Fruits and vegetables prohibited for dogs

Fruits and vegetables prohibited for dogs
Fruits and vegetables prohibited for dogs
Forbidden fruits and vegetables for dogs
Forbidden fruits and vegetables for dogs

There are fruits and vegetables that we should not give our dog under any circumstances and it is because they can Seriously affect his he alth.

If you have decided to start the BARF diet or you like to prepare homemade diets, you must remember that the dog is a carnivorous animal and should only consume a small proportion of green food in relation to its total diet.

For this reason, in this article on our site we are going to help you by offering a complete list of fruits and vegetables that are prohibited for dogs.


Avocado is, by far, the most toxic fruit that we can give our dog. Inside it contains persin, a fungicidal substance found in the leaves, in the seed and in the flesh of the fruit itself. In addition, avocado has a high amount of vegetable fat and toxins.

When our dog spontaneously consumes avocado, we can expect vomiting, stomach pain and evenpancreatitis In addition, if a regular or excessive intake of this forbidden fruit for dogs is given, it can lead to deficiencies of the pulmonary system or affect the heart.

Fruits and vegetables prohibited for dogs - Avocado
Fruits and vegetables prohibited for dogs - Avocado


Although many people claim about the high toxicity of citrus fruits, the reality is that they are not especially harmful, although this does not make it a suitable fruit for your dog. Its high sugar content contributes to obesity.

Due to excessive consumption of this type of fruit, the dog can develop gastrointestinal problems such as vomiting, stomach pain and diarrhea Although not serious, these he alth problems are not beneficial for your furry friend. Avoid giving him citrus and offer him foods that he may like better.

Fruits and vegetables prohibited for dogs - Citrus
Fruits and vegetables prohibited for dogs - Citrus


The onions, the garlic, theleeks and chives are toxic vegetables for your dog. If they are offered daily or excessively in a single dose, it can be a serious problem since they contain trisulfate and can destroy red blood cells creating a high risk of anemia

Forbidden fruits and vegetables for dogs - Vegetables
Forbidden fruits and vegetables for dogs - Vegetables


Another harmful and toxic fruit for your dog are grapes Without being clear about the component that makes them intolerable for your body, we can say that they cause damage to the liver and/or kidneys. As a consequence of eating large amounts of grapes, our pet may suffer kidney failure

Fruits and vegetables prohibited for dogs - Grapes
Fruits and vegetables prohibited for dogs - Grapes


The Raw potatoes, leaves and stem are high in solanine which is not only toxic to dogs, but also to the human being.

In this way and for it to become a product suitable for consumption we can boil it, with that it will be enough to be able to offer it to our dog. Remember that similar ones such as raw sweet potato should not be offered either.

Fruits and vegetables prohibited for dogs - Potato
Fruits and vegetables prohibited for dogs - Potato

Raisins and seeds

Other toxic foods for our pet are raisins and seeds It is important to highlight the seeds or pits of fruits such as peaches, peaches, apple, apricot, cherry or plums and they have a high content of cyanide that the dog cannot digest.

In any case, remember that you can give them the meat of the fruit, always removing the seeds or the pit as it is a rich food in fiber that in small doses is he althy.

Fruits and vegetables prohibited for dogs - Raisins and seeds
Fruits and vegetables prohibited for dogs - Raisins and seeds


Do you want to know more about feeding your dog? Find out about the different types of food for your dog, the amount of food recommended for him and even what you should do if your dog stops eating. Never stop informing yourself to give your furry the best!
