Specific care of the bald rat or hairless rat

Specific care of the bald rat or hairless rat
Specific care of the bald rat or hairless rat
Specific care of the bald rat or hairless rat
Specific care of the bald rat or hairless rat

Care for a bald rat is specific because the animal itself already has physical characteristics that make it different, sensitive and special.

For a few years the rat has become popular as a pet due to its intelligence, its ability to relate and interact and especially for its docility. These are not aggressive and dirty animals as society transmits. Bald Rats are sweet and calm pets that you will love to spend time with.

Discover the specific bald rat care in this complete article on our site.

Habitat of the bald rat or hairless rat

The fundamental characteristic of the bald rat is its lack of fur, which makes it sensitive to cold and vulnerable to drafts also to sudden changes in temperature. For this reason it is important to locate the cage or residence of the rat in a stable environment and without direct sunlight since they are also sensitive to sunburn or irritation.

We will set a temperature between 20 and 22ºC without ever exceeding 30ºC

When you decide to adopt it, you must understand that your new pet will not recognize you and will not know who you are. Prepare a large and well-conditioned cage at least 1/2 meter wide and long. The size and quality of the cage will have a direct impact on a better adaptation to the environment and low stress levels: the physical and mental he alth of your new pet are important.

It is important that the bars are not too wide so you will avoid a possible escape.

Condition the cage with an absorbent substrate that does not produce dust (wood or cellulose pellets) in this way, when urinating and defecating, the bald rat will remain in a more hygienic environment. It is essential that you incorporate a drinker and a feeder, we recommend those that cannot tip over and remain rigid for better hygiene.

In addition, you should add enrichment of all kinds to prevent her from feeling lonely, frustrated or unmotivated (although if she is accompanied she should also have enrichment). The most used are wheels (always smooth, without bars through which a leg can slip), tubes, ropes, ladders, hammocks and hiding places. Get creative to make a unique and fun home for your rat.

Finally the rat will need a warm place to rest and sleep. To make it feel more secure in relation to its nature, you can incorporate two "bedrooms" as small sheds or corners where it will rest. To make it more fluffy you can use straw, mentioned above.

Specific care of the bald rat or hairless rat - Habitat of the bald rat or hairless rat
Specific care of the bald rat or hairless rat - Habitat of the bald rat or hairless rat


The diet of the bald rat is a factor that affects its longevity and quality of life. Although it is a somewhat different rat, the reality is that its diet is the same as that which we would offer to any other domestic rat.

On the market you will find specific feed for rats of different qualities, currently we can say that there are very suitable pelleted and extruded feeds. We will offer you the recommended amount of the product based on your current weight.

You can also add supplements to her diet that will make her very happy, discover which ones she likes and give them as a reward from time to time:

  • We can offer you a variety of fruit and vegetables but it is important that foods such as lettuce or watermelon (which contain a lot of water) are allowed to dry a bit before being offered since, as in any rodent, the excess can become diarrhea easily.
  • Diarrhea is very dangerous since, having such a small body, the rat can become dehydrated very easily.
  • There is a specific feed for young rats with a high nutritional value. If you notice that she is losing weight or is reluctant to eat, you can offer it to her as it is more appetizing.
Specific care of the bald rat or hairless rat - Feeding
Specific care of the bald rat or hairless rat - Feeding


As we would do with any other pet, the habitat must be completely cleaned (bars, tubes and kennel included) to keep scratches the spread of bacteria. Cleaning should be carried out weekly, it will depend on each case, look for specific cleaning products that cannot harm your he alth, never chemical detergents. You can use household soaps and rinse with plenty of water.

Food such as fruit and vegetables can rot, for this reason it is also important that we pay attention to removing them when they already have a decayed appearance.

The usual feed that we offer should also be changed if it does not seem to be in good condition. Likewise, and continuing with hygiene, we should regularly sanitize feeders and drinkers with innocuous products.

Although many people say otherwise, rats are very clean animals that spend part of their time grooming themselves and removing dirt from their bodies. Even so, if your pet is especially dirty, you can preferably wash it with a damp cloth. You can also wash it in warm water, without adding any kind of soap.

Of course, keep in mind that excess water could cause serious skin conditions. Do not overdo it and be careful with your rat. You must also be extremely scrupulous and dry quickly and thoroughly, you must avoid letting your pet get cold at all costs

Specific care of the bald rat or hairless rat - Hygiene
Specific care of the bald rat or hairless rat - Hygiene

Social needs and behavior

Like any living being, the bald rat or hairless rat needs to interact socially To do this we must think of having at least two rats at the same time time, if you already know each other better, search rat adoption websites (such as rats for adoption, la burrow or APAEC) for sociable specimens that can live with yours, it is a supportive and beautiful option.

Even if we have different rats or not, it is important to spend time interacting with them in an active, affectionate and positive way. Using food to get her attention is a good way to start dealing with her. Get candy or some kind of food that she especially likes and practice little tricks or intelligence games with her. As we have mentioned before, rats are very intelligent animals that will learn quickly

A curiosity that you should know that the bald rat will be more active at night than during the day. Don't adopt a rat if you are going to keep it cooped up all day. Bald rats are animals that will love to interact, relax with you on the sofa and accompany you wherever you go on your shoulder. Discover a great pet in the Bald Rat or Egyptian Rat.

It is difficult for the rat to bite you, for this it must be cornered, scared or attacked, in any case a rat that is suffering, he will flee before facing a great being such as the human being. Treat her with love and respect, as she deserves.

Specific Care of the Bald Rat or Hairless Rat - Social Needs and Behavior
Specific Care of the Bald Rat or Hairless Rat - Social Needs and Behavior

Coexistence with other animals

If we doubt the relationship it may have with the other animals in the home, it will be better Keep it in a safe and secluded place They can easily become into victims or "toys" by either your dog or cat. Always monitor any interaction and adequately protect the rodent's cage so as not to have any unpleasantness.

In any case, we do not rule out that the bald rat can coexist wonderfully with other specimens such as dogs, cats and even other rodent species, it will depend on each specific case. We must ask the specialist how to start the relationship and do it very slowly, always with care and supervision at all times.

The coexistence of the bald rat with other rats is totally possible as long as they have enough food, space and fun for both. Remember not to mix different sexes to prevent them from starting to breed uncontrollably.

Don't buy from a partner unless you know exactly what you're doing. We must avoid the irresponsible breeding of rats.

Specific care of the bald rat or hairless rat - Coexistence with other animals
Specific care of the bald rat or hairless rat - Coexistence with other animals


On a regular basis it is important to take a few minutes to inspect our new pet thoroughly for any he alth-related abnormalities. It is important that you look for any growth such as a tumor, that the incisor teeth are not broken or abnormally long, wounds and even look at the size of the nails.

Like any pet, it will also be of vital importance that this receives regular deworming because there are no commercial vaccines. Rats adopted through the Internet or from non-approved breeders can develop zoonotic diseases (transmissible to humans).

Look for the specimen in a shelter, foster animal center or approved breeders and it is that animals that come from recognized centers will hardly be carriers of parasites or other pathologies or zoonoses.

Some diseases that the bald rat or hairless rat can suffer from:

  • Mycoplasmosis
  • Stress
  • Respiratory processes
  • Sun burns
  • Tumors
  • Pyometra
  • Cystitis
