Bears are land mammals that inhabit different ecosystems around the world. In forests, meadows and polar areas it is possible to find different species of bears, always among the animals that are located at the top of the food chain. How much do you know about their habits and life cycle?
Among the different beliefs that exist around this species, there is one that states that they sleep throughout the winter. What is true in here? Do bears hibernate? Discover this and other secrets about them in the following article on our site. Keep reading!
Bear Characteristics
Bears are mammals that reach between 1.3 and 2.8 meters in height, in addition, some species can weigh 500kg These physical characteristics make them one of the largest land animals on the planet. Their appearance varies according to the species, but they all have short ears and tails, elongated snouts, small eyes, and large heads. The legs are also short, but extremely strong, with five fingers armed with long, curved claws.
In general, bears have a very poor sense of sight and hearing, however, they make up for this with a fine sense of smell, which allows them to locate food.
The bear's fur is long and abundant. The colors vary between brown, black and white. In addition, there are curious specimens, such as the panda bear (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), which has a coat with a black and white color pattern, and thespectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus), which has white circles around its eyes.
In terms of their distribution, bears can be found all over the world, from Europe and Asia to Africa, North America and South America. They are omnivorous animals, as they feed on both plants and animals. Some of them are only herbivores, like the panda, and others have a completely carnivorous diet, like the polar bears.
The reproductive phase of bears lasts between 5 and 9 years, when they reach sexual maturity. Once the pups are born, they feed on mother's milk.

Which bears hibernate?
Bears are included in the list of animals that hibernate This process, however, is different from how it occurs in other species also take this time to rest during cold times, which is why bears hibernate. Unlike other species, bears do not lose their ability to perceive their surroundings during this process, reacting with sudden sounds or if they are disturbed in any way.
Now then, Which bears hibernate? The truth is that not all species need it. The panda bear, for example, does not have this need, since its diet based on bamboo prevents it from having the necessary strength to enter this state of inactivity. The spectacled bear does not either, since its food is available in its habitat throughout the year, as is the lipped bear (Melursus ursinus).
For its part, the Asian black bear (Ursus thibetanus) can hibernate or stay awake all year long, depending on the amount of food available to you. The American black bear (Ursus americanus) goes into a state of torpor, but wakes up easily, similar to what happens with the grizzly bear. Polar bears, on the other hand, do hibernate.
Why do bears hibernate?
Bear hibernation is different from that of other species, because if they find enough food throughout the year and the weather conditions are favorable for their body, they can decide not to enter this state.
Now then, why do bears hibernate? During the winter, most of their prey hibernate or are scarce, in addition, the trees lose their leaves and fruits, so food is scarce Adopting this practice is a way to survive that harsh season, since hibernation allows bears to survive without the need to eat food.
Some conditions must be met before starting this inactivity process, such as presenting accumulated fat throughout the year. When hibernating, they lower their body temperature and heart rate, causing them to lose approximately 40% of their total weight.

Can you wake up a hibernating bear?
Once they have gone to sleep, is it possible to wake up a hibernating bear? The answer is yes! These animals are often sensitive to any external stimulus they receive, so a sudden sound or contact with another animal will wake them up.
It is important to note that bears do not wake up from this long period to satisfy their physiological needs. The body has various microorganisms that take advantage of the nutrients found in urine and feces, converting them into amino acids necessary for the bear's body.
Polar bear hibernation
polar bears (Ursus maritinus) live in the coldest areas, where temperatures rarely rise above freezing. They have fur that protects them from extreme cold, under which is a black skin. They are among the most threatened bear species, as they are classified as "Vulnerable" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). They have a life expectancy of 30 years, however, due to the destruction of their habitat, few reach 18.
Polar bears hibernate during the coldest months, when they seek natural refuges, such as caves or caverns, to keep warm and be safe. Polar bear cubs can born during hibernation and, thanks to their instinct, access their mother's milk to survive.