How do I know if my cat needs a caesarean section?

How do I know if my cat needs a caesarean section?
How do I know if my cat needs a caesarean section?
How do I know if my cat needs a cesarean section?
How do I know if my cat needs a cesarean section?

A cat's gestation period represents a season of excitement and some nervousness for both the feline mother-to-be and her human companions. Most cats are able to give birth calmly and without assistance, but there are certain situations that warrant human intervention

During the delivery, it is necessary to remain attentive but without harassing the cat, in case any difficulty arises. When this happens, there are several solutions according to each problem, so in this article our site presents a guide on how to know if my cat needs a caesarean section

Why use a caesarean section?

The gestation period for cats lasts between 57 and 65 days, after which the future mother will choose a place in the home to bring her new family into the world. Most cats are capable of giving birth without any problem, because in these felines inconveniences during childbirth are really rare.

The purpose of the caesarean section is to facilitate the birth of the puppies, extracting them through a surgical operation which consists of making an incision in the abdomen. When a cat has needed a caesarean section, it is likely that, if she becomes pregnant again, she will require the same intervention, so it is recommended to castrate her the first time this procedure is used.

There are preventive reasons and therapeutic reasons that motivate the application of a cesarean section, and each one depends on the conditions of the feline and the the signs that are evident during the moment of delivery.

How do I know if my cat needs a cesarean section? - Why resort to caesarean section?
How do I know if my cat needs a cesarean section? - Why resort to caesarean section?

Preventive reasons

Your vet may recommend a preventive C-section if your cat is a brachycephalic breed (such as a Persian) or with abirth canal too narrow (such as the Siamese), or if the puppies to be born are too large.

Both in brachycephalic breeds and those with a narrow birth canal, natural birth can lead to different problems, such as the puppies getting stuck, an internal tear occurring in the mother's body or suffering being Too big for the cat to bear. This does not mean that all subjects of these species are unable to give birth, but since the margin of complications is so high, a preventive caesarean section is recommended.

Regarding the size of the puppies, only through a echosonogram will determine the possibility of this problem occurring, of hence the importance of keeping the cat under veterinary control during the gestation period.

Therapeutic reasons

A therapeutic caesarean section is one that is performed when there are unexpected inconveniences at the time of delivery Although it is best to leave the cat calm when she gives birth, this does not mean that you should ignore her: provide a safe space days before so that she can use it as a nest, and when the time comes, watch what happens from a distance, so that you can detect any problem that could put her at risk. endanger the life of the mother and the kittens.

These problems have to do with the inability to give birth, and the occurrence of dystocia (tiredness of the mother due to exertion), a prolonged labor but without results (some of the puppies may even be born and others may not come out), no contractions, blockages in the birth canal, insufficient dilation, among others.

How do I know if there is a problem during delivery?

In principle we should not be alarmed if we observe vomiting, tremors and urine before delivery, it is quite common. After the uterine and abdominal contractions, the puppies will begin to be born, with a rest time between fetus and fetus of between 30 minutes and 2 hours.

It is normal that it may take a while for a kitten to be born, since the mother must clean them, give them heat and cut the cord, at this time we will not observe contractions. However, if we observe prolonged contractions without the birth of any kitten, we should quickly contact the vet, one may be stuck. Other signs of problems that indicate the need for this surgery are the presence of pus, greenish or black discharge.

If the cat complains, screeches, she seems too tired or faint, she needs immediate medical attention. Go to the specialist or call him to come to your home.

How do I know if my cat needs a cesarean section? - Therapeutic reasons
How do I know if my cat needs a cesarean section? - Therapeutic reasons

Is cesarean section reliable?

Today performing a caesarean section on a cat is considered a routine and quite safe procedure. Its success will depend, in the therapeutic case, on the speed with which the feline is transferred to the medical center.

Nevertheless, remember that cats that do not present problems in childbirth or that do not have a predisposition to suffer any problem in this process should not be candidates for caesarean section. This procedure prevents the puppies from receiving colostrum (milk that immunizes the little ones) and it may even happen that the cat rejects them.

The intervention is carried out using anesthesiaand in the next 24 or 48 hours the mother's instinct kicks in to take care of her litter. Consult your veterinarian about the best way to care for newborns during this period, since according to the state of the mother, it will be decided whether to place them to breastfeed immediately or not.

Recovering from a C-section is relatively easy. Follow the specialist's instructions to the letter and in a few days the cat will be the same as before. Once a caesarean section has been necessary, seriously consider spaying your pet, as chances are that if she becomes pregnant again, the same problems will recur during delivery.
