Complete list of recommended fruits and vegetables for guinea pigs

Table of contents:

Complete list of recommended fruits and vegetables for guinea pigs
Complete list of recommended fruits and vegetables for guinea pigs
Complete list of recommended fruits and vegetables for guinea pigs
Complete list of recommended fruits and vegetables for guinea pigs

The guinea pig (Cavia porcellus) is a herbivorous rodent that feeds mainly on hay, a dry legume that ensures the essential supply of fiber and is also essential for intestinal mobility. Apart from the pellets , which should be offered in moderation, the guinea pig requires an external supply of vitamin C, through the consumption of fruits and vegetables , since it is not capable of synthesizing it by itself.

It is very important to know in depth the fruits and vegetables recommended for guinea pigs, due to their fundamental role in nutrition, as well as to be able to offer a varied diet, which will also result in better well-being and enrichment.

In this article on our site we offer you a complete list of recommended fruits and vegetables for guinea pigs, read on to find out what they are and some recommendations when offering them:

Recommended fruits for guinea pigs

In the wild, guinea pigs do not feed on cereals, tubers or fruits, therefore, we must moderate the consumption of this type of food and use them occasionally, only as a prize In addition, among all the fruits, we must avoid those that are citrus. We can offer pieces of fruit to our guinea pig two to four times a weekDon't forget to wash them beforehand, cut them into cubes and remove the bones.

Some good fruits for guinea pigs are:

  • Apple
  • Watermelon
  • Pear
  • Cantaloupe
  • Peach
  • Pineapple
  • Apricot
  • Banana
  • Papaya
  • Peach
  • Carrot

Extra information about the fruit:

As we have mentioned, it is essential to avoid excess fruit in the guinea pig's diet, mainly due to its high water content, which can cause diarrhea, as well as its high amount of sugar. The most recommended fruit is undoubtedly the apple, although pineapple and banana can also be recommended.

Complete List of Recommended Fruits and Vegetables for Guinea Pigs - Recommended Fruits for Guinea Pigs
Complete List of Recommended Fruits and Vegetables for Guinea Pigs - Recommended Fruits for Guinea Pigs

Recommended vegetables for guinea pigs

In the wild, the guinea pig would feed primarily on hay, fresh grass, and green leafy plants, so it may be interesting to acquire cultivable grass for rodents, which will also help keep teeth he althy and prevent dental overgrowth. We must offer vegetables daily Don't forget to wash any food well before offering it and cut it into small pieces if it is too big.

Some vegetables that a guinea pig can eat are:

  • Lettuce
  • Endive
  • Arugula
  • Zucchini
  • Cauliflower
  • Cucumber
  • Canons
  • Eggplant
  • Spinach
  • Red pepper
  • Green pepper
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Green cabbage
  • Tomatoes
  • Alfalfa sprouts
  • Endivias
  • Celery
  • Pumpkin
  • Broccoli (leaves and stem)
  • Artichoke
  • Chard
  • Green beans
  • Dandelion
  • Tender shoots

Extra information about vegetables:

Among the vegetables rich in vitamin C we find peppers, arugula or lamb's lettuce. Meanwhile, celery and artichoke (in addition to moisturizing) offer a diuretic function. For sick guinea pigs we highlight chard. that work wonderfully to improve kidney or urinary tract problems and the artichoke, good for the liver.

Guinea pigs with overweight problems can increase the consumption of aubergine, zucchini and cucumber. On the other hand, guinea pigs that need to gain weight can take advantage of vegetables such as endives or pumpkin. The most recommended vegetables are broccoli, cabbage, and baby sprout mixes.

Complete List of Recommended Fruits and Vegetables for Guinea Pigs - Recommended Vegetables for Guinea Pigs
Complete List of Recommended Fruits and Vegetables for Guinea Pigs - Recommended Vegetables for Guinea Pigs

General tips for guinea pig diet:

Below we will offer you some basic advice related to guinea pig feeding, follow them to ensure that their diet is appropriate and that you meet all their nutritional needs:

  • Make sure your guinea pig is always available fresh, clean water.
  • Pay special attention to water in winter, as it could freeze if the environment is too cold.
  • Choose a good quality hay, fresh and dust-free.
  • The guinea pig must have unlimited fresh hay.
  • The commercial pellets contain the necessary amounts of vitamin C to avoid nutritional deficiencies, you must administer them following the instructions on the package proposed by the manufacturer.
  • The amount of pellets should be higher in young, pregnant, old or thin guinea pigs.
  • Check the prohibited foods for guinea pigs to avoid poisoning.
  • Monitor yourintake of food and water, as well as the amount of droppings you produce.
  • If your guinea pig stops eating and drinking, go to the vet immediately, it is a sign of illness.
  • Guinea pigs eat their own droppings, this is completely normal behavior.
  • Against overweight or thinness in your guinea pig, readjusting its diet if necessary.
  • See your vet every 6 or 12 months for a general checkup.
