies are a relatively common problem that many owners encounter at some point in their lives. Therefore, if you are looking for an emergency vet in Cartagena and you don't know which one to choose, it is important that you pay attention to the equipment of the center, the specializations of the veterinarians and the overall quality of its services.
Precisely to help you find the most suitable place, on our site we have prepared a list with the five best options, where you can find your 24-hour vet in Cartagena This list is based on the evaluations of the companies, the equipment of the veterinary center or the specializations of the professionals, among many other factors. We explain what they are:
MiVet Faucan Veterinary Center

The Faucan Veterinary Clinic, which is part of the Mivet Clinics group, is one of the best emergency vets in Cartagena. Thanks to their more than 25 years of experience, they are consolidated as one of the first options in terms of veterinary emergencies, since they offer an emergency service one day a week
Veterinarians at the Faucan Veterinary Clinic have various specializations, such as traumatology and internal medicine, in addition, the center is prepared to carry out all kinds of tests for a correct diagnosis, such as X-Rays and Ultrasounds. To finish, it is worth noting the quality of the facilities, the excellent treatment they offer and their effort to continue being one of the reference veterinary centers in Cartagena.
Sauces Veterinary Clinic

Among the best emergency veterinary centers in Cartagena, you cannot miss the Sauces Veterinary Clinic, a center that has been open since 1995 and that It has all kinds of services, as well as the latest in technology, which makes it one of the reference veterinarians in the city.
They have an excellent 24-hour emergency service to attend to all kinds of emergencies and needs that your pet may require. In addition, they have a large number of technological devices to find a more precise and accurate diagnosis.