Pododermatitis in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment (WITH PHOTOS)

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Pododermatitis in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment (WITH PHOTOS)
Pododermatitis in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment (WITH PHOTOS)
Pododermatitis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment
Pododermatitis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment

Dogs' feet and hands are a delicate part of their anatomy, as they are in continuous contact with the ground, which can cause injuries. In this article on our site we will talk about one of the disorders that can affect them most frequently and that we will know by the name of pododermatitis in dogs We will see what will be presented by different causes and that a correct diagnosis will depend on the success of the treatment. Therefore, a visit to the vet is essential.

What is pododermatitis in dogs?

Pododermatitis is the inflammation of the interdigital spaces of the feet and hands of dogs and other animals as a result of various causes. Frequently, the trigger is a blow to the area or the action of a foreign body that has caused an injury. Therefore, it will be more frequent in animals that travel through wooded areas or carry out hunting, racing or jumping activities that can damage their feet or hands. By foreign body we understand any object that can cause injuries such as crystals, thorns or stones.

Pododermatitis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - What is pododermatitis in dogs?
Pododermatitis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - What is pododermatitis in dogs?

Causes of pododermatitis in dogs

Despite the above, pododermatitis has many other causes such as the action of irritating substances responsible for contact dermatitis, the allergies, the presence of parasites, such as mange mites or fleas, or the fungal development. Likewise, diseases of endocrine origin such as hypothyroidism, autoimmune disease or interdigital cysts are also among the list of causes of pododermatitis in dogs. In addition, psychological problems can cause the dog to lick the area excessively, causing dermatitis.

Signs of pododermatitis in dogs

In all cases, since canine pododermatitis can affect all four limbs, the foot or hand will present an appearance with the following characteristics:

  • Erythema, that is, redness.
  • Edema or swelling that may spread to the legs.
  • Nodules or small lumps.
  • Wounds, fistulas or blisters.
  • Serosanguineous exudates.
  • Swelling.
  • Limp.
  • If the dog licks itself, the hair in the area may be darkened.
  • Alopecia.
  • Pain and frequent licking, which aggravates the condition.
Pododermatitis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Signs of pododermatitis in dogs
Pododermatitis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Signs of pododermatitis in dogs

My dog has swollen paws, is it pododermatitis?

If a dog has swollen, red or peeling paws, it is possible that this is a case of pododermatitis, however, this is not the only cause that produces these signs. As we have said, pododermatitis in dogs, cats, rabbits and other animals is the inflammation of the interdigital areas, so if it is the pads that are swollen, we can think of the action of some foreign body or exercising for longer than recommended or with too much intensity. Thus, it does not have to be a case of pododermatitis.

On the other hand, a dog may have swollen paws from some trauma or from some problem circulatory. For all these reasons, it is essential to visit the veterinarian to perform a physical examination and determine the cause.

Diagnosis of pododermatitis in dogs

As we can see, there are many causes that can trigger pododermatitis in dogs, which is why it is important for the vet to get the diagnosis right. When only one leg is affected, it is more likely that the origin is trauma or damage caused by the action of a foreign body. On the other hand, if we locate pododermatitis in more than one limb, a diagnosis oriented towards an autoimmune problem, an allergy or scabies gains more strength. Examining the hair and skin of the area, the veterinarian can find parasites or mites. In cases where no cause is found, biopsy may be usedBlood tests would also be indicated.

Pododermatitis is an inflammation, which favors complications such as infections, giving rise to bacterial pododermatitis in dogs, which may also be called interdigital pyoderma, because it involves an infection in the spaces between the fingers.

Pododermatitis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Diagnosis of pododermatitis in dogs
Pododermatitis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - Diagnosis of pododermatitis in dogs

How to cure pododermatitis in dogs? - Treatment

In this section, once again, we insist on the importance of a correct diagnosis, since, for the treatment of pododermatitis in dogs to be successful, it is necessary to treat the underlying cause In addition to tackling this cause, FPD itself can be cured with topical treatment. In infectious pododermatitis in dogs of bacterial origin, the veterinarian will also prescribe the most appropriate antibiotic. If there are fungi, he will prescribe antifungals and if there are parasites, he will prescribe the corresponding antiparasitic depending on the species detected. The area is often cleaned with disinfectants such as chlorhexidine

Thus, if there is a foreign body stuck, the vet will have to remove it. Mange or any other systemic disease will require specific treatment and appropriate measures to maintain the dog's quality of life. Allergies will not be able to be cured, but we can follow strategies to alleviate their symptoms. For its diagnosis, serologies of environmental allergens or the elimination diet may be necessary. Scrupulous flea control is also important.

Pododermatitis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - How to cure pododermatitis in dogs? - Treatment
Pododermatitis in dogs - Symptoms and treatment - How to cure pododermatitis in dogs? - Treatment

Home remedies for pododermatitis in dogs

Home remedies, in these cases, should be addressed to keeping the area sanitized Of course, any cleaning should be done after the exam veterinarian so as not to hinder the diagnosis or worsen the condition. If we must apply a topical treatment, we can trim the hair around it. With gauze or cotton soaked in saline, we will clean the area before medicating. Any disinfectant or drug should be applied according to the advice of the veterinarian.

If we do not have physiological serum, we can use any neutral soap that we have at home, without perfumes. On the other hand, to relieve itching and discomfort, we can apply a cold compress to the inflamed area.

Is pododermatitis in dogs serious?

Pododermatitis is not a serious disease in itself Of course, it is important that we seek veterinary help soon so that the condition does not spread. complicate with a bacterial infection or the dog can aggravate the injuries if he bites or licks himself when he feels pain. Pododermatitis caused by a foreign body or trauma is usually easily resolved, but we must know that its diagnosis and treatment can be complex. Thus, in some cases, the problem for healing will be due to the difficulty in finding and tackling the underlying cause. For example, if pododermatitis is due to an autoimmune disease or allergy, treatment will have to be prolonged or lifelong.
