Recommended fruits and vegetables for cats
Recommended fruits and vegetables for cats

Despite the fact that felines are carnivorous animals that, therefore, must base their diet on animal protein from meat and fish, they can occasionally be fed small amounts of fruit and vegetables. Some cats like them and, in addition, they can provide nutritional benefits.

Of course, you have to know that not all of them are suitable for cats, in fact, some are considered prohibited for them. In any case, you can choose from a lot of recommended fruits and vegetables for cats, like the ones we review in this article on our site.

Benefits of fruits and vegetables for cats

Fruits and vegetables are, above all, sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber and water, which perform multiple and important functions in the organism. For example, they provide antioxidants that help prevent cell aging and help strengthen the immune system. The nutritional properties of fruits and vegetables favor hydration and good intestinal transit, which is very important in cats to prevent the formation of hairballs and constipation. They can also help maintain the he alth of the urinary system.

But to take advantage of the benefits that fruits and vegetables can offer our cat you must choose those recommended for them, which are the that we will list below, and do not exceed the quantities, since the result could be digestive discomfort. Introduce them one by one to check that they do not feel bad to your feline.

Recommended fruits and vegetables for cats - Benefits of fruits and vegetables for cats
Recommended fruits and vegetables for cats - Benefits of fruits and vegetables for cats

Fruits cats can eat

If you wonder what fruits cats can eat, the truth is that there are many that they can safely consume, always in small quantities and as an accompaniment to what should be the basis of their diet, that is say, meat or fish, sources of animal protein. The best fruits for cats are the ones we review below.

Strawberrys and blueberries

Strawberries are very rich in vitamin C and fiber and have diuretic properties. They are a fruit capable of attracting some cats due to their appearance, taste and manageability. For its part, blueberries help prevent urinary problems, relatively common in cats. They are rich in antioxidants, vitamin C and fiber.

Melons and watermelons

Refreshing, moisturizing and diuretic, since they are mainly made up of water, both melon and watermelon are, due to their characteristics, highly recommended, especially during the hottest months of the year.


Digestive and astringent, it is one of the most recommended fruits, not only for cats, as long as we are careful to completely remove the seeds, since these could indeed be toxic to our feline due to their ability to generate cyanide.

Peaches and Apricots

Fiber and water to achieve a good digestive transit and antioxidants to combat free radicals are the fundamental nutrients that these fruits provide. Like apples and for the same reason, you have to remove the pit.


Its water and fiber content stands out, which improves the general hydration of the cat and its intestinal transit if it has a tendency to constipation.


Easy to digest, pumpkin, along with carrots and peas, is one of the most used ingredients to mix with meat in recipes for cats. It can help specimens with constipation problems thanks to its fiber content.


They can be given as long as they are well ripe and only the fruit, both raw and cooked, since it can be used to make homemade sauce if we want to add it to different recipes.

Other fruits

Papaya, mango, banana, pineapple, pomegranate, loquat, custard apple… As you can see, there are many more fruits that our feline could consume in small quantities without any problems. You will find one or the other depending on your place of residence and the time of year.

Recommended Fruits and Vegetables for Cats - Fruits Cats Can Eat
Recommended Fruits and Vegetables for Cats - Fruits Cats Can Eat

Vegetables that cats can eat

As in the case of fruits, there are many products from the garden that can be included in the diet of cats, as long as they are offered in moderation. We highlight the most recommended in the following sections.


Easy to digest, low in calories, antioxidant and cleansing, the carrot is a source of fiber and vitamins and one of the vegetables that is most included in the diet of cats to accompany meat or meat dishes. fish.

Peas and Green Beans

They are rich in protein, carbohydrates, fiber and vitamins, which provide our cat with energy, antioxidants and help regulate intestinal transit.


They constitute a contribution, above all, of fiber and water, as well as antioxidants. They have a purifying effect. All varieties of lettuce, well chopped, can be a complement to our cat's diet.

Sweet Potatoes

They are tubers that can be added to the cat's diet mixed with meat or fish. Potatoes can also be offered, but they contain solanine, so they should always be cooked first.


The list of vegetables for cats can't miss broccoli. Rich in vitamins, folic acid and fiber, it is another option suitable for adding to the feline menu, better washed, steamed or cooked.

Spinach and chard

Good for intestinal transit and full of vitamins, these are vegetables that we can add to our feline's diet, best finely chopped.

Other vegetables

What other vegetables can cats eat? There are many, such as cucumber, beetroot, cabbage, celery, asparagus, cauliflower, courgettes, peppers, artichokes or lamb's lettuce. All of them are options that you can safely choose to complement your cat's diet.

Recommended Fruits and Vegetables for Cats - Vegetables Cats Can Eat
Recommended Fruits and Vegetables for Cats - Vegetables Cats Can Eat

How to give fruits and vegetables to cats?

Depending on the fruit or vegetable we choose, the way we offer it to our cat will vary. Thus, fruits are recommended as prizes, giving small pieces peeled or washed and without seeds or pits. Vegetables can also be given raw, although it is more common to do it cooked, either boiled, steamed or baked. They are then mixed with the cat's main food chopped, grated or pureed to improve nutrient absorption.

In any case, fruits and vegetables should always be included in the diet in small quantities and in moderation and, if we cook them It will have to be without s alt or sugar. They should never make up more than 5% of the daily ration. Finally, some fruits and vegetables lend themselves to dehydration In this way they can be offered to the cat as snacks.
