What are a dog's needs and how to meet them?

Table of contents:

What are a dog's needs and how to meet them?
What are a dog's needs and how to meet them?
What are the needs of a dog and how to satisfy them?
What are the needs of a dog and how to satisfy them?

The dog is an animal that, like any other living being, has a series of basic needs that must be met in order to grow up he althy. To a large extent, today's world is torn between two positions regarding the relationship we have with dogs: either we tend to humanize them, or we tend to deny affection and social contact as beneficial for the development of the dog. Which of these positions is correct? Or is there another?

When we talk about the basic needs of a dog, surely the first thing you think of is food and shelter, but are love and protection, for example, also essential? In the following article we tell you, we teach you what are the needs of a dog and how to satisfy them

Do dogs have needs?

You may think that adopting a dog is simply putting a bowl of food in it every day and taking it out for a walk from time to time, but the The truth is that living with a pet includes various responsibilities, because the dog has needs that must be covered by you.

Don't be scared, this does not mean that having a pet is something that overwhelms you, but rather that, before adopting, the ideal is that you are aware of everything your dog needs so that so you understand the responsibility you have as a tutor and, at the same time, analyze if you have the resources to be able to satisfy them. Food, water and a bed are essential elements for your dog's development, but he also needs others that, perhaps, you can't imagine how important they are for him to lead a he althy and balanced life. In this regard, the canine trainer and Master in Psychology Linda Michaels has created a pyramid with the needs of the dog, we detail it below.

Basic he alth needs of a dog

A dog's biological needs encompass all the essential elements to keep its body he althy.


Quality food, according to its activity, age and he alth status is crucial for the proper physical development of your dog. There are options on the market, from dry to wet or semi-wet feed, and it is even possible that you choose to prepare homemade food. Regardless of the option you choose, the nutrients provided by the food must be adequate for your dog according to his age, since puppies, adults and Senior dogs have different nutritional needs.

Usually adult dogs can be fed one to two times a day, while puppies require more, three to four meals a day. Always watch the portionsaccording to the characteristics of your dog and his physical activity; Also, do not forget to serve the food that will be eaten at the moment, instead of filling the container for the whole day, especially if you follow a homemade diet.

When the diet is correct, the dog has energy to carry out his activities, his hair becomes shiny, his teeth look strong and he is cheerful and active. Also remember to avoid those foods that are toxic to dogs, such as onions, chocolate or alcoholic beverages, and limit the intake of treats or treats.


Just as important as food is water, especially in hot weather and when you feed your dog dry food. There must be a permanent container with freshwater in a place in the house that is easily accessible to the dog.

In order to avoid the formation of fungi, remember to change the contents and wash the container once or twice a day, especially since when you drink it will fill with saliva.

Home and Shelter

A space at home with his bed and his toys, blankets for the cold and the respect for this space on the part of the other members of the family nucleus are crucial for the he alth of the animal and, therefore, are part of the basic needs of a dog. You can go to this place to rest and also when you want to get away from the dynamics of home. Make sure it's cool in summer and sheltered from drafts in winter.


Having a exercise routine is crucial for your dog's physical and mental he alth. Depending on your pace of life, this part may be complicated, so before adopting a dog you should analyze if you will have the time to take it for a walk or take it to the park, since all dogs need to exercise daily.

If you already have a dog, it is very likely that you will take it out during the day to relieve itself, however, many times only a few minutes are dedicated to this, the necessary time for the dog to urinate and poop, and then back home. This is a serious mistake, since the dog also needs to run, walk and get some fresh air, in addition to playing Try to take him out within half an hour, for small dogs, and one hour for large, hyperactive dogs. Complete this walk time with other games, such as chasing the ball, finding treats or toys inside the house (sown), intelligence games, among others.

When you walk your dog, always remember to keep it on a leash or harness and make sure the place is safe before letting it go, to prevent him from fighting with other animals, suffering an accident or getting lost. See this article to learn "How to walk a dog to prevent him from pulling on the leash". On the other hand, if your dog suffers from any chronic disease, such as arthritis, heart problems, among others, consult your veterinarian about the most appropriate exercise and frequency.


A monthly bath (or more often, if you live in the country and your dog gets dirty),brushing once or twice a week, cutting your nails and keeping an eye on theear cleaning are crucial routines not only to keep your dog clean, but also to prevent or detect in time the presence of parasites, among other skin problems.

You can't also forget the oral hygiene to satisfy your dog's basic needs. Get a dog toothbrush and toothpaste and get your furry friend used to brushing his teeth. The ideal is to do it daily, but if it is very complicated for you, you can limit it to about four times a week. Dry feed also helps keep teeth he althy, as it helps remove plaque and any objects that may have embedded in the gums. Check out the article on "Different ways to clean a dog's teeth".

Veterinary care

Since he is a puppy, your dog should receive his vaccinations, as well as general medical checkupsto detect any he alth problem in time, in addition to the application of suitable antiparasitic products. Taking him to the vet in case of any discomfort is also part of your responsibility and is part of the basic needs of a puppy, adult and elderly dog.

In the same way, ask a specialist about the best time to sterilize it, it is a simple process with many benefits for your He alth.

What are the needs of a dog and how to satisfy them? - Basic needs of a dog for its he alth
What are the needs of a dog and how to satisfy them? - Basic needs of a dog for its he alth

A dog's emotional needs

Dogs experience emotions and need to cover several to grow he althy and mentally stable. Feeling safe is one of them, and it includes having a resting place where your dog can feel protected, surrounded by people who will not harm him and who hold a relationship of love and respect with him.

The trust in the guardian is also crucial and another of a dog's basic needs, just likeFeeling part of the family It is important not to confuse this with humanizing the dog, since part of his emotional he alth includes recognizing the emotional needs that are specific to his species.

In the same way, establishing the rules of the home with all the members and training the dog is necessary, in this way you prevent the animal is confused if one of the members of the house prohibits certain behaviors and another allows them.

It is also important to help the dog overcome his fears, but without pressure. To do this, it is necessary to allow him from puppyhood to explore, face different sounds and smells safely, with the company of a loving and understanding guardian who helps him feel safe in any situation.

Furthermore, the dog's emotional he alth requires that its reactions not be distorted with human feelings, give it time to adapt to the routine of the home and the possible changes that occur in it, and be attentive to the causes of changes in the character of the animal.

What are the needs of a dog and how to satisfy them? - Emotional needs of a dog
What are the needs of a dog and how to satisfy them? - Emotional needs of a dog

Dog Social Needs

One of the most basic needs of a puppy and adult is socialization. The dog is a social animal, so from puppyhood he needs to learn to relate to people, his own kind, children and other animals. Taking him for a walk in the park, inviting some people to the house, letting the children play with him under your supervision to avoid accidents, are activities that will allow your dog to socialize, remain calm with people outside the home and grow emotionally he althy. Consult the article on "How to socialize a puppy" or "How to socialize an adult dog" depending on the age of the dog you are going to adopt.

In the same way, strengthens the bond between the two of you by sharing games and fun times. During the games, take the opportunity to teach him the basic commands necessary to make going for a walk a pleasant experience.

What are the needs of a dog and how to satisfy them? - Social needs of a dog
What are the needs of a dog and how to satisfy them? - Social needs of a dog

Basic needs of a dog: training

Believe it or not, training is also a basic need for dogs, especially when you consider that they must live in society with humans and perhaps other pets, soestablishing rules is crucial for a harmonious relationship.

First, you need to teach him the basic commands, such as “stay”, “sit”, “come”, “take”, among others, in this way you can establish communication with the dog at all times. At this stage, it is best to use positive reinforcement, since it is the reward system (whether in the form of treats or pampering) that delivers success assured, as it encourages dogs to repeat the desired behavior until they learn it.

With the training you will teach him to follow you when you call him, relieve himself in the right place, respect which places in the home he can or cannot access, among other things. You can start this whole process from puppy, following the advice in this article: "When can I start training a puppy". And if you adopt an adult dog, you should know that it is never too late, so you can also start his education keeping in mind that patience and perseverance will be your best allies.

You can also train your dog to fetch, dodge obstacles, or other more specialized exercises that keep him mentally stimulated, depending on his age and need for physical activity. The most important thing during training is compression and patience, dogs learn many things if they are properly educated.

What are the needs of a dog and how to satisfy them? - Basic needs of a dog: training
What are the needs of a dog and how to satisfy them? - Basic needs of a dog: training

Cognitive needs of a dog

In a dog's life not everything is eating, playing and receiving affection, it is also necessary to stimulate him mentally and introduce him tochallenges that develop their intelligence For this, it is best to promote situations in which the dog can give free rein to his curiosity in a safe way, explore and get to know places, smells and people new.

It is a good idea to take him to different parks or to change the route of the ride, this way he will run into new elements each time that he will enjoy. At home, you can also stimulate him by playing hide (or yourself) for the dog to find. During the hours that he remains alone at home, a Kong for dogs is recommended, it will entertain him for a long time while he discovers how to extract the prize.
