My parrot plucks its feathers - Causes and solutions

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My parrot plucks its feathers - Causes and solutions
My parrot plucks its feathers - Causes and solutions
My parrot plucks its feathers - Causes and solutions
My parrot plucks its feathers - Causes and solutions

Currently many people have seen the parrot as an ideal companion animal, not only because of its great beauty and the friendliness it arouses, but also because it is a animal that is characterized by its great intelligence.

One of the most characteristic features of the parrot is its colorful and cheerful plumage, precisely, in addition to being an area that draws attention, it is also an area prone to pathological disorders, which on some occasions can have organic causes and in others they can be caused by behavioral disorders.

In this article on our site we provide you with all the information you need to know if your parrot plucks its feathers, as well as all its causes and solutions.

Why is my parrot plucking its feathers?

The fact that a parrot plucks its feathers too is known as pecking and is an abnormal behavior that should not be confused with moulting times.

Parrots do not have an established molting period but this is characterized by the loss of plumage that does NOT leave bare skin areas, on the other hand, if we observe in our parrot body areas completely devoid of feathers and, sometimes, accompanied by lesions, then we are facing a clear case of intentional plucking.

Pecking can be caused by different factors, although the most common is psychological, which also has a significant relapse rate and requires complex treatment. Let's see below the causas why a parrot plucks its feathers:

  • Stress: the parrot may be stressed due to lack of attention, insufficient hygiene in its cage or being in a cramped cage, due to lack of stimulation and boredom, due to feelings of loneliness and abandonment and even in sensitive parrots, stress can be caused by conflicts at home.
  • Malnutrition: Along with stress, this is another of the main causes. If the parrot feeds only on seeds, it suffers dry skin, which leads to excessive cleaning that can trigger the habit of plucking.
  • Environmental factors: Moisture, tobacco smoke, or kitchen smoke can upset the animal and cause this behavior.
  • External parasites: mites and lice cause irritation on the skin of the animal that plucks the feathers in an attempt to alleviate the symptom.
  • Dermatological infections: a localized bacterial or fungal infection at the topical level can cause itching and inflammation, to which the parrot responds by tearing the feathers in an attempt to calm the symptoms.

Other causes that can cause a parrot to pluck its feathers:

Hormonal deficiency

Sexual frustration at not being able to finish courtship

Skin changes: bruises, cysts or broken feathers

Bacterial diseases

As we have been able to observe, there are many causes that can lead to pecking in a parrot, so it will be essential to be able to establish what factor is causing the problem Likewise, we recommend consulting the article on "Most common diseases of parrots".

My parrot plucks its feathers - Causes and solutions - Why does my parrot pluck its feathers?
My parrot plucks its feathers - Causes and solutions - Why does my parrot pluck its feathers?

What to do if my parrot plucks its feathers?

If we observe a parrot pecking behavior, the first thing we should do is take it to the vet for a complete examination This is absolutely necessary to be able to rule out or verify the presence of any underlying pathology that was causing this disorder.

The veterinarian is the only person qualified to indicate a specific treatment against pecking, however, depending on the cause of the problem, we can highlight the following treatment options:

To control stress we must take our parrot out of the cage daily, as well as make sure that he has different toys at his disposal. The parrot will also need a sufficiently large cage that meets optimal hygiene conditions In some cases it may be useful for the parrot to live with another animal of its species to Avoid feelings of loneliness. It is useful to bathe him frequently, since in this way he will reject contact with his feathers and will not pluck them.

We must review those environmental factors that could be affecting the parrot, such as kitchen smoke, and move the cage to improve its immediate environment

  • In the case of external parasites, we should periodically spray the parrot with a antiparasitic product, always under veterinary supervision and strictly following the recommendations of the maker.
  • If a bacterial disease or skin infection is causing the itching, it will be necessary to follow antibiotic or antifungal treatment that should always be prescribed by the veterinarian.

It will be necessary to check the feeding. To correct any nutritional deficit we must supply our parrot with a diet based mainly on fruit, vegetables and dry feed, also providing dry or germinated seeds. Do not miss our articles with "Fruits and vegetables for parrots"

If we take into account the main factor that is causing our parrot's intentional plucking and apply the corresponding tips, we can solve this problem before a serious injury occurs.

My parrot plucks its feathers - Causes and solutions - What to do if my parrot plucks its feathers?
My parrot plucks its feathers - Causes and solutions - What to do if my parrot plucks its feathers?

How to prevent my parrot from plucking its feathers?

Preventing a parrot from plucking its feathers is not always possible, since, as we have seen, this behavior may be caused by some deficit hormonal or bacterial infection. However, it is possible to try to ensure that our pet's state of he alth is optimal, that its immune system is competent and avoid any factor that could be stressful.

If you want to prevent your parrot from plucking its feathers, it will be very useful to follow the following tips:

  • You must provide your parrot with enough toys and periodically change their location
  • Your pet's diet must be complete and balanced, check with your veterinarian if it would be appropriate to administer a nutritional supplement at certain times or circumstances

It is important that you eliminate from the environment the factors that can be stressful for your parrot

Your parrot can get stressed if it doesn't get enough attention from you so it's important that you spend time with him

Consult your veterinarian about the most suitable products to deworm your parrot, how you should apply them and how often

Taking these preventive measures will help your pet enjoy a better quality of life.
