AMERICAN HAIRLESS TERRIER - Characteristics, care and behavior

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AMERICAN HAIRLESS TERRIER - Characteristics, care and behavior
AMERICAN HAIRLESS TERRIER - Characteristics, care and behavior
American Hairless Terrier
American Hairless Terrier

Despite being a very new breed of dog, the American Hairless Terrier is one of the most popular dogs in the United States. It is very similar to the rat terrier from which it comes, except for the absence of hair. It is an active, affectionate, loyal, energetic and intelligent dog with a great hunting instinct. For all these reasons, it will be easy to train if you are constant and pay special attention to their socialization period, in order to prevent future behavior problems.

Continue reading this article on our site to learn more about the American Hairless Terrier, its origin, its characteristics, its character, its care, its education, its he alth and where you can adopt a specimen.

Origin of the American Hairless Terrier

The origin of American hairless terrier dogs is recent. The breed began in the year 1972 in Louisiana, United States, with the birth of a hairless puppy in a litter of rat terriers, as a result of aall-natural mutation The pup, a female named Josephine , was raised by her keepers, Edwin and Willie Scott, hoping that his offspring would also be born hairless. Being such a new breed, to ensure a good gene pool is maintained, breeding programs with rat terriers are allowed. The wishes of the keepers were fulfilled and Josephine had several successive litters in which there were hairless puppies that interbred with each other.

In 1981 they created a base strain that would later become the new American Hairless Terrier breed. This happened as early as 1998, when the American Rare Breeds Association considered it different from the original rat terrier. His name was American Hairless Terrier. A year later, the Canadian Rarities recognized it as a breed. The American United Kennel Club did the same in 2004.

Characteristics of the American Hairless Terrier

The American Hairless Terrier is small-medium in size It measures between 30 and 40 cm and weighs between 4 and 11 kg. Its very muscular body is longer than it is tall, but, without a doubt, the most outstanding feature of this breed is the absence of hair The head is wide and proportionate and has localized wrinkles in the forehead area. The nose is dark or black. The ears are V-shaped. They usually wear them upright, but some specimens have them fastened or folded. The eyes are rounded or almond-shaped and preferably dark in color, although they can also be amber, hazel, gray or blue in combination with the color of the skin. The tail is raised. It is medium in length and wider at the base than at the tip.

American Hairless Terrier Colors

Since they lack fur, when speaking of color in the American Hairless Terrier dog, we are going to refer to the skin. This can be of the following colors:

  • White.
  • Spotted white.
  • Black and white speckled.
  • Brown.
  • Dark brown.

This leather is soft and very delicate. It darkens in the sun and the lighter colors can get skin rashes. On the other hand, some puppies of this breed can be born with hair, although it is rare. In these cases their fur is usually black, brown or gray.

What does the American Hairless Terrier puppy look like?

American Hairless Terrier puppies are born with a fine layer of “fuzz”, but gradually lose it until they are completely hairless at three months of age. Due to the behavior and distrust problems that these dogs can have when they become adults, it is essential that during their first weeks of life a correct socialization is carried out to avoid future problems of fear, distrust or aggressiveness with other people and animals outside their family circle.

American Hairless Terrier Character

American Hairless Terrier dogs are very lively, fighters, curious, happy and playful, as well as very affectionate, attentive, faithful and great adorers of their family. Another point that characterizes them is that they have a great capacity for adaptation, being easy to coexist with them in different environments and with different people. These are dogs that have a marked protective instinct of their own, so they are excellent guardians or watchmen. But this is also why they must be properly socialized so that they do not attack strangers, whether they are people or animals.

On the other hand, they are active and restless and love long walks, as well as digging and chasing prey. They require at least 30 minutes of active exercise a day in order not to develop behavioral problems derived from a lack of energy release.

American Hairless Terrier Care

Despite its medium size, this dog is very strong and needs to be active, requiring at least 30 minutes of daily exerciseto release your energy, whether it's with games, long walks, runs or walks. An inactive American Hairless Terrier is unhappy, will suffer from stress or anxiety and the consequence, ultimately, will be a reduction in quality and life expectancy. For this reason, providing them with opportunities to exercise is one of the essential care for these dogs.

On the other hand, since we don't have hair we don't have to worry about brushing and bathing is much easier and can be done when we see it dirty. However, the drawback of not having hair is the high sensitivity of their skin, especially that of lighter-colored specimens. This skin is prone to damage from the sun, cold or extreme heat. For this reason, in the hottest months and during the day, which is when there are more ultraviolet light rays that can affect your skin, you should protect yourself by using sunscreen. On the contrary, in the colder months they should bring dog coats or, if it rains, raincoats.

The food must be complete and contain all the nutrients in their proper proportions to maintain the muscles and strength that characterize the American Hairless Terrier. In terms of hygiene, the hygiene of the ears is important to prevent infections and inflammation, as is that of the teeth to avoid oral problems such as periodontal disease, tartar, cavities and infections.

Education of the American Hairless Terrier

Despite being a breed with high liveliness, they are dogs easy to train, if they are educated consistently, consistently and using the positive reinforcement, that is, if we reward the desired behaviors through prizes or caresses and do not punish or take away toys or food. In this way, the educational process is less stressful and faster and more effective for the American Hairless Terrier.

He alth of the American Hairless Terrier

With a life expectancy of 14 to 16 years, these dogs, in addition to the sensitivity of their skin, can be affected by multiple diseases such as:

  • Allergies.
  • Cushing's disease.
  • Hypothyroidism.
  • Malocclusion.
  • Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia.
  • von Willebrand disease.
  • Diabetes.
  • Portosystemic shunt.
  • Patella dislocation.
  • Hemophilia A.
  • Heart murmur.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Hip dysplasia.
  • Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease.

The best prevention is going for regular veterinary check-ups and whenever we suspect an illness. In addition, it is necessary to deworm and vaccinate to prevent infectious diseases and parasites.

Where to adopt an American Hairless Terrier?

If this breed has dazzled you and you think you are the right one to offer all the care and affection that these wonderful companion dogs need, the next step is adoption. To adopt one you must ask at shelters or shelters or search the internet for a responsible adoption center or some association specialized in picking up terrier dogs.
