10 things a puppy needs - Essential

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10 things a puppy needs - Essential
10 things a puppy needs - Essential
10 things a puppy needs
10 things a puppy needs

Adopting a puppy is, without a doubt, an exciting experience. You will have a new member of the family in the home with a personality that you do not know and that it will be fun to discover. He will wait for you when you get home and you will enjoy unforgettable moments by his side, playing and sharing affection.

Now, before your new best friend comes home you should know 10 things a puppy needs and that are essential for your well being. Then we explain it to you, don't miss it!

1. Bed and blankets

Just before your new friend comes home, you need to purchase a comfortable bed for him. This must be adequate for its size and it is advisable that it be fluffy. Along with the bed, get some blankets that you can use during the winter.

When the bed is at home, it's time to determine the ideal place to place it. The best thing is to be in a space that offers privacy when you want to rest, but at the same time is integrated into family life. Place it in a quiet place and away from drafts.

Also discover how to teach a dog to sleep in his bed

10 things a puppy needs - 1. Bed and blankets
10 things a puppy needs - 1. Bed and blankets

two. Food and water containers

A container for food and one for water are essential to receive your puppy. On the market they exist in all colors and shapes, in addition to being presented in various materials, such as plastic, metal and ceramic These should also be chosen taking into accountthe size of the dog , because it doesn't make sense to buy a small bowl for a large breed dog.

The automatic feeders for dogs are a good option for those people who spend a lot of time away from home, however, with these utensils it is not possible to control the adequate amount, which can favor overweight and obesity. On the other hand, we also find water fountains that are very attractive to dogs, as they encourage them to drink more.

3. Toys

Play is a fundamental activity for the welfare, he alth and development of the puppy. In addition, when they are young, puppies tend to bite due to the growth of their teeth, which also usually causes them pain, so having toys that help redirect this behavior towards appropriate accessories is essential if we want to prevent damage to the environment. home.

In pet supply stores you will find all kinds of toys that your puppy can chew on, but make sure they are appropriate for his ageThese can be presented in different materials, from soft to more rigid; choose the one that best suits your puppy's needs.

10 things a puppy needs - 3. Toys
10 things a puppy needs - 3. Toys

4. Identification plate

Identifying your puppyis crucial to his safety. One of the first things you should do is order an identification plate with your name, your phone number and your name, in this way, if you get lost during a walk, the person who finds it could help you return with it.

In addition, today there is microchip technology, a much safer option. With it it will be easy to locate your pet in case of loss and it is a painless and safe procedure. Check with your vet this option.

5. Collar or harness and leash

When we talk about safety, the ideal is to minimize the possibility of your puppy getting lost, and the best thing to do is go for a walk using a collar or harness. However, what is better, harness or collar? Generally the use of a harness is recommended, since it is usually safer and prevents damage to the neck in the event that the dog pulls on the leash.

As for the strap, it is highly advisable to choose one between 1 and 3 meters long,preferably adjustable , which will help us offer the puppy a good ride and freedom. If you are a responsible human companion, do not forget to walk with your dog always using the collar and the leash, because only in this way will you be protecting it from possible loss. Of course, remember that you can only take your puppy out when he has all his vaccinations up to date.

You may be interested in learning how to walk a puppy on a leash for the first time.

10 things a puppy needs - 5. Collar or harness and leash
10 things a puppy needs - 5. Collar or harness and leash

6. Hygiene accessories

One of the things that a puppy needs is to have hygiene accessories, because at this stage they tend to get dirty easily if we let them. Although you should wait for your puppy to have his vaccinations before giving him a bath for the first time, it is worth acquiring the necessary accessories to give him a bath when he requires it. In the meantime, you can purchase puppy dog wipes

Remember that you should always choose specific products for dogs. Consult your veterinarian to find out which comb is best suited to your hair type, as well as shampoo and conditioner.

7. Transpontine for dogs

The carrier is a basic accessory for taking our dogs by car, likewise, it can also be interesting for veterinary visits when they are particularly ill. However, in the case of large dogs the cost of this accessory can skyrocket, which is why many people opt for a adaptable leash specifically for dogs instead

These items should be chosen with the size of the dog in mind. Ideally, you should be able to stand up and turn around when inside, as well as lie down comfortably.

10 things a puppy needs - 7. Transpontine for dogs
10 things a puppy needs - 7. Transpontine for dogs

8. Puppy education

That's right, not all the things a puppy needs are items you need to purchase. Education is crucial so that the relationship with your dog is harmonic, avoiding unwanted situations or behaviors, understanding the way in which he should behave and making it easier for him communicate with you or understand what you want.

The puppy's basic education should begin at an early age and you can carry it out yourself or seek the advice of a specialist, such as a dog educatoror a trainer. Some basic things your pup needs to learn might be peeing on the newspaper (until they can go outside) or bite control.

9. Socialization

We want to dedicate an entire section to socialization, as it is one of the most important things a puppy needs, since it Balanced behavior will depend on his adult stage. Puppy socialization begins around three weeks of age and ends around three months. It is a process in which the dog learns to relate correctly with all kinds of animals, people and environments. Once the socialization period is over, the fears appear

If we do not properly socialize our puppy, we will observe that he does not relate adequately to other individuals, showing fear, aggressiveness or other behavioral problems. It is also likely that he has difficulty adapting to the environment or that he is afraid of certain objects that we have not presented to him

It is essential that a puppy explores completely to prevent this. However, given that before vaccination it is not possible to walk a puppy in the street, it is highly advisable to attend puppy classes, where we can socialize him with other dogs, people, toys and environments.

10. Love

Care, affection and respect are the pillars on which the relationship with your dog should be sustained. It is no use buying the best things if you are not going to appreciate it as it should be or dedicate the time it needs.

Remember that adopting a dog is a commitment that can mean between 12 and 16 years of your life, depending on the hope of the breed, so you must be willing to fulfill your obligations and provide the comforts it requires. In return, he will reward you with love, protection, companionship, and loy alty.
