It is not easy to find veterinary clinics specializing in exotic animals, despite the fact that these are increasingly popular in homes. For this reason, on our site we have selected the exotic veterinary centers in Bilbao best valued by users, and qualified.
So that you can choose the clinic that best suits your needs, we explain each of its most outstanding services and indicate whether they have a 24-hour emergency service or not, because we do not always need the Veterinary care during clinic hours. Read on, navigate between the different centers and discover which are the best qualified exotics vets in Bilbao
Garellano Veterinary Clinic

The Garellano veterinary clinic arose from the idea of creating a center to offer a quality medical service to all pets alike To them, each pet, whether it has fur, feathers or scales, needs specific care and, therefore, they are not only dedicated to the care and treatment of dogs and cats, but also have qualified personnel to care for all kinds of exotic animals. This group includes any species that is not a dog or a cat, so that rabbits, hamsters, turtles or parakeets are also considered exotic.
At the Garellano veterinary clinic they consider it essential to try to provide the same service regardless of the species, and with that mentality they have designed their clinic, with modern facilities, updated and well equipped.
Campo Volantín Veterinary Clinic

The Campo Volantín veterinary clinic arises from the need to offer a quality service to animals, including species considered exotic. To do this, they have 230 m2 of facilities equipped with the latest technologies, such as digital radiology, ultrasound, operating room with inhalation anesthesia or oxygen generator. They also have spaces for the independent hospitalization of dogs and cats, three consultation rooms, a laboratory, a hairdresser's salon and a specialized shop.
The philosophy of Campo Volantín is based on animal welfare through close and human treatment. Through new techniques, they try to anticipate the disease in early diagnosis, thus improving the quality of life of their patients.
El Karmelo Veterinary Clinic

Since 1990, the Karmelo veterinary clinic team has been working to provide a professional and quality service. Their commitment to animal welfare is such that they are constantly updated to be up to date with new medical and technological advances This priority has allowed them to position themselves at the forefront of diagnostic methods and treatment, with the aim of providing patients with the best for their he alth.
As we said, the Karmelo veterinary clinic provides specialized veterinary assistance in medicine for dogs, cats and exotic animals. Likewise, through routine check-ups, the team of professionals can carry out what is known as preventive medicine, which allows anticipating the disease and preventing its development.
Deusto Veterinary Center

The Deusto Veterinary Center is directed by Marta Gallo and accompanied by veterinarians Ainara Gallo, Patricia Reinares and Andre Francés, and assistants Nerea Ramírez and Isabel Beltrán, being pioneers in veterinary and emergency servicesa. Likewise, they have a hairdressing service run by Elisa Oses. Its extensive medical and surgical experience in the sector provides its patients with a service capable of satisfying all the needs related to the he alth and welfare of animals, in modern facilities, with close and personal treatment.
Arkakuxo Veterinary Center

The Arkakuxo Veterinary Center, located in the municipality of Arrigorriaga, just 10 minutes from Bilbao by car, is characterized by being a clinic specializing in dogs and cats as well as exotic animals, such as ferrets, rabbits, guinea pigs, turtles, iguanas, snakes or birds. Likewise, they have a 24-hour emergency service through which they offer a totally personalized and close treatment.