My cat has bald spots above his eyes - CAUSES and TREATMENTS (with PHOTOS)

My cat has bald spots above his eyes - CAUSES and TREATMENTS (with PHOTOS)
My cat has bald spots above his eyes - CAUSES and TREATMENTS (with PHOTOS)
My cat has bald spots above his eyes - Causes
My cat has bald spots above his eyes - Causes

Like us, cats can suffer skin problems that affect the hair, causing it to fall out or lose density and, therefore, bald spots appear. There are many problems that can cause alopecia in cats, but when we talk about facial alopecia, specifically above the eyes, the causes can range from allergic diseases, through solar reactions, age, stress and genetic causes, to infectious or parasitic problems that require a correct diagnosis and veterinary treatment. In addition, these bald spots above the eyes may be associated with bald spots in other locations, itching, fever, scales, scabs, pustules or redness, among other clinical signs.

If you have started to notice that your cat has bald spots above the eyes, continue reading this article on our site to find out the causes that may be causing it, as well as their solutions.


External parasites may be the reason your cat is experiencing facial itching that causes excessive scratching and loss of hair above the eyes, an area where parasites likefleas or mites (such as those that cause the different types of mange in cats) can do their thing, irritating and disturbing your cat's peace of mind. In addition, these parasites are more difficult to detect than lice or ticks, which are larger, so if your cat is scratching more than necessary and has begun to lose hair above the eyes, go to a veterinary center to deal with these little parasites.

Treatment of feline parasitosis

The treatment will consist of the use of antiparasitic products such as pipettes or sprays and, depending on your cat's living conditions, it could It is advisable to use preventive products such as antiparasitic collars, which will protect your cat for a few months against external parasites that can not only cause alopecia above the eyes, but can also transmit microorganisms responsible for important diseases for your little one feline.

My cat has bald spots above the eyes - Causes - Parasitosis
My cat has bald spots above the eyes - Causes - Parasitosis

Contact or atopic dermatitis

Cats can lose hair in the area above their eyes due to inflammation of the skin or dermatitis secondary to an allergic process, such as a flea bite or contact with allergens, which lead to atopy, such as chemicals, mites, dust or mold, among others. These cats will not only have hair loss in the area above the eyes, but they will also have a lot of itching and redness, appearing in some cases with bloody wounds from scratching that can predispose to infections and hives. Atopic dermatitis in cats can be seasonal due to the presence of triggering allergens at that time of year.

Treatment of dermatitis in cats

The treatment will depend on the severity of the case Thus, we differentiate from the mildest, which can improve with topical treatment in the form of anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antipruritic and moisturizing shampoo or lotions, even the most moderate or severe cases that require the use of immunomodulatory drugs such as corticosteroids or cyclosporine. Antihistamines or oclacitinib may also be helpful.

My cat has bald spots above the eyes - Causes - Contact or atopic dermatitis
My cat has bald spots above the eyes - Causes - Contact or atopic dermatitis


One of the most common causes for a cat to have bald spots on its head is ringworm. Ringworm or dermatophytosis is a infection of fungal origin that can affect the skin of our cats and can also spread to people and dogs. In the feline species, the most frequent dermatophyte is Microsporum canis, although cats can also be infected by Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Microsporum persicolor, Microsporum gypseum, Microsporum fulvum and Trichophyton terrestrial.

This is a more frequent infection in kittens and long-haired cats Within the lesions produced by these fungi in On the skin of those affected we find circular alopecic plaques that can affect the upper area of the eyes, ears, face and legs, they also present skin inflammation, peeling and scabs, but the itching may not be present in many cases.

Feline ringworm treatment

The treatment of ringworm, being a contagious infectious disease, should include a thorough disinfection of the home at the same time that the cat is treated with antifungal treatmentorally, such as itraconazole, and topically through creams and shampoos.

My cat has bald spots above his eyes - Causes - Ringworm
My cat has bald spots above his eyes - Causes - Ringworm


All of our cats have hair in the area above their eyes that is somewhat finer than the rest, which allows the skin to be seen more easily, especially when exposed to sunlight or intense light. However, this fineness increases with age, appearing from 14 to 20 months of age in the most predisposed cats and being particularly evident in old age, when they may appear to have bald spots above the eyes. It should be noted that dark-colored cats, especially black ones, are the ones that can most suffer from this condition where this fineness is more evident as they present a greater contrast between the color of the hair and the skin.

So, if your cat has bald spots above its eyes, is elderly and does not show obvious symptoms of any pathology, it is most likely due to the common signs of aging In these cases, the only thing you can do is offer your feline the best quality of life and pay close attention to go to the veterinary center when necessary.


Bald spots in cats due to stress are more common than we think. Our cats are animals that are particularly sensitive to stress caused by many different causes, such as moving, new additions to the home, changes in routine, loud noises, travel, illness of their caregivers, etc. All of these changes can make your cat more nervous than usual and suffer the consequences of increased cortisol or stress, including excessive grooming leading to sheddingin some areas, being in some cases the face and the area around the eyes.

Learn to identify the Symptoms of stress in cats with this other article.

Feline stress treatment

It is important to keep our cats in adequate conditions and among them is a home that is harmonic and calm, without stress. Therefore, we must reduce all possible stressors that may be affecting our cat's he alth, but if this is not possible at the moment, we must make it feel better by using pheromones feline synthetics, such as those from Feliway, which help create that calm and relaxed environment to reduce the stress of the feline, as well as provide high and hidden places to take refuge and rest whenever you want.

It is also important that you have enough food, proper litter box hygiene, toys and playthings, and scratching posts; in other words, a correct environmental enrichment.


Folliculitis or inflammation of the hair follicles can affect the upper area of the eyes and causehair loss in that area together with itching and may also be accompanied by other lesions such as flaking, redness and scabbing. In some cases, it can be caused by feline acne when the sebaceous glands associated with the follicles act more than necessary and increase the production of keratin in them, causing blackheads that can become infected and cause inflammation of the hair follicle. This condition usually occurs on the sides of the cat's mouth and chin, but it could spread to other areas of the face such as around the eyes and even lead to pyoderma or skin infection, causing redness, skin inflammation, swelling and discomfort.

Feline folliculitis treatment

Treatment in cases of feline acne consists of the use of topical therapy using antimicrobial and antiseptic creams or ointments such as chlorhexidine or peroxide of benzoyl, in addition to good hygiene of the area. When a skin infection has occurred, the cat should also be treated with systemic antibiotics.

My cat has bald spots above the eyes - Causes - Folliculitis
My cat has bald spots above the eyes - Causes - Folliculitis

Solar dermatitis

Our cats can also suffer the consequences of the sun's ultraviolet rays, causing burns that can lead to hair loss and scabs in the affected area, which is known as solar dermatosis and commonly affects the face and the upper area of the eyes. In particular, cats with lighter colored eyes are more affected.

Treatment of feline solar dermatosis

The best way to prevent solar dermatosis in cats is to avoid sunbathing during the most critical hours of the day, especially in the summer months due to the increase in ultraviolet rays, that is, between 12 in the morning and 5 in the afternoon. Likewise, the use of solar protectors for cats is highly recommended. In the event that your cat has already been burned, you should take care of the area by using moisturizing and soothing products. We also recommend you consult this other article: "Home remedies to heal wounds in cats".

As you have seen, if your cat has bald spots above its eyes, the best thing to do is go to a veterinary center, since there are many causes and several of them require medical treatment. Any localized hair loss in cats should be cause for consultation.
