Why does my cat have skin wounds? - Main causes

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Why does my cat have skin wounds? - Main causes
Why does my cat have skin wounds? - Main causes
Why does my cat have skin wounds?
Why does my cat have skin wounds?

In this article on our site we are going to explain why a cat has skin wounds We will see that there are multiple causes that can be behind the appearance of this type of lesions on the skin of our cat, such as scabs, sores, ulcers, etc. We will talk about the most common triggers, which can be anything from a bite caused by a fight to a reaction to flea parasites, allergies, infections or even tumors.

In all cases of skin wounds, it must be our veterinarian who diagnoses and treats, however, in order to provide all possible information to the specialist, we will explain the below. most common causes of skin wounds in cats.

Wounds on the skin of cats from bites

The simplest reason why a cat has skin wounds is that they have been caused by an attack. Sometimes even playing with another cat can cause injuries. Sometimes the bites close falsely, producing the feline percutaneous abscess, that is, infection under the skin, although it is more frequent that we discover that our cat has scabs on the skin that will correspond to minor wounds that have healed by themselves.

Bite wounds will be more common in cats that live with others or with other animals and that have access to the outdoors, where fights are likely to break out over territorial issues or over females in heat. If these wounds are minor we can disinfect them at home, on the other hand, if they are deep, have a bad appearance or we find an abscess, we must go to our veterinarian, since they may need drainage, disinfection and antibiotic.

Why does my cat have skin wounds? - Wounds on the skin of cats from bites
Why does my cat have skin wounds? - Wounds on the skin of cats from bites

Cat Skin Reaction Patterns

Sometimes why a cat has skin wounds is explained as part of a skin reaction pattern. Generally these wounds are caused by itching, especially if it lasts over time. The cat licks and scratches itself, causing alopecia and erosions such as ulcers or scabs. Within these patterns, produced by different causes, the following stand out:

  • Self-inflicted hypotrichosis: this disorder involves hair loss but is also responsible for a condition known as pruritic facial dermatitis, in which wounds can be seen on the cat's skin. In the Persian, a idiopathic facial dermatitis is identified, perhaps caused by a disorder of the sebaceous glands. It is characterized by scabs on the face and can be complicated to affect the neck and ears. It occurs in young people.
  • Miliary dermatitis: this reaction, which produces variable itching, manifests as tiny wounds, especially around the neck and head. In addition, scratching can cause alopecia and other erosions. It develops due to allergies, infections, parasites, etc.
  • Eosinophilic complex: includes three types of lesions that can also appear in the mouth, such as the eosinophilic ulcer, theeosinophilic plaque and the eosinophilic granuloma.

In the following sections we will see the most common causes that explain the development of these patterns.

Wounds on the skin of cats due to parasites

There are several parasites that can explain why our cat has wounds on the skin or why the cat has scabs. The most common are the following:

  • Fleas: these insects bite the cat to feed on its blood, which causes itching and areas with alopecia and wounds in the lumbosacral part and the neck. Fleas or their remains can be seen directly and are combated using antiparasitic products for cats.
  • Ticks: they mainly attack cats with access to the outdoors or that live with dogs. If we do not detect the parasite while it itches, on some occasions we can find in areas with the thinnest skin, such as the ears, the neck or between the fingers, small bumps and even small scabs on the cat's skin that may correspond to a reaction to the tick bite. It is necessary to visit the veterinarian to confirm that this is the case.
  • Mites: they are responsible for diseases such as scabies, which can even infect humans. It is characterized by intense itching, especially on the head, although it can spread, where alopecia and scabs appear. The mite Otodectes cynotis affects the ears, especially of younger cats, causing otitis, visible as a dark brown discharge. Neotrombicula autumnalis is seen as orange dots that are very itchy and crusty. They are eliminated with antiparasitics once the veterinarian has diagnosed them.
Why does my cat have skin wounds? - Wounds on the skin of cats by parasites
Why does my cat have skin wounds? - Wounds on the skin of cats by parasites

Wounds on the skin of cats due to allergies

The hypersensitivity to certain substances may explain why a cat has skin wounds. We have already commented on the action of fleas but, in addition, in some animals allergic to their saliva, a single bite can trigger a picture in which we will see wounds on the neck and lumbosacral area, although it can be extended. It appears between 3 and 6 years. As we have said, the preventive use of antiparasitics is basic.

atopic dermatitis, for which there is a genetic predisposition, can also affect cats, as canadverse reactions to food In these cases, the veterinarian will make the diagnosis and initiate treatment. Atopic dermatitis usually appears in animals under 3 years of age, in a generalized or local way and always with itching. Coughing, sneezing or conjunctivitis may also appear. In food allergies or intolerances, the lesions will be in the head, but they can also appear in a generalized way. The diagnosis is confirmed if there is a positive response to a elimination diet

Why does my cat have skin wounds? - Wounds on the skin of cats due to allergies
Why does my cat have skin wounds? - Wounds on the skin of cats due to allergies

Wounds on the skin of cats due to infections

Both bacterial and fungal infections can explain why our cat has skin wounds. Some of these infections also explain why a cat has skin sores, as in cases of pyodermas, which are bacterial infections. Within this section we highlight the following disorders as the most common, although there are many more existing ones:

  • Feline acne: usually appears as blackheads on the chin but can progress to pustules, which will require disinfection and veterinary treatment. It can appear at any age.
  • Ringworm: Probably the best known feline disease with the ability to infect humans. Although its usual presentation consists of circular alopecia, we can also see it as miliary dermatitis or eosinophilic granuloma. It requires veterinary treatment and the monitoring of hygiene measures to avoid contagion. It is more frequent in kittens, malnourished or sick animals.
  • Paniculitis: is the inflammation of the adipose tissue that produces ulcers with secretion. As it has several causes, the treatment will depend on your determination.
Why does my cat have skin wounds? - Wounds on the skin of cats due to infections
Why does my cat have skin wounds? - Wounds on the skin of cats due to infections

Wounds on the skin of cats due to cancer

Some tumor processes can also explain why a cat has skin wounds. In cats, a malignant tumor stands out, squamous cell carcinoma, which can appear on the nose, ears or eyelids, first like a scab. It is due to the action of the sun on light areas with little hair. If the exposure is prolonged and the cat is not treated, it is when the carcinoma can appear.

Any erosion should be checked by the veterinarian, since the prognosis improves the sooner it is diagnosed. It is necessary to avoid exposure to the sun and, in more serious cases, opt for surgery, more or less complex depending on the location, or radiotherapy.

Why does my cat have skin wounds? - Wounds on the skin of cats due to cancer
Why does my cat have skin wounds? - Wounds on the skin of cats due to cancer

Diagnostic tests to find out why a cat has skin wounds

Once we have seen what causes can explain why our cat has skin wounds, scabs or sores, the visit to the veterinary center is essential, since it will be this professional who, through tests, will be able to arrive at the exact diagnosis of all the possible causes. Among the tests to perform the following stand out:

  • Sampling.
  • Skin scraping.
  • Hearing test.
  • Visualization of the hair under a microscope.
  • Cytology study.
  • Wood's lamp observation.
  • Biopsy.
  • In some cases it may be necessary to perform laboratory tests and radio and ultrasound studies.

It is very important not to try to treat cat skin wounds at home with home remedies or medications without the approval of a veterinarian, since, as we have mentioned, the treatment will vary depending on the cause and improper administration can considerably worsen the clinical picture.
