Care of a dog after a caesarean section

Care of a dog after a caesarean section
Care of a dog after a caesarean section
Caring for a bitch after a caesarean section
Caring for a bitch after a caesarean section

Having a pregnant dog at home can be very exciting for the whole family, who is waiting for the new members that are coming. During pregnancy, the future mother needs a series of veterinary care and check-ups to determine that everything is fine.

During check-ups it is possible to detect factors that could cause problems during childbirth, especially when the mother is brachycephalic. In the same way, difficulties can also arise during childbirth, which merit the performance of a cesarean section. After a surgical procedure of this type, the mother will need extra care, so we present this guide on the care of a dog after a caesarean section

How to heal the wound?

Usually a C-section takes about 45 minutes. It may have been programmed if a problem is detected in the ultrasound scans, or it may be an emergency measure when inconveniences occur during childbirth, such as labor that is too long and without results or weak contractions.

If the caesarean section was successful, the mother will require two days of surveillance at the veterinary clinic, after which she can be taken home. Back at home, your C-section wound requires daily care to heal properly and prevent it from opening or becoming infected. In this sense, what is recommended is to clean the wound every day with a little iodine or povidone diluted with water. It is cleaned with gauze and dried. Then, apply some healing cream

It is possible that the dog tries to pick at the wound, an act that must be avoided at all costs, because if the stitches are pulled out she can get infected or even expose her internal organs if you are not careful. Ideally, place a Elizabethan collar while the area heals. It will probably not be the most comfortable for the mother, but you can remove it under your supervision so that she can eat, for example, and then put it back on. In the same way, if necessary, a drug against pain will be prescribed.

Care of a bitch after a caesarean section - How to heal the wound?
Care of a bitch after a caesarean section - How to heal the wound?

Is it necessary to take care of the feeding of the bitch after the caesarean section?

As with any bitch that has just given birth, The feeding of the mother should be more careful after deliveryConsult your veterinarian about the type of feed or food that the mother requires, according to her nutritional needs and that of the puppies, since her diet will be directly reflected in the milk she produces.

In general, during the first days it is recommended to offer the dog food formulated for puppies, as this has a higher concentration of vitamins and minerals. Food must be available at all times. In addition, water is also extremely important and, therefore, it is advisable to change it several times a day so that it is always fresh.

Peace of mind above all

Obviously the dog will need a quiet environment both to recover from the C-section and to raise her puppies. The ideal is to reserve a space in the house with little traffic and without noise so that the canine family has peace, but without this implying that it is isolated from home life.

Prevents strangers from approaching the mother or handling the puppies, so as not to expose them to unnecessary stress.

And what about feeding the puppies?

After a caesarean section, it is common for the question to arise as to whether or not the puppies should be breastfed by the mother, so we recommend you consult your veterinarian about it, as opinions vary.

In case there is no problem with them being breastfed, you should be careful to don't get close to the wound and fold surveillance of its status. Similarly, the quantity and quality of food for the mother must be multiplied. If you are advised not to allow her to breastfeed, she will be in charge of feeding the newborns.

In either of the two options, immediately after the caesarean section, ideally, the mother will wake up and her little ones will be placed close to her, to stimulate the bond between the new family.

Now that you know how to care for a dog after a cesarean section and you know firsthand the risks of pregnancy, don't forget to consider the option of spaying her to prevent her from going through the same situation again. If you have doubts about this decision, don't miss our article on the advantages of neutering a dog.
