Homeopathy for dogs with osteoarthritis

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Homeopathy for dogs with osteoarthritis
Homeopathy for dogs with osteoarthritis
Homeopathy for dogs with osteoarthritis
Homeopathy for dogs with osteoarthritis

Many of us associate the appearance of osteoarthritis with older dogs, but it is a degenerative and chronic pathology that can also appear in young dogs and that requires treatment as far in advance as possible to avoid the progression of the disease and the patient's aggravation.

Generally the traditional treatment of osteoarthritis is only palliative and symptomatic, although it is true that better management of symptoms and pain can be achieved, some of the drugs used are also very aggressive for the body of our pet.

In this AnimalWised article we present a he althier and more natural alternative, discover how homeopathy works for dogs with osteoarthritis.

Arthrosis in dogs and pharmacological treatment

Osteoarthritis is also known as Degenerative Joint Disease (DAE) and consists of a degeneration of the joint cartilage (which prevents friction between two bony ends) that ends in deformation of the affected joint, which translates into less mobility and pain in the dog.

When osteoarthritis is diagnosed in young dogs, it is a hereditary disease, but in older dogs, this disease has multiple causes, such as the natural aging process, trauma and improper nutrition, although in some cases osteoarthritis becomes idiopathic, that is, without a known cause.

It is a chronic disease and there is no cure, therefore the treatment is only for relieve symptoms, the main problem is that drug treatment carries the risk of some side effects that end up damaging our dog's body.

A good example of this is the prescription of cortisone, steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the most powerful that can be used, however, they reduce the animal's immune capacity and cause excess weight due to fluid retention.

Homeopathy for dogs with osteoarthritis - Osteoarthritis in dogs and pharmacological treatment
Homeopathy for dogs with osteoarthritis - Osteoarthritis in dogs and pharmacological treatment

Homeopathy for dogs with osteoarthritis

Homeopathy is a natural therapy whose main characteristic is that it does not treat the disease, but rather the patient. This means that homeopathic treatment in case of osteoarthritis is not the same for all dogs, since the success of homeopathy lies in the individualization of each sick patient.

This means that in order to treat canine osteoarthritis with homeopathyit is taken into account how the dog manifests its symptoms, what they are these and at what times of the day he seems to feel aggravated. In the same way, all the medical history of the dog, all the pathologies manifested previously and the circumstances of its birth and upbringing will also be taken into account.

In this way, homeopathy manages to improve osteoarthritis taking into account the specific way in which each dog manifests this disease.

The main advantage of homeopathy over pharmacological therapy is that homeopathic remedies are harmless, they do not harm the body of our pet and there is no risk of it suffering any type of side effect.

Homeopathy for dogs with osteoarthritis - Homeopathy for dogs with osteoarthritis
Homeopathy for dogs with osteoarthritis - Homeopathy for dogs with osteoarthritis

Homeopathic remedies for dogs with osteoarthritis

Only the homeopathic veterinarian can recommend a homeopathic treatment aimed at relieving osteoarthritis.

The veterinarian must decide the treatment based on the individual characteristics of the dog, for this reason, the remedies that we show you below only serve as an example and are presented as a guide:

  • Arnica Montana: It is one of the best remedies for bone and joint conditions that have been caused by trauma and on many occasions they are characterized by swelling and accumulation of blood or hematoma.
  • Symphitum: Reduces pain and helps regenerate bone and connective tissue (ligaments, tendons). It is especially important when osteoarthritis is complicated by a bone fracture.
  • Hypericum Perforatum: It is used to calm pain, especially when it follows a nerve path, it is also one of the main remedies to have into account when osteoarthritis has been caused by trauma.
  • Calcarea Phosphorica: This remedy should be taken into account in any pathology that affects bone tissue, it allows better absorption of mineral s alts, essential to keep the musculoskeletal system in optimal condition.
  • Mercurius Solubilis: It is a remedy to consider when the pain caused by osteoarthritis produces great prostration and fatigue, worsening especially at night or early morning.

The homeopathic veterinarian will decide how often the remedies should be administered and when it is necessary to reduce the dilution as well as the frequency of intake. Sometimes, the treatment alternates several remedies that are not taken together but in different periods of time.

Homeopathy for dogs with osteoarthritis - Homeopathic remedies for dogs with osteoarthritis
Homeopathy for dogs with osteoarthritis - Homeopathic remedies for dogs with osteoarthritis

Improve the quality of life of dogs with osteoarthritis

Relying on a homeopathic veterinarian to treat our dog's osteoarthritis is an unbeatable choice, however, to improve our pet's quality of life it is also important that we take into accountthe following tips :

  • Food is very important, through it we can ensure that our pet maintains a he althy body weight and it is also a tool to achieve a greater anti-inflammatory effect through supplementation with essential fatty acids Omega- 3.
  • It is important to provide our pet with a warm and cozy place where he can sleep and rest, because extreme cold and humidity aggravate osteoarthritis.
  • The dog should go for a quiet walk every day, however, physical exercise should never involve joint overload.
  • Start physical therapy for your dog with osteoarthritis.
  • Let him enjoy the sun's rays, a natural source of energy and vitality.
