Do HAMSTERS hibernate?

Do HAMSTERS hibernate?
Do HAMSTERS hibernate?
Do hamsters hibernate?
Do hamsters hibernate?

Food scarcity and cold weather pose two challenges for small rodents, which have put their survival to the test including hamsters. These two factors are even more evident during the winter, when they usually begin the well-known hibernation.

If you live with one of these cute rodents, you have probably wondered if hamsters hibernate, since it is not usual to observe this behavior in the warmth of the home. It is for this reason that, in this article on our site, we want to answer your questions about hibernation in hamsters.

How and why do hamsters hibernate?

Hamsters, like many other species, are animals that are prepared to survive despite the coldest winters and the scarcity of food. And this is possible thanks to hibernation.

And you may wonder, what exactly does hibernation consist of? This is characterized by a physiological state in which the hamster reserves its energies, with the intention of waiting and staying active only when more fruitful times arrive. Specifically, this status is characterized by:

  • State of torpor, in which it stays asleep.
  • Decrease in body temperature.
  • Decreased metabolic rate.
  • Decrease in vital signs.

Before hibernation, the hamster is properly prepared to survive during this stage. For this reason, increases her food intakeweeks in advance so that her body stores enough fat and nutrients that she won't be able to consume while she's asleep. They also often prepare their nests to keep themselves adequately protected during this stage in which they remain unconscious and vulnerable to external threats, in addition to being able to maintain their body temperature.

Do hamsters hibernate? - How and why do hamsters hibernate?
Do hamsters hibernate? - How and why do hamsters hibernate?

When do hamsters hibernate?

In the wild, hamsters usually begin hibernation when the temperature reaches 15 ºC, when winter approaches and therefore, it is more difficult to find food and they must take shelter from the cold.

However, domestic hamsters rarely hibernate, as the living conditions of these pets do not initiate this mechanism of survival. That is to say, usually in homes the temperature is usually between 15-21 ºC so that we feel comfortable living in them. Also, being under our care, the hamsters have guaranteed food, something that would not occur in the wild.

In addition to the cold, hamsters are very sensitive to high temperatures. For this reason, we recommend you read this other article on our site about heat stroke in hamsters.

What to do if your hamster is hibernating?

Although it is not usual, there may be circumstances in which your pet begins to hibernate, for example if it has escaped and you have found it outside the house or if you have placed its cage in a cold place, like the terrace during the winter (which is not advisable).

Whatever the reasons, it is recommended to wake up your hamster, since domestic hamsters are not as prepared as wild ones to do so. They may not prepare properly and be dangerous for them In the worst cases, it can lead to the death of the animal.

With this intention, you should wake up your hamster by taking him to a place in the house where the temperature is stable and pleasant Always in a progressive, because a sudden contrast in temperature could be very harmful to him. Do not even think of, for example, placing it next to the heating. Next, try to gently petyour hamster to warm him up and wake him up from his sleep

Once he begins to recover, offer him food and water with a little sugar, as it is important for him to hydrate and recover energies. You will notice that your hamster is weakand has difficulty moving around, but don't worry, little by little and after a few hours, it will regain its strength from him and start walking.

If you have noticed that your hamster drinks less water than usual, in this article on our site on Why does my hamster not drink water? we explain the possible reasons for its lack of hydration.

Do hamsters hibernate? - What to do if your hamster is hibernating?
Do hamsters hibernate? - What to do if your hamster is hibernating?

How do I know if my hamster is hibernating?

It is not strange that if you have noticed that your hamster sleeps a lot, you wonder if it is hibernating. In the same way, you have probably had a heartbreaking scare when you noticed the cold and immobile body of your pet, which has made you consider the worst situation, that is, who has died. But don't worry, if you pay enough attention, you will be able to detect if your hamster is actually hibernating.

To know if your hamster is hibernating, the first most important sign you should look at is breathing, because despite being mild and slower than normal, it is still essential for your pet to live. So watch closely for a while to see if your little rodent is breathing.

If you are not sure if your pet is breathing, Gently touch its body, since even if it feels cold, it will probably it will not be rigid like that of a corpse. In addition, the area of the cheeks will be especially sensitive and a little warmer, so if you touch it, it will surely respond by slightly moving its whiskers.
